(10) Peace

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 You watched Spider-Man dive down while Vulture stood at the top

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You watched Spider-Man dive down while Vulture stood at the top.


   You hung from the Empire State Building from the one and only Spider-Mans web. It felt wet and sticky in your hands, but you didn't really care. You just wanted to live.

You thought about Peter the whole time you were hanging there. How he'd probably be worried sick about you, calling your phone that fell all the way to the bottom, and broke of course. You wish he didn't have to the restroom. That's probably a weird thing to think about, but when you're hanging 1, 454 feet up by a web, you didn't care.

You felt the breeze brush your hair back, at least the strands that weren't sticking to your face from tears. You saw Spider-Man getting his butt beat by some weird metal monster type thing. You assumed his name was Vulture because he kept calling him that.

You thought back to how you got up here, trying to put the pieces together and figure out why this "Vulture" wanted you so badly. It was weird because it was only a few minutes after Peter had gone to the restroom.

You were sitting outside the Café sipping your coffee when you heard screams from behind you, followed by loud metal clanks. You had turned around and saw Vulture walking towards you. He then grabbed you, took you to the top of the Empire State Building, Spider-Man came and stuck a web to it and to your hand, and here you are.

It was like a movie almost, but not one you wanted to be in.

Where is he? How does he not hear all this? You asked yourself. Yeah he's in the bathroom but when all of New York is screaming, it's kind of hard to ignore.

And the worst part of ALL of this, was it was your and Peter's 1 year anniversary. You had always wanted to go to New York and he finally was able to take you, only for you to be facing your death.

You felt the web break again, causing you to scream. It caught Spider-Man's attention, and he scrambled over to you.

"Don't worry, you'll be ok," he yelled before having to throw a punch at Vulture, "just-just give me a second!" He finished while still fighting.

In a second I'm gonna be dead.

You looked down, trying to see that if you did fall, if there was anyone that could catch you or something. There were people around, but not anyone that was brave enough to catch you. And even if they did, based on the height, they'd probably die if you didn't.

So if you fell, that was it.

You looked back up to see him still struggling, and you sighed. You held back more tears that wanted to escape. If you were gonna die, you wanted to die brave.

You noticed they had stopped fighting and were now talking, you then listened intently.

"Ya know, you're not that bad for a kid." Vulture laughed.

"I won't let her fall." Spider-Man panted back.

"Hm. Let's test you then."

You could see him frown before a bright green ray of light came towards you. It's hot heat burned your hand, and before you knew it, you did what you were trying to avoid.

You fell.

It wasn't your hand that let go, it was the rope. He had shot the rope. Panic spread throughout your bloodstream while you screamed. You watched Spider-Man dive down while Vulture stood at the top.

Please catch me, please catch me. You pleaded inside your head.

In the moments of you falling, you thought of Peter. The day you met, the things you did, your first date, and even today. It was all so beautiful, how did it lead to this.

You didn't know when the ground was coming, but you knew it was soon because the building, as tall as it was, got smaller. And so did Spider-Man.

You closed your eyes and felt the wind on your face as a tear fell down your cheek. Your mind was blank and quiet. Peaceful almost. No random thoughts, no saying goodbye or I love you to anyone because you knew they wouldn't hear. Just peace.

The impact hurt, but it was quick.

Peter's web got you too late. He snatched off his mask, seeing your eyes still closed and your cheek still wet. You looked so peaceful, yet it still hurt.

He slapped your face a little, whispering your name. He whimpered and his lip quivered when you wouldn't answer. Your eyes were closed, cheeks wet with tears, quiet.

His sobs quickly turns into screaming and hyperventilating. He held you close to him while your head dangled in his arms. He didn't know how long he cried, how many people asked to help, or how many people called an ambulance.

He just knew he'd lost you.

Hopefully this wasn't cheesy 😅 Also
sorry if there are any mistakes, I didn't check lol.

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