(iw spoilers) peter.

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this post contains infinity war spoilers. you have been warned.


So much had happened, so much heartache, so much death, so much loss and tears and screams and sorrow. You hate for Thanos had grown past your expectations- it grew bigger and filled with hatred by the minute.

So many of your friends had been turned to ash, so much of your hope had been destroyed. Bucky, T'challa, Wanda, Vision, The Guardians, Sam, everyone. Everyone was dying off one by one and your screams mixed with theirs made your heart pump nothing but boiling blood.

You'd lost everyone, but nothing prepared you for losing him.

Peter was beside you, just as upset but trying to push forward. His face suddenly became pale, and he stumbled forward grunting. Tony saw the incident and the fear in his eyes scared you more than anything you'd seen today.

"Y/N," He whimpered, falling onto your shoulder, "I...I don't feel so good." You did your best to hold him up but he fell to his knees, tears in his eyes. You fell with him, trying to calm him down, trying to give yourself hope that wasn't there.

"You're fine Peter, you're just tired." You didn't know but you were crying. Crying because the person who mattered most to you was seconds away from dying, all because of one mans selfish desire.

"I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go." He whimpered. "Y/N please!" He begged. He was yelling and shaking, staring at his hands. It started at the tips of his fingers, then to his hand, to his elbow. He started to deteriorate in front of your eyes. You'd never seen him so scared in your life.

He looked up at you, his lips parted and tears continuously falling down his pale cheeks. He fell on his back, his entire body finally beginning to fade away.

"Peter!" You shouted. "Peter no please!" You begged, as if that would make him stop. Like that would save him, keep him from leaving you.

"I'm sorry." He whimpered. Sorry. He was sorry. He was sorry for something that wasn't his fault. He was sorry for not being the hero he wanted to be. He was sorry for leaving you behind.

Peter's face went blank, and he was finally turned to ash.

You ran your fingers along the ground. He was gone. He was really...actually gone. There were so many things you never said, so many things you should've. A wave of regret and a sadness you'd never felt before soaked your entire body. You couldn't move. You wouldn't move. You had to stay with him.

"Y/N..." you looked up and saw Tony's battered, broken face. "We have to go."


You stood at Peter's apartment door, trying to get the courage to knock. You'd asked Aunt May if Ned could meet there so you could talk with them both, and Aunt May being as sweet as she was, agreed. Tony wanted to be the one to tell her, but you insisted. Since he didn't feel like arguing he let you go, but now you were beginning to wish you'd let him do it instead.

You knocked on the door, tears already threatening to form. Aunt May immediately opened the door, the biggest smile on her face. She embraced you in a hug, so excited to see you home.

"Y/N, it's so good to see you! How was the trip?" Trip. Aunt May never said mission, she always said "trip". She would always say it made her feel secure because "nothing goes wrong on a trip." Peter would always beg her not to say it, and he probably would've done it again if he was there.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." You replied hesitantly. She let go quickly, examining your face. You tried to keep a calm attitude, but the eyes always give everything away. She stepped aside so you could come in. You sat in a chair in front of the couch after Ned greeted you.

Aunt May sat down, and then you knew you had to begin. You sighed, closing your eyes trying to contain yourself. You had to be strong for them. Peter would've wanted you to be.

"Where's Peter?" Ned asked. You played with your thumbs, shaking and biting your lip as the moment kept replaying over and over in your head. All you could do was shake your head, and that was enough for them to understand.

Aunt May's sobs were probably the worst cries you'd heard that day. She was blaming herself, saying she shouldn't have let him go, she should've taken better care of him. Her sobs were so loud you were scared others in the apartment would think she was being hurt. Ned sat beside her and comforted her with shoulder rubs and disagreeing with your statements. You tried to do the same, but you could tell that only time could heal the pain the three of you felt.



i might've gotten the death order wrong and if so i apologize, but i hope you all enjoyed 💌

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