Day 11- 12

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Day 11
Roxas P.O.V~

I walked to the entrance of the school and saw Xion.

"Hi Roxas!"

"Hi Xion!"

I was a little more earlier than usual so we walked over to the library and read some books. When the bell rang, we had to go back to class. As usual I was really bored in class. It wasn't like I thought learning was boring it was just, I was really ahead in class. The teacher passed out homework.
Then the bell rang, and we went to out next class. I spaced out in class think of.. of.. nothing! By the time I came back to reality, class ended. I walked up to Xion and we went to the school library like always.

"Roxas, can you help me with our homework?"

"Sure what problem?"

She pointed at the problem. I helped her step by step how to do it and hopefully I taught her well..

"Thanks, Roxas!"

"No problem, glad to help," I smiled.

The bell rang and Xion and I walked to class together. In science class, we were told to do a project with anyone in the class and, one upperclassmate in Room 13, Mr. Luxord. Xion and I knew for sure we were going to be partners but, an upperclassmate? It was due 11 days after today. Which was about 2 weeks from now. The topic was, pretty much anything as long as your speech was at least a minute and you made a poster about it. Next, we had PE (Physical Exercise) which was the hardest period for the both of us. Xion and I had a low A so far. But, I had a feeling our grade for PE was going to drop. Then, we had join a club because, it was required. Xion and I both chose the reading club. Which all we did was sit in a room with books and silently read unless the club leader had us do something which was usually a summary of whatever you're reading. Finally class was over and Xion and I walked over to the shop. We bought our ice cream. Suddenly, there was this redhead behind us. He bought a sea salt ice cream just like us.

"Hey, are you eating sea salt ice cream?" We both nodded.

He dragged us to the place that Twilight Town was popular for. Their huge clock tower with two large bells. One on the oppsite sides of the tower. He made walk up the clock tower and made us sit on the edge of the clock tower. Where you can possibly fall if you were stupid.

"Isn't this a great place to eat ice cream!" He pointed at the sunset was rising.

"Wow! The view of the sunset is beautiful!" Xion commented.

"It sure is" I said.

Wait, do people normally pull you by your shirt and then pretend to know you?

We ate ice-cream as we watched the sunset go down.

"Hey, I never got your name," the boy we barely met said.

"I'm Xion," she said.

"My name is, Roxas. What's yours?" I asked.

"The name's Axel, got it memorized?" We simply nodded at him.

After we finished eating our ice cream we all went home. When I got home I opened my diary and wrote some stuff.

Today I hung out with Xion like usual but this time afterschool we met a spikey redhead. His name is, Axel. He made Xion and I eat at the clock tower which wasn't too bad because of the beautiful sunset. I had fun today.

Day 12
Xion P.O.V~

As usual I waited for Roxas to come. When he came he said he had to put something in his locker. I waited for him by our class. When he got back we went inside class.

Let's just timeskip to science class.

Science class came along. Our teacher, made us go to an upperclass and choose a partner for a project. I didn't know who to choose. Nor did Roxas. Until, I noticed some spikey red dude.

I whispered to Roxas's ear, "Isn't that who I think it is?"

"I think so.."

"I think we'll have to choose him, he's the only person we sorta know.."


"Roxas and I walked over to Axel.

"Axel, do you have a partner already?"


"Can you be our partner?"


"Yay! We'll meet you by the clock tower afterschool," Roxas and I cheered.

"Alright, I'll see you there," Axel said.

Then we had to go to our next class, and the next, next. Then class ended. We met up with Axel. We decided to eat ice cream before we started anythung related to our project. We walked up the clock tower and sat on the edge.

"This sure is a great place to eat ice cream." I said.

"How did you find this place?" Roxas asked.

"A friend of mine, we used to eat here together"

"So what are we going to do about our project?" I asked. They both shrugged.

"Alright then, let's just talk about it later"

We silently watched the sun go down. After we finished eating, we walked down the clock tower together.

"So where do you want to start our project, since we have no idea what we're going to be doing we should start today" I said.

"Okay, um.. we can work on it in my house" Roxas offered.

"Will your parents care?" I asked.

"I live alone"

"What about your family? I asked as he shook his head at me.

"I don't have one"

"Oh.. sorry"

"Anyways, let's go to Roxas's house then" Axel yelled.

"Oh I have to finish up some stuff at home, I'll go to your house one hour from now. Roxas, what's your address?"

"Here" he said handing Axel and me a piece of paper.

"Alright, I'll meet you two at my house at 5:00.

I looked over at the clock tower. The time was, 4:10 currently. Ohh no... My mom always makes dinner at 3:00. I ran home and opened the door to my house.

"Mom, I'm home"

I walked over to my mom that was waiting for me in the kitchen.

"What happened now? You're about an hour late..again," Mom said.

"I was with my friends, I need to visit my friend's house so we can finish a project up."

"Okay fine, just make sure you don't come back home too late," She said.

"I won't!" I yelled as I stepped back out the door.

My Life Changed When I met You- Xion x RoxasWhere stories live. Discover now