(1) Dention

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You heard Peter sigh from beside you and you began to look at each other

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You heard Peter sigh from beside you and you began to look at each other.



"So, you got detention," Captain America starts off. They play the same video of him every single time you get detention and it still does nothing. It's just a cheesy motivational video with his old cheesy costume on.

"Thank god he got an upgrade." You whispered to yourself. You heard Peter sigh from beside you and you began to look at each other.

Although Cap had told you not to talk to him since he was on Tony's side, he never said where you couldn't talk to him. And you're friends. Friends always come first.

You raised your eyebrows at him and he did the same. "Hey." Someone called. You both turned to see Michelle holding up a picture of Peter with a cloud over his head. She then pouted at him.

You snickered as Peter rolled his eyes and turned the other way

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You snickered as Peter rolled his eyes and turned the other way. You mouthed to her "Good one." She smiled and began to draw

You tapped Peter on the shoulder and he raised his eyebrows at you again. "You wanna just leave? It's not like he cares." Peter nodded and you both grabbed your backpacks and left.


"You actually read comics about Tony?" You chuckled as your flipped through Peters comic books.

"Hey don't touch that!" Peter said as he swooped down from the ceiling and took it from you. "It's limited addition."

You chuckled again. "Yeah I'm sure." As Peter read the comic while hanging from the ceiling, you observed his desk some more.

"Can I ask you something?" He suddenly said.

You turned at him and leaned on his desk. "Hit me."

Peter got off the ceiling and set down the comic book. Whenever Peter puts down a comic book or stops hanging from the ceiling, it's serious. He hesitated for a moment, then asked "Why are you on Captain America's side?"

Here we go.

"Peter I've told you before why. We're not doing this again I don't feel like arguing right now."

"Yeah I know but, I just can't get it in my head. You have the chance to be on Iron Man's team, and you choose someone who's got a really tight red, white, and blue suit."

"Really Peter? Yours is tighter and you wear it all the time like a onesie, it's probably squeezing your insides like oranges."

"That's not the point. It's Iron Man Y/N. The Iron Man. How could you pass that up?"

You scoffed at him. "Peter, now let me ask you something." Peter nodded and crossed his arms.

"Are you on Tony's side because you think that he's a cool guy, or do you actually agree with him? Because there is a fine line between going along with someone and actually agreeing."

Peter looked around the room for a moment. "I mean yeah I agree with him."

"Because he's Iron Man or because you think he's right?"

Peter didn't reply. You scoffed again. "Peter, you really don't think sometimes do you?"

"But I-I just- I just want to be like him."

You sighed and grabbed your backpack. "I'm going home."

Before you walked out of his room, you turned on your heels and looked him in the eyes. "And by the way, not everything he does is good. Trust me."

You then slammed the door, leaving Peter alone.

Im not sure if this is good or not so please let me know in the comments! Also should I make a part 2?

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