Day 31- 41

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Roxas P.O.V~

Afterschool, only Axel and I sat on the clock tower. Xion had to run errands for her mother. Riku and Sora said they had to do something, which they never told us what. (I'll leave it up to you to decide what you think Riku and Sora were doing)

"So how was your day today?" I asked.

"Nothing much, just the usual, you?"

"Same as always" I said.

"Is your luck with Xion getting better?"


"You know, are you two going out anytime soon?"

"Huh!? Of course not!"

"Hmm... at this rate, the love between you two won't be blossoming anytime soon" Axel's eyebrows moved.

"What are you implying?"

"Nothing, whatsoever" Axel smirked.

"Hmmm.." I sighed.


Once I got home, I finished my homework and took out my diary.

Sadly Xion and I weren't able to hang out afterschool today.

Day 35

Seriously, where is Xion? She hasn't been here for

Day 40
Xion's P.O.V~

Haha.. Just when I was told I had fully recovered I'm back at the hospital. Yesterday, I told my friends that I wouldn't be able to hang out with them yesterday. My head started hurting a lot.


"Roxas I'm going to be really busy later with my mother so I won't be able to hamg out with you guys later"

"Oh.. I see.. Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow" Roxas said.

"Ya, see you tomorrow" I waved to Roxas as I was heading home. I actually didn't have any business with my mom at all. I just had a small headache and didn't want to make Roxas worry. I rang the doorbell to my house and my mom opened the door for me. When I looked up to see my mom's face, my vision started getting blury.

End of Flashback~

I didn't know why though. Suddenly, I had woken up in an unfamilar bed. I looked besides me to see my mother that looked like she was scared to death. After a few moments I knew exactly where I was. Room 14 in the one and only hospital in Twilight Town. I could remember how this room looked like. I was forced to be in this room for almost my whole life. My mom kept on asking tons of questions after I woke up. Until, the door to this room opened and a blonde spikey blonde haired boy walked in.

"Xion!" The blonde boy yelled running towards me.

"Roxas?" I said confused because I couldn't quite see his face clearly.

"Xion! You've been absent for a while and I wondered what was up.. and I heard that you were here" Roxas said. "What happened?" I shrugged knowing the fact that I had collapsed once again. The nurse came in asking me a whole bunch of questions. After answering all of them, I was able to leave the hospital. I had a hard time walking on my own.

"You want me to carry you?" Roxas asked. "You look like your having a pretty rough time."

"Carry me? O////O Um uh er.. I think I ca-" I stopped to think. If I were to tell Roxas I can walk on my own he would probably would just let me be... would he? If I tell him to carry me it would be very embarrassing. What should I do?

"Um I think I can do just fine alone" I said.

"Are you sure?" Roxas asked. I pondered a moment.

"Yea" I blurted.

"Okay then"

A part of me kept on saying that I blew it. He gave me another chance and I blew it. I could've have had Roxas carry me. The other part of me believed what I did what right. It would just cause Roxas trouble. I wouldn't want to trouble Roxas for my sake... Roxas escorted me out the hospital.


Axel was waiting for the both of us.

"Axel! You both came. How did you two know that I was in the hospital though?"

"Your mom called me"

"My mom?! Um okay"

My mom had already left the hospital by the time Roxas and I walked out. She was probably waiting for me at home. Roxas helped me walk to my house.

Roxas P.O.V

I pulled out my diary.
Finally, Today Xion had woken up from her slumber. I couldn't pick up any sea shells these past days.. But, that doesn't matter. I'm actually really worried about Xion. What's up with her? This is her second time already that she has collapsed. Is jt something Xion hasn't told me?

Day 41

The whatever- assistant also known as blue hair guy came over today to talk to Xion again about how she should not have been absent these past days. After class Xion was called over to the main office to get detention. Axel and I came over to complain but, Mr. Blue hair guy didn't care. Afterwards, we met up with Riku and Sora at the clock tower.

" What happened why weren't you at school?" Sora asked. Xion shrugged. Axel whispered into Sora's then Riku's ear. "You see.. Xion was in the hospital these past few days." Sora whispered back. "Why? Was Xion sick?" Axel shook his head. "According to what Xion's mom said, Xion collapsed right in front of her house door."

"What are you three talking about?" Xion asked.

The three boys ignored her. "Roxas, did I miss anything these past few days" Xion asked. "No, not really much" Roxas said. "Who did you hang out with while I was gone?" Xion asked. "Afterschool, I would be with Axel" I replied. "So, who about during school? Did those bullies pick on you again?" "No, they weren't really around" I said. "Oh that's good." Xion said. At the evening we all parted ways and went home.

I lied to Xion. Of course I got picked on by Siefer and his buddies. They said insults for no reason like, Loser, Loner, and so on. Jee, I don't think I've done anything wrong to them before. Well, I was rarely in their classes so why would they even talk to me. Well, they were mostly in the same class as him..

My Life Changed When I met You- Xion x RoxasWhere stories live. Discover now