to hell with boundaries

819 27 1

"Sh, you'll wake them up, Calum," Michael whispers, leaning in to take more pictures of the adorable couple, spooning in Luke's bunk.

"They're already awake, Michael," Calum states, going back to noisily crunching his frosted flakes whilst looking through twitter.

"It's too early," I complain, sitting up anyways.

"Actually, it's noon," Ashton replies, not even bothering to hide the fact that he's taking pictures of us, as he continues to snap photos and posting them on twitter.

Luke sleepily opens his eyes, ruffling through his hair before snuggling into his blanket, and cuddling me again.

"Hey, check it out," says Michael displaying his laptop to us.

"Is that-" I was cut off by Ashton screaming, "OMG is that Lizzy and Calum on the front cover!"

I shot up, yanking Michaels laptop out of his hands, to read the online magazine article.

"Earlier this week, Calum hood, member of the rising band, 5sos, was spotted posing with a mystery girl, for the papparazzi. Sources say that the girl is on tour with them, but was not identified as one of their girlfriends. Pictures have been found of the girl with the band before they were recognized by one direction, and old tweets have confirmed that her name is Elizabeth Green. She has lilac hair, dip dyed indigo, and dark blue eyes. She seems to have been the closest to main singer, Luke Hemmings, and Main guitarist, Michael Clifford." I read to everyone.

"Wait, so why do they want to know about me?" I question them, looking around.

"Our fans are a lot crazier now, we have to explain to them who you are," Ashton replies.

"I know," says Calum clapping his hands excitedly, "we could do a twitcam!"

"That's actually not a bad idea," mutters Luke, speaking for the first time since I read the article.

"Great, we'll do it at twelve thirty, okay?" Replies Ashton, already setting up his laptop and tweeting the fans about it.

Luke, Michael, and I trudge to our suitcases looking for something other than pjs to wear.

Finally, I decide on black skinny jeans, Luke's all time low t shirt, my grey combat boots, and calums red beanie.

"I'm ready," I call out setting myself up infront of Ashton's laptop.

From somewhere in the bus, I hear someone say, "that's what she said." Soon after I heard someone else, possibly Michael high five that person.

Eventually, at twelve forty, we had gotten our shit together-on the outside anyways-and started the twitcam ten minutes late, as usual.

• twitcam •

Ashton: "Hey guys, it's 5sos, and we have with us here today, drumroll please, Elizabeth Trinity Green!"

Elle: "actually, you can call me Beth, or Liz, or izzy, or whatever the hell you want. *Luke clears his throat* well, anything except Elle, or Luke will flip shit."

Luke blushes and looks down at the ground.

Calum: "@asdfghjkl5sos_nicole, asked, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but who is Elizabeth?"

Michael: "little Izzy over there, is an old friend of ours, and is partially responsible for us getting our shit together for the first time ever-"

Elle cuts him off: "meaning I forced Luke to go to the first practice, because lord knows he was too damn stubborn to admit that he was scared. Also, I'm technically the older one, considering I'm an hour older than him.

All the boys faces turn pale at the same time.

Calum is the first to speak: Shit Beth, we're so sorry, we forgot you guys had the same birthday."

Luke looks beyond regretful: "how could I forget? We've spent almost seventeen years, sharing a birthday party." He's mostly talking to himself rather than the rest of the band.

Elle: "it's no big deal guys-"

This time it's Michael who cuts her off: "it is a big deal, Iz, we forgot your eighteenth birthday! Did you even eat any of the cake?!" Michael is beyond hysterical, choosing to ignore the fact that Elle is completely fine with not celebrating her birthday.

She wants to tell them that it's fine, because she spent her birthday alone last year, too, but she knows it will only make it worse.

Finally, Ashton comes to the rescue, reminding the rest of the boys that they are in the middle of a twitcam, and can confess their secretly kept undying love for her after they have answered the necessary questions.

Two of them blush, and the third one simply glares at the eldest of the band.

Elle herself, has been ignoring them and continuing her story of the time Luke tried to go skinny dipping in his neighbors pond, only to find that it was a koi pond, and that there we're live fish skinny dipping with him.

Elle: "well, bye guys, I hope I answered all your questions whilst the boys were fighting. If you wanted to ask me about something else that I missed just message me on twitter, @elizabethgreen. Hope you enjoyed! Bye!"

Elle blows the camera a kiss, and shuts off the webcam.

Finally, she turns to the four boys, who are having a full blown out argument, "go fight amongst yourselves, I'm going for a walk. See you guys later!" She gets up and leaves, swinging the door shut, and leaving the boys to sort out their problems alone.

When 3/4 of a (not really) punk rock band, are chasing you, all hell will break loose.

Prepare for the explosion.

Not all problems can be fixed by chocolate and flowers.

But some of them can.



i smell a storm brewing.

i love how Ashton was so blunt about how Luke Michael and Calum were so whipped by her.

teenage queen [hemmings] completedWhere stories live. Discover now