Part 3

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I woke up to the bright sun rays flashing right through my eyes. "Mom" I whined, stretching my whole body lazily. She just had to open the curtains like this every day and ruin my morning. "Get up honey" she said, "you don't wanna be late to school", she added remarkably. All I could think was, fuck school. I shut my eyes tightly while groaning, and forced myself to leave the bed.
I was not looking forward to school. Not in any way.
Aaron was probably patiently waiting for me outside with a chainsaw in his hand.
I cringed at the thought of that.
I got ready, just like i always do, putting on an adidas fit like the cool kid I was.
I didn't waste time saying goodbyes to my parents and leaving.
I was walking down the crappy road, munching on a raisin bagel my mom had made for me.
I noticed a car pull up next to me, making me stop in my tracks.
I tried to look through the tinted glass of the windows, to see who the weird person was.
A bit creepy if you ask me.
That was until the windows rolled down. I smiled widely at the sight of the familiar boy I made friends with yesterday in the hallway.
It's a relief it wasn't some kidnapper.
"Need a ride?" he asked with a quirked up brow. I could definitely use a ride right now.
I nodded at his kind question, and he motioned with his head for me to join him in the car.
It was quite for a while, since I'm awkward as hell and have absolutely nothing to talk about.
"So, how was your first day?" he asked, opening up a conversation to break the silence.
"It was uh" I trailed, not finding the right words to explain it. "Eventful, I guess" I spoke uncertainly.
I didn't know whether I should tell him about the small tiny bit of beef Aaron and I have as of now.
I heard him laughing next to me, "what happened?" he asked me oh so curiously, with eyes fixated on the road.
I sighed in defeat. "Aaron happened" I answered him truthfully, and received a questionable yet surprised expression from him.
Yeah, I'm sure he figured out what had happened by himself.
"Aaron Sears?" he asked me for clarification. I nodded my head.
Who else could it possibly be?
"Yeah, stay away from him" he sounded like he was warning me, "he's a dangerous kid" he added, causing me to frown.
What does he mean by dangerous?
I didn't put too much thought into it, since I wasn't bothered to care.
I didn't feel the need to tell him that I was about to get murdered today.
We talked about a few other things until finally, we made it to school. 
"Thanks for the ride" I thanked him appreciatively with a friendly smile, "yeah, i'll see you in class" he said, flashing a grin.
"Mhm" I hummed, before hopping out of the car.
I had to run. I was close to being tardy. I did not want that right now.
While I was running, which I really needed to stop doing, something, well someone to put it more precisely, caught my attention.
It was Aaron. Shirtless. His tanned skin was glowing under the sun, and his abs were literally popping.
He seemed to be too concentrated on his phone to see the girls drooling around him.
Wow, he definitely looked like a model.
He had a pair of blue shorts on, and a black hat covering his hair, making it seem like he was at the beach.
This was school for god's sake. I shook my head, pretending like I saw nothing, and continued walking to class.
I was desperately hoping he keeps his eyes on the phone.
Unfortunately for me, the girls attentions switched on me instead.
What the hell? Why were they all watching me like this?
I coughed uncomfortably, and looked back at Aaron, who was now looking right through me.
I had to avert my gaze, just to break the tense eye contact we were sharing.
Maybe he somehow went through amnesia and forgot about me and my big mouth?
It seemed not, since I watched him get off the ledge he was seated on. He was walking towards me.
Fuck, I didn't want to deal with this right now.
He came as close to me as he possibly could, and grabbed a fistful of my shirt in his hand.
We received wide eyes from everyone around.
His grey blue eyes were piercing into mine, causing me to look everywhere and anywhere but him.
Here we go, get yourself ready for the punch Riley.
I looked at him almost vulnerably, not really having as much strength as him to push him away, since he was much bigger than me.
Or maybe I was just waiting to see what he's gonna do.
His brows were furrowed angrily, and his eyes were inspecting my whole entire face. It made me feel uncomfortable.
"Just do it" I said, shutting my eyes tight and awaiting for the punch.
I just wanted it to be over by now.
I waited for a second, two, three, I swear it felt like a whole minute.
Why wasn't he doing it?
I opened one eye, and the next thing I see, is him letting go of my shirt.
I exhaled in relief, backing away from him and fixing my now messed up shirt.
"I'm warning you Riley" he spoke in a venomous tone.
What the hell? How did he know my name?
"Stay the fuck away from me, don't even look at me anymore. Just-" he cut himself off for a second, "just stay in your own lane and we'll be good" he finished with anger in his voice.
I watched him walk away, and he honestly left me shocked and confused. Really confused.
I saw a trio of girls come up to me with concern filling their eyes.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" one of them asked me almost worriedly.
"Yeah, yeah i'm fine." I assured them through a nervous chuckle.
Why did they even care?
"Thanks for asking though" I said, then walked past and away from them.
