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I hate planes.

I hate airports.

I hate flying.

I hate Calum for convincing me to come.

Okay no, I don't really hate Calum.

We used to be really close.

Not anymore.

Not since you guys left.

The service lady is really rude.

When I told her that I get anxiety attacks sometimes she asked me if I wanted to sit in the special needs row.


Anyways, Calum.

Calum and I still text each other constantly.

I have a feeling that he's going to be the only one talking to me, considering that Michael and Ashton both hate me for what I did to you, although Ashton does call every once in a while, mainly to yell at me.

And of course, I practically shattered you.

Yeah, I'll be spending a lot of time with Calum.

Shit, I think I'm having an anxiety attack.

Okay, just calm down. Calm down.

I'm fine.

Maybe just a little shaken up, but I'm fine.


Maybe I'm fine.

There I go again with the maybe.

I wish I was sure about everything.

Maybe I could stop saying maybe.


Oh, Luke.

What have I done?

I dyed my hair lilac.

The tips of my hair are still indigo, though.

I like it.

Maybe this won't go as badly as I thought.



dedicated to @michaelsvans for making my day with her comment :D

teenage queen [hemmings] completedWhere stories live. Discover now