Part 1

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Hey everyone. You're going to start reading my first published fan fiction ever. I've been writing and deleting stories all the time. I figured I'd settle for this one and go from there. I'm pretty confident with it, and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it.
I'm overwhelmed with the amount of love and support I'm receiving. I never ever expected this. I'm happy you guys are enjoying it!
FYI, that in the picture, is Aaron.

Riley's POV:

Today was the day. I was moving into my new school.
I can't say i'm excited. But I'm not all that enthusiastic about it either.
I've heard a lot of rumors about it, and it was definitely one of those enclosed and illiberal we-never-get-new-kids type of school.
I've seen how small the school visually was. And just that, had my stomach churning in nervousness.
Besides, when was someone ever happy about the thought of moving into a new school? New people? New teachers? New friends? New everything really?
I sighed in agitation, as I ruffled my curly hair in all anxiousness.
I can do it.
My head was snapped right at the door once I heard a small knock.
"Riley honey, are you awake?" My mom's voice asked, patiently waiting for a reply.
"Yeah mom, I'm up" I assured, not having the physical or mental energy in me to actually get up from bed.
"I was just making sure, you never wanna be late on your first day" my mom had reminded me with her informing motherly tone.
Yet another irritated groan escaped my lips, before I eventually pulled the covers off my body and was soon missing the warmness it was supplying.
I. hated. school.
I honestly wasn't even in a mood to put on a good and presentable outfit. I couldn't be bothered with that right now. I was already late enough.
So I wore a simple black sweater which was a little too big on me, since I stole it from my dad's closet. Then I paired it with some navy blue jeans.
Yeah, don't judge. My dad's sweaters are comfortable.
I took one simple glance at my mirror, attempting to fix this messy bed hair. It wasn't too hard on me. It was curly anyway, and sat well on top of my head.
Once I had made sure I wasn't missing anything, I unwillingly left my room and stepped down the stairs.
I was met with my dad who was, as always, chewing on some pancakes my mom had made for him. He couldn't resist my mom's pancakes, or any of her cooking for some reason.
That reason being, she was an amazing cook.
"Oh, hey son" he greeted cheekily once he noticed me walking into the kitchen.
"Morning dad" I greeted him back, grabbing the piece of toast and jelly from the plate my mom had placed for me on the table.
She treated me like a little kid sometimes, and i frankly loved it.
"Not gonna join us?" I heard my dad asking, as he noticed how much of a rush I was in.
"Nah, I'm already late as hell" I told him hurriedly, putting on an apologetic smile.
I'd always wake up a little early to have some morning breakfast with my parents, but this is what happens when you hit snooze a thousand times.
He shook his head at my ragged words, "Good luck on your first day, try and have fun" he confronted.
I saw my mom hurrying down the stairs and flashing me a quick smile, before she placed a rapid and sweet kiss on my cheek.
"Yeah have fun sweetie, make some friends" she had said as well, her hands cupping my cheeks.
I swear I sometimes forget I'm seventeen, but I didn't blame them for being so overly supportive.
Once she let go of me, I gave them both a wide smile. "Thanks guys, I love you".
I didn't waste any more time before I headed for the door and left the house.
I truly do love my parents. They were as overprotective as ever, and as annoying as that can be sometimes, all they did was care. I was their only son. They just have faith in me, and that's all a son could ever ask for.
Now, I have already studied my way to this new school. All I had to do was keep walking forward. It was really close to our new house, which is why they chose that specific school for me.
I really hope it's nothing like my old one. Viscous and dark. I hated it with a passion.
Fortunately for me, it didn't take long to get there. Besides my whining over how much walking I had to do.
I walked into the loud hall, which was cramped with people by now. There were some people running, pushing one another as they did so. Some were in group circles in every corner. Some had their lockers wide open, and some were eyeing me up and down as they walked past me.
I was feeling extremely self conscious because of their stares. And the fact that I had no idea where my first class was didn't make things any easier on my pour soul.
Couldn't someone figure it out and come help me? I knew I wouldn't have enough courage to ask, or talk to anyone at all.
So I read each Classroom's name and number, but none of them were the one I needed.
"Hey new kid, need some help?" I heard someone yelling behind me, and I was sure by now, that they were talking to me.
I hesitantly turned around and was met with a tall caramel skinned boy. He had black curly hair, piercing brown eyes and a wide friendly smile on his chapped lips.
I nodded my head at his obvious question, thanking god someone had finally noticed my lost self.
I swear I felt like such a lost puppy. I thought this school was small. Guess I misjudged it quick.
"Let me see your schedule" he told me, his eyes on the paper I had in my hand. I handed it to him, and watched him as he read over my unfamiliar classes.
"You have two classes with me" he informed, which had me sighing in relief.
He seemed nice, maybe he could help me look around some more.
"Here, I'll walk you to your first hour" he offered, as he handed me back my paper.
