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As I'm driving Dansby picks up on the direction I'm heading. "Why are we headed toward Marietta?" I just shake my head and continue my drive. Pulling into his old high school I smile triumphantly putting the car in park. "What are we doing here?"

I don't respond, I just climb out and make my way over to his side where I hold out my hand. Dansby sighs grabbing it letting me pull him out. "Grab your bat bag." I instruct holding open the back door.

"Taegan please tell me what the heck we're doing." He begs as I tug in onto the high school field.

"I am reminding you why you love the game." I pick up the bat and toss him his glove. "Hit the field superstar."

"Taegan it's dark." Dansby argues. It may be 11 at night but this was important.

Walking over to the light pole I lift the lever illuminating the field. "What were you saying?" I smirk leaning against the pole. "Now like I said, hit the field Swanson."

For the first time tonight Dansby lets out a chuckle as he jogs out to short stop. Getting in his position I raise the bat hitting him a ground. Of course he fields it flawlessly before throwing it back to me. We do this for around 2 hours, switching between me hitting to him and him hitting to me.

"So tell me, do you remember why you fell in love with the game?" I ask whipping the sweat from my forehead.

The smile on Dansby's face was the biggest I've seen in a while. "I do. And I realized something else too."

"Oh what's that?" I ask walking up to as he holds his arms wide open,

"I remembered another reason why I fell in love with you." He says encircling my waist with his arms.

"Yea what would that be?" I look into his brown eyes.

"Because you have the same passion for sports as I do, I mean that's what brought us together in the first place." I smile thinking back to that. "I replay that night over in my head all the time. How you were so lost in you're swing as Thomas Rhett played in the background. How I thought it was a good idea to speak up and ended up scaring you resulting in you getting hit by a pitch." I chuckle at the memory.

"You literally took my breath away that night Swanson." I joke making him shake his head.

"You could say that." He chuckles ducking his head down to my lips. "Thank you." He mumbles pulling away.

"For what?" I ask laying my chin on his chest and looking up at him.

"Loving me." I smile up at him, my heart so full.

"I think I'm the one who should be thanking you superstar."
"What the hell did you do to Dansby?" Megan laughs as I watch Dansby make yet another incredible play.

"I just reminded him of why he loved the game." I shrug watching the smile grow on Dansby's face as he pops up from his dive.

"Did y'all bang after?" My eyes widen at Megan.

"What? No!" I shriek. "I took him back to his high school field."

"Oh." Her lip juts out. "That's no fun."

"Not everyone thinks about sex all the time." I chuckle of course having mentioned it my mind drifts to Dansby and how good he looks in those baseball pants, more particularly how I won't be able to get them off him because they leave for the road.

"You're thinking about sex now aren't you." She chuckles watching my cheeks flush.

I shove her shoulder making her laugh. "Shut up."

As I'm watching the game my phone buzzes. Looking down I see a text from an unknown number.

From: unknown
You are beautiful

Confused I hold my phone out for Megan. "Do you know this number."

"Let me see." She pulls her phone out typing in the number and shaking her head. "No I don't."

To: unknown
I'm sorry, who is this?

I wait a moment before my phone buzzed again.

From: unknown
I could treat you better than Swanson

Not knowing who it was I ignore the text. Probably just a fan or something. Locking my phone I shove it back in my pocket and stand up cheering as Dansby gets a base hit knocking in Tyler Flowers.

"Excuse me?" Megan and I both turn to see a little blonde boy with bright blue eyes.

"Hi." I smile.

"Are you Dansby's girlfriend?" He asks looking up at me with hopeful eyes.

"I am." I nod.

He little boy reached in his pocket and pulled out a sealed envelope with Dansby's name scribbled on it. "Can you give this to him?"

I smile taking it from him. "Of course. What's your name cutie?"

"Austin." He flashes me a toothless grin.

"Well Austin, I will personally deliver this to him." I tell the little boy who turned to his mom with a smile.

"She's gonna give it to him momma!" He cheers running back up the steps to a lady with short brown hair.

She mouthed thank you before taking his hand and leading him back to their seat. "He was the cutest little thing." Megan coos as we turn back in our seats.

"He really was." I smile watching Nick get a base hit.

"You know who will have cute kids?" I raise an eyebrow to her. "You and Dansby! I mean think about it, both of y'alls hair is hella curly so your kid has no chance of getting out of it."

I laugh thinking on it. "At least he or she will be cute, with Dansby and I's genes there's no well we'd make an ugly baby." Megan nods in agreement.

"I can't wait to have a godchild." Megan comments making me shake my head.

"Well what about you and Ender? Y'alls kids will be precious!"

Megan shrugs. "As long as they don't come out with 3 eyes or some abnormal thing then I'm always going to think it was cute."

"True." I agree taking a sip of my drink. "Who would've thought 4 months ago we'd be in this position. Dating men that we both love." Megan then gives me a small smile. "You do love Ender right?"

She gives a small nod. "I think I do. Tae I haven't felt this way about a guy in a while."

"Have you told him?" I ask excited.

She shakes her head. "No but I think I will soon."

"Good." I grin. "We can all be one big square of love."
"You played great." I smile wrapping my arms around Dansby's neck in the club house

"All because of you." Dansby's always been one to give credit where credit is due.

I shake my head though and tap his nose. "Uh no I just reminded you of the reason why you play. Speaking of a little fan of yours gave me this today." I tug the envelope out of my purse and hand it to him.

"Did you read it?" He smirks know how nosy I am.

"It was tempting but no." I laugh. Glancing over I see all the players kissing goodbye and heading towards the bus. "Looks like you better go superstar."

Dansby glances over his shoulder and sighs. "I love you." He leans down giving me a peck. "I'll  be home in 3 days."

"I'll be here." I wink pressing another kiss to his lips.

"Watch after my girl will ya?" He referred to Bentley.

"Of course."

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