Day 14

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Roxas P.O.V~

We arrived at Axel's classroom. I was panting. So was Xion. We looked up at the entrance to Axel's room. Xion grabbed the door knob to Axel's Class. Before she was able to step inside, the bell rang "Ding Dong!" Xion closed the door as she heard the bell.

"Let's go to class, too bad I couldn't annoy Axel"

We walked to our first class. I sat down on my chair as Xion did also. We listened to our teacher as he made rants that weren't related to what he was supposed to be teaching. Xion and I exchanged a glance. Finally the first class ended and Xion and I walked to our next class.

"I can't believe he's a teacher! All he did was rant about this and that!" Xion yelled.

"I agree, I wonder how he got the job"

"Me too"

We sat in our seats. Luckily in this class, Xion and I sat next to each other so we just continued our talk over our teacher.

"I wish I could just breeze through class.." I said.

"I wish the teacher's can make classes a bit more interesting.." Xion added.

"Like how?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe they should just teach their classes right instead of yanking on about something else"

"That would probably make things a bit more fun.. I guess.. Well, I don't actually like learning but, I think it's way more better than listening to other teacher's useless speeches"

"I actually enjoy reading, because no matter how much we learn there's always so much more you can learn!"

"It's a nice way of thinking"

"Right?!" She agreed.

Ding Dong, the bell rang and we got up from our seat. We walked out and into the school library. Xion and I picked out a book and sat down. As I was about to read, I noticed something crimson red besides me. I stuck my finger between the pages to save where I was at and closed the book. I looked over at what was besides me.

"AXEL!" I yelled.

"AXEL?? WHERE?" Xion called.

Axel put his finger against his lips signaling us to quiet. I looked around the library and noticed we caught a lot of attention. Everyone in the library were also giving the signal that Axel gave. The librarian was glaring at the two of us. Xion and I exchanged a look of embarrassment. We went back to reading our books. I tapped on Axel's shoulders and whispered in his left ear.

"Axel, I've never seen you in the library before"

Xion came over to join the conversation. "You actually enjoy reading, Axel? I never thought you were the type that liked reading"

"I don't, I'm just studying for a test"

"Oh, for a second I actually thought you liked reading"

The bell rang, Ding Dong! We walked to our next class, which was science. We were told to discuss what kind of speech you were going to make. Axel's class went to our class. We went into our groups to discuss what we were going to do. Until,..

"Everyone! Forget what I said about making a speech about anything. This is a science class, make a speech or a presentation related to science"

"What?? But we already started" One group called.

"Too bad" Our teacher replied.

Xion P.O.V

I turned to our group.

"So what do we do?" I asked.

"I don't know.. Axel, any ideas?" Roxas asked.

"Me? I have to choose?! Hm.."

"Well, we can look through the science text books over there!" Xion pointed out.

"Sure, let's just look through the text books."

We walked over at looked through them. There was too much in the text books we didn't know what topic to do. Soon class ended and we went to our next class. I sat down in my seat. My seat wasn't too close to Xion's so class. When Xion was near me to talk, class seemed longer for some reason. After class ended we went to our next class. In that class, Xion didn't sit near me also in this class. Then, I had PE. Luckily, in that class Xion and I were able to be together. We both aren't very athletic. We had to play volleyball today. Xion and I were in the same team. It was tiring and difficult for me to play.

"Xion, do you think playing volleyball is hard too?"

I waited for an answer. But for some reason she didn't answer..


I look besides me.


Xion had collapsed on the ground.

"XION! Get up!" I yelled, trying ro wake up Xion. The people in my team ignored Xion and just continued to play their game. That got me really angry. But, I knew if I yelled at them, they wouldn't give a damn. Yet, for some reason they went up to me.

"Why do care for some stupid delicate girl" One of my teammates said.

"Oh, you're my old classmate. Your that stupid boy. " Another said.

"Oh it's that loner"

"You suck, all you do with your life is get straight A's"

Then another person that had gray short hair from the opposing team went under the net.

"Wasting time picking on someone in your own team? Great teamwork"

"This has nothing to do with you" A teammate of mine said.

"I know it doesn't I just want you to continue our game."

The gray hair boy looked at what they were crowding at. He was shocked that they didn't care about Xion.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you guys.. perhaps.. blocking this boy from taking her to the nurse"

"Why would we do that?"

"Then, get out the way"

They walked away from Xion and I.

"Hey, what happened to the girl" the gray haired boy asked.

"Sh-she.. colla- collapsed.." I stuttered.

"I'll go tell the coach what happened to the girl and you, you should take the girl to the office"

"Thanks.. umm"

"It's Riku"

"Thanks Riku"

I ran over to the nurse's office while I had Xion carried over my shoulders. I ran there as fast as I could. I knocked on the nurse's office door and opened it. When I opened the door, I noticed a note on the back of the door. I read the note.. I stared at it making sure I was reading it correctly but, I read the same thing each time..
"Absent: Mondays and Wednesdays"

What? Of all times now? Why is it that when theres always a nurse around when no one really needs one. Yet I need one now! WHY? There was some medicine and equipment around but, I had no idea what Xion needed. There was a bed in the corner. I layed Xion on the bed and used a spare blanket laying and tucked her in with it. I pulled a chair and watched her. I skipped reading club. Afterschool, two boys came in.

My Life Changed When I met You- Xion x RoxasWhere stories live. Discover now