That was weird.
I was used to the admiration and heart eyes I received from girls, and even boys, but this was something else.
I was expecting myself to be the geek, the one that nobody even glanced his way.
I was all in my thoughts as I walked to my locker. I opened it and placed my bag in there, while taking out my books.
I was ready to head to class, but something caught my attention.
It was Aaron, kissing a girl almost hungrily against the lockers.
Her legs were locked around his waist, and it seemed like he was holding her up for good access.
Quite coincidentally, his locker was close to mine. Just great.
God damn it, get a fucking room at least.
Their tongues were literally down each others' throats, it was disgusting.
It felt like everything was going in slow motion, because for some unknown reason, his eyes weren't closed or fixated on the girl.
No, they were looking straight through mine while he kissed that girl.
He didn't even dare break the long and serious eye contact we were sharing.
It looked like he was purposely kissing that girl to see my reaction.
What the fuck? There's no way, I mean why?
I shook my head to dismiss those ridiculous thoughts, and continued walking as if I saw nothing.
Maybe he liked staring at people while kissing a certain someone.
Weird kink probably? Yeah, i'm guessing.
I walked into the loud class, minding my own business as I approached an empty seat in the corner of the room.
I didn't want to sit in his seat again, not after his threat today.
It's not like I'm scared of him or anything. I'd just preferred staying away from such bad influences.
I sighed and cupped my face in my hands, waiting for the teacher to come.
God, this was a class of lunatics.
I took out my phone, trying to keep myself company.
I went on Instagram and began scrolling through my feed, until I saw my phone being snatched away.
"What the-" I was about to curse whoever had the audacity to do that, but stopped myself once I saw the person.
I put on a fake pout, acting as if I'm hurt. "What's that for?" I asked.
"No phones allowed, remember?" he spoke so professionally.
I rolled my eyes at him.
"You don't even have this class, do you?" I asked, not understanding why he's here.
"Nah, just wanted to check on you" he answered, making it sound like i'm some baby he's obliged to watch.
"Thank you, I really needed that" I spoke with sarcasm dripping out my voice.
"Hey, I needed to make sure Aaron didn't open his dirty little mouth again" he said.
I saw a hand tapping Brandon on the shoulder, a sign for him to turn around.
My eyes widened at the sight of Aaron standing behind him, clearly listening to the conversation we were sharing.
"Why don't you say that to my face motherfucker?" he asked in an angry tone, raising his brow challengingly. "or are you too scared?" he asked with a smirk on his lips.
Brandon scoffed, brushing Aaron's hand away.
"Scared of who?" he asked, "you?"
This wasn't good.
"You should be scared of me bitch", Aaron spit, emphasizing the should.
His face was getting furiously red.
"What the fuck are you gonna do?" Brandon asked indecisively, "I'm not scared of you".
I needed to stop them.
I was about to speak, but before I could even utter a word, I saw Aaron's fist flying in the air and punching the crap out of Brandon's face.
Gasps were heard everywhere across the room.
Once Brandon got his consciousness back, he tried doing just the same as Aaron and attempted to punch him, except Aaron was much stronger.
He took a hold of Brandon's fist, and twisted his arm all the way to his back.
Brandon groaned in pain, but didn't just give up easily.
With his other free arm, he punched Aaron right in the stomach, causing him to let go.
"Guys stop, what the fuck!" I yelled, carelessly getting in the middle to try and stop these two wild animals.
I was shocked and taken aback once I saw his first coming at me.
I didn't have time to comprehend any of what was happening, and with no warning, he punched me straight through my nose.
I cursed aloud in pain, wishing I had never got involved in this mess.
I felt a warm liquid, which I now assumed was blood, dripping down my nose.
I looked up at the person who had done it, which was of course Aaron, while trying hard not to cry.
Call me a pussy or a mama's boy, but this hurt like hell.
I didn't know if I was imagining or seeing things, but it looked like he had a guilty look on his cold face.
I couldn't think straight anymore. I was desperately hoping my nose wasn't broken.
"Fuck, Riley" I heard Brandon next to me utter in concern. He grabbed a few napkins from he teacher's desk, and placed them under my runny nose.
"We need to get you to the nurse" he spoke in an urgent matter.
I only nodded at him. I hated them both so much right now.
"No" I heard Aaron's hoarse voice break into the conversation.
"I'm taking him to the nurse" he said in a possessive tone, grabbing my arm and walking me out of the class with no other words spoken.
I looked back to see how Brandon was reacting, but Aaron was too quick and I had a hard time registering all of this.
That just now, sent chills down my spine.
I looked up at him in a way that asked what the fuck he thought he was doing.
This was all his fault in the first place. He had no reason to act like my knight in shining armor right now.
I didn't have the energy to say any of this aloud, so I just walked with him to the nurse's office silently.

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