"Thanks" I finally spoke, with a genuine smile grazing my lips.
I never asked him to help me around, but he already suggested it anyway. He didn't seem too bad. At least I hoped.
We began walking in unison, him towering over me, since he was much taller.
"Woah, I thought you weren't gonna talk for a second" he said through a light chuckle.
"Sorry, i'm not a very talkative person" I admitted, embarrassed by my own words. He didn't need to know that.
"Nah I understand" he said almost assuringly, probably noticing my expression. "It's only your first day" he added, sounding somewhat confronting.
I was glad he understood. Last thing I needed, was him judging me for being antisocial in this moment.
I only smiled at him, then looked down at the ground and avoided everyone's annoying stares.
Do they really never get any new students over here?
I felt like such an important person right now. Like Michael Jackson or something.
I shouldn't be complaining, but I just hate the unnecessary attention I was getting.
"Are you some kind of a model or something?" I heard the guy next to me, who I didn't get the name of yet, asking me.
I was honestly flattered, and I was sure my face was red by now. That was nice of him to assume.
"No, I wish" I said through a little chuckle, looking up at him now, "Thanks for the compliment though" I said with a thankful smile plastered on my lips.
Even though I get a lot of nice compliments such as this, it was unfortunately never good enough to make me accept or love my feminine appearance. But of coarse, I'd never say that to anyone out loud. All I could do was thank them.
Such words could make anyone happy.
"Well, here's your class" the guy had told me, snapping me out of my little isolated thoughts.
My eyes followed his, staring at the open door of my apparent classroom.
Just seeing all these random kids who were now going to be my classmates throwing random papers and yelling at one another, caused raging goosebumps all over my skin.
"Thank you for helping me" I ignored my tense judgements, directing my words at the friendly guy who had lead the way here.
"I'm Riley by the way" I finally introduced myself, figuring it'd be rude if I didn't after he took the time and helped me.
"I'm Brandon" he did the same, introducing himself with the exact friendly smile still on his lips.
"Nice to meet you" I told him cheerily, glad I have already established talking to someone here.
I was worried people would hate me or something.
"Yeah same here, so I'll see you around?" he asked with a raised and hopeful brow, getting ready to head back to his own class.
It just now hit me that he had a class as well. As stupid as that sounded. He was probably late because of me.
"Definitely, now go before you get in trouble!" I warned concernedly, shooing him away with my hands.
He laughed at me and my distraught behavior, before shaking his head and walking away. God I probably weirded him out already.
Either way, I watched him leave and blend in between the rest of the students, before I gathered enough courage and walked into my class.
The class and all the obnoxious looking students suddenly went quite as soon as I stood next to the teacher
It was awkward, and caused me to start fidgeting with the hem of my sweater anxiously.
I wanted to just go and sit in the corner alone where no one could see me, but I knew she had to introduce me and assign me a seat.
Things just never go my way, do they?
"Okay everyone, we have a new student in class" she spoke aloud, all eyes on her now. Or more like, us now.
"Give him your attention" she spoke loudly and clearly so everyone would hear her.
She was now staring at me, giving me a look that said 'say something'.
I wanted to die. die. die.
I could barely even say anything, but I tried and uttered "Hello everyone, I'm Riley" in such a low and shaking voice.
I bet no one could hear me. Why did I have to do this? It seriously triggers my social anxiety.
Everyone was saying hello back and acting all friendly, which did lighten up my mood just a little bit.
"You're gonna be sitting next to Corbin all the way in the back over there" she now lowered her voice, as she pointed at an empty seat next to the guy she was referring to.
After receiving my assigned seat, I reluctantly walked up to it and placed my bag on the floor next to the table I was sharing with the guy named Corbin.
"What's up?" I heard him asking with a deep voice, which had me turning my head to look at him.
I smiled at him, even though the bored look on his face hasn't changed.
"Just trying to survive through this day" I answered in all honesty, receiving a little chuckle from him.
I was relieved after I heard him laugh. He looked like he was gonna murder me any second now.
But that's probably because it's so early in the morning and only first hour.
He was about to speak, but refrained himself from doing so once he felt the silence in the class.
I didn't understand why they were all so quite all of a sudden, it was scary actually.
Was Jesus walking in?
I saw a very good looking guy walk in with the maddest look on his face. Even though he had on a blue jersey, I could see how muscular he was underneath.
He was tall, big, and mysterious looking. His hair was this dirty blonde color, and his eyes definitely seemed blue from here.
His bone structure was actually on point. I just now realized how thoroughly I was observing, or just looking at him.
I couldn't help myself. He was really handsome, and he definitely had this dark aura around him.
I was confused. Who was he? And why did everyone shut up the moment he stepped foot into this previously hectic room?
"Who is this?" I whisper asked Corbin next to me, the curiosity eating me up.
"Aaron Sears" he answered.

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