{23} pool party

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You were never one for water.

Not that you were scared of drowning or anything, but you just hated that you had to get half naked to swim in it.

The image of hundreds of people in a waterproof bra and underwear running in the sand wasn't exactly your idea of "fun".

It wasn't that you didn't like your body either, but it just feels....awkward.

After winning the tournament, everyone wanted to have a pool party at the hotel. You obviously declined, but Liz's begging annoyed you to the point where you gave in. You weren't going to swim, you were just gonna go with them so Liz wouldn't keep pestering you.

Everyone had already gone down to the pool a while ago, and finally after a lot of sighing, you turned off your favorite movie and trudged towards the pool.

As you walked, you noticed a shadow approaching you. His clothes were dark and you couldn't see his face that well, so you tensed up. You began to make an escape plan as he moved closer- you were ready to bite his arm and scream as loud as you could if he tried to touch you. It was a generic plan but it could work- no one likes being bit in the arm.

But, luckily, you wouldn't have to use the plan.

"Hey Y/N." Peter smiled.

"Hey." You smiled back. Peter had been your friend for five years now, and to say you two were close was an understatement. You two were like twins- you needed each other to keep going.

"Did Liz tell you how we almost died in the elevator before her crush saved us?" You asked, chuckling at the image of Liz fangirling to Peter. You were now standing face to face with Peter, looking down at the smile on his lips.

"Ah, yeah. She wouldn't stop talking about it for a whole hour."

You raised your eyebrows. "Wow, I can't believe you didn't hang up on her."

Peter only chuckled, but he didn't need to say much else. You knew he really liked Liz; you'd known for a long time. You weren't the happiest about it, but you wanted Peter to be happy, and if she brought him happiness then so be it.

"You asked her to prom yet?" You asked, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet.

Peter glanced to the side. "Nah...I'm thinking of asking someone else." He smiled at the thought. You gasped slightly.

"Really? Well mister, spill! Who is it?" You asked excitedly. You leaned a bit closer to him with excitement.


You stumbled back a little and gulped. Peter chuckled at your reaction as you stared at him with a baffled look. "M-me?" You asked, your finger on your chest.

"Yes dummy you. You wanna go? I know proms aren't you thing but-"

"Yes!" You interrupted. Your answer came out a bit more excited than you would have liked, but you didn't care. You were ecstatic.

Peter smiled. "Cool." He then looked down towards the pool, seeing everyone splash each other and laugh. He didn't want to join the group, and he knew you didn't want to either.

"Wanna just go to the mall or something?" He asked.

"At 10? Aren't they closed?" You asked. Peter laughed at your ignorance.

"This is New York, Y/N, they close at 12."

You nodded. "Then let's go!"


I know this is really bad and I'm really sorry, life hasn't been that good lately so I haven't been able to think of good ideas. I'm going to try to do better because you guys are really supportive to me and I am forever grateful!

Thank you for reading!

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