{30} a final goodbye - updated

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okay, um, hi.

so i really hate to do this...because i don't want to do this...but i need to.

i am officially no longer writing fan fiction. for good.

i've tried to write fan fiction and imagines for this account, but i've just grown out of it. it makes me kind of sad because wattpad brings back good memories of being on here and seeing your lovely comments and votes, while also reading some of my favorite books (at the time).

but i need to be honest with not only myself, but to you guys too. i'm just not into it anymore, and that's okay. change is unavoidable.

i just wanted to truly say thank you to you all. thank you for reading my works and commenting and voting, it made me so so happy. i never really thought people would enjoy my works so much, so thank you for proving me wrong.

i hope you guys have a great year, and...

thank you. so so much. i'll never forget it.

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