Pizza and Troubled Problems

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~Friday, February 9: At Evelyn's House~

"Evelyn can you order pizzzaaaaa!" Jack yelled from my bathroom through the open crack of the door.

"Why?" I yelled back to him in the shower as I was laying down on my bed looking at the ceiling.

"Because I'm hungry," he yelled back.

"You want to eat pizza?" I asked him.

"No, I'm just gonna look at it when it comes, of course, I want to eat pizza," he said sarcastically back to me.

"Fine, but you're gonna finish it ok?"

"Nuh-Uh. You're gonna finish it with me," he said as he turned the water off.

"I'm not the one who wants pizza," I said sitting up on my bed and he came walking out with a towel around his waist and a towel drying his hair.

"Oh no!" he said looking at me worried.

"What?" I said looking at him worried.

"What do you mean what? What am I gonna wear? I didn't bring any clothes with me!"

"Ohhh yeah what are you gonna wear," I said. "Well, that towel could be a new style for you," I said laughing at him.

"I'm serious," he said sitting down on my bed.

"Ok let's see..." I said trying to think of something.

"I got it!" I screamed and Jack jumped.

"Jeez, now you're the one who's gonna give me a heart attack," he said with his hand on his heart.

"So how about this, I drive to your house and get you some clothes and you stay here because you obviously cannot come out of this house looking like that," I said gesturing towards his towel.

"That could work but there's just one thing that's wrong."

"What's that?"

"My stepbrother, one look at you and he'll want you."


"I don't know, I guess he was always jealous of me and he always hurts the people I love."

"Oh. Well, we need to get you some clothes and I'll do anything to help you out. How about if I just go without him seeing me, get your clothes, and get out of there" I suggested.

"If you can make it out alive then you can go for it." he said and we started laughing.

"Ok, well, I'll give it a shot," I said starting to get up.



"Be careful"

"Ok, I'll be back"


5 minutes after Jack texted me his address, I appeared in front of his house and all I can say is 'wow' because that is one big mansion. I parked my car and started heading to his door and I opened the door with Jack's keys.

 When I went inside I started heading upstairs to his room. Once I was inside his room I got a sports bag and put a bunch of his clothes in it as quickly as possible.

 After I was done getting his stuff, I headed out the door, closed the door and when I turned around I saw Jack's brother, Andrew, there without a shirt and a beer in his hand and I could clearly smell that he was drunk.

"Who are you and what do you want with my brother's stuff?" he said to me.

"I'm just a person who you don't need to know and I really should be going," I said and started heading to the stairs until he grabbed my hand and turned me around.

Jack's P.O.V:

'Is Evelyn ok?' That's all I could think about as I was pacing back and forth in her room. 'Does she need help? Is she in danger? Do I need to call someone?' I think I need to. So got my phone out.

"Hey... I need your help... yeah, can you swing by my house and see if Evelyn's there and if she is then can you make sure she's ok... I would but I'm naked and I told her that if she wanted she can go get me some clothes from my house... You got my key right?...Ok thanks, " and with that I hung up the phone.

Evelyn's P.O.V:

"No, get away from me!" I yelled as I was running away from Andrew through Jack's big house. 'This is it. I'm gonna die today. At least I'll die knowing that I did everything that I could do for Jack.' 

I headed to the front door but it was locked. Perfect. Then I saw a car pull up into the driveway and I started banging on the side window beside the door to see if they could hear me. Then the person was about to come out until Andrew grabbed me and threw me on the ground and the bag flew a few feet away.

"YOU DON'T JUST COME IN HERE AND TAKE THINGS FROM MY HOUSE YOU HEAR--" At that moment the door opened and Daniel came behind Andrew and punched him in the face and he fell to the ground.

"No, you hear! You are the one who shouldn't be hurting someone who you don't even know. You hear me!" And then he kicked him in the stomach. 

"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Daniel asked me as he offered me a hand and I took it. When I got up I got the bag and headed out the door to Daniel's car.

"Thank you," I told him as he started the car and started driving.

"You're welcome"

"Wait, how did you even know I was here?" I asked him.

"Jack called me to check up on you. I guess he really does care about you." He said as he looked at me.



"We're home" Daniel yelled as we entered the door. Then Jack came down the stairs in his towel.

"Oh thank God you're ok," he said as he came to me and gave me a hug.

"Yeah I'm ok," I said as I hugged him back and then we pulled away.

"I'm gonna go get your car, Evelyn," Daniel said as he opened the door.

"Ok here's my key and thank you so much," I said and give him my key.

"Your welcome," he said and then left.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Jack asked me.

"Yeah, now go get changed" 

"Ok," he said and headed up the stairs to change. I went to my room and ordered Jack's pizza.

Then Jack came back and we just talked about what happened until the pizza came. After we ate pizza, Jack offered to clean up and then I went to bed and so did Jack.

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