Part 4

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I had so many questions running inside my head right now.
Why would he help me if he was the one that hurt me in the first place?
Did he want to punch me for revenge?
Did he maybe care? Like at least 0.09%?
No, why the hell would he? He despises me, as well as everyone else.
I briefly looked over at him as he was walking next to me, thinking that, maybe he wasn't as bad as he makes himself look.
Ugh, the bleeding wasn't stopping. I hated it.
The napkins in my hand were soaked with blood, i felt disgusted just by the feel of it.
How far was this god damn nurse?
I'm glad someone accompanied me, otherwise I'd be stuck in a maze by myself.
He opened the door and left it open for me to walk in, which was a gentleman's move from such a cocky attitude.
The nurse looked up, gasping in shock, before getting up and approaching me.
She was a middle aged lady, with blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, and emerald green eyes.
She also had the oldest pair of glasses I'd ever seen on.
"Goodness Gracious, what happened?" she asked, taking the napkins away from me, and walking me with her to the sink.
I took a cup full of water in my hand, and washed my blood covered nose.
"Some asshole punched me" I answered in all honesty, my eyes glaring straight through Aaron's.
He sent a seriously irritated look my way.
The nurse sighed in defeat, washing her hands then grabbing two cotton balls, which she stuffed up my runny nostrils.
I probably looked ridiculous by now.
She inspected my aching nose with her hand, gliding her finger over the bridge of my nose.
"It doesn't seem to be broken" she spoke, relief washing over me.
Oh thank god, I was beginning to think that I was gonna die with a broken nose.
"See? No big deal" I heard Aaron's egoistic self speaking, rolling his eyes at me.
It took everything in me not to scoff.
Was he being serious? Just because it wasn't broken doesn't make what he did any better, even if it was an accident.
"Maybe if you didn't punch every living human being you see, I wouldn't be here in the first place!" my dumbass decided to defend himself. Seriously, I never asked for his help in the first place.
Why did he have to bring me here instead of Brandon, then make it seem like I burdened him?
Brandon would've at least treated me a little better than this.
Not that I needed to be taken care of in the first place.
Aaron clenched his jaw, stepping closer to me.
"Then you better tell your boyfriend to keep his pretty little mouth shut" he spat.
Boyfriend? Brandon? Me? Boyfriend?
He's mad for that.
"He's not my boyfriend" I clarified, a little chuckle escaping my lips. "What makes you think I'm gay?" I asked in a lower tone, so only he would be able to hear me. It seemed like he was at a loss of words, but soon enough, he began blabbering nonsense.
"How can you not be gay?" he asked in the same tone as me, "look at you" he added.
"Perfect brows, clear skin, which could only mean that you try on a thousand masks a day", he kept on talking, "the way you have girls eyes on you everywhere you go but you never glance their way".
Okay, does he hear himself?
"This is just the way I am, that doesn't make me gay" I defended, "your reasons are just pathetic".
Shut up Riley, shut up already!
"And even if I was, is there anything wrong with it?" I asked, trying to read the expression he had on his face.
He looked away from me and down on the floor, not answering me at all. I admit to myself that I do have questioning thoughts about my sexuality, but doesn't everyone sometimes?
I ruffled my hair and puffed a little. At least him staying quite is better than a homophobic and fucked up reply.
We both turned to look at the nurse, who was now minding her own business.
I was expecting her to be listening but no, it was like she was used to these kind of situations.
She was typing something on her computer, not looking up in any way.
I sighed and took the cotton balls out of my nose. The bleeding finally stopped.
An apology from him would be nice at least, but who was I kidding? I gave him one last look, before I left the room and shut the door behind me.
He's so freaking annoying!
I hate him. HATE him.
I walked down the hallway, ready to head back to class, but a girl heading my way stopped me.
She had long and dark hair hanging behind her back, and crystal blue eyes which were shining due from her tanned skin.
She was a bit shorter than me, but she looked like one of those cheerleaders on TV.
She looked at me with a soft look on her face. "I saw what happened" she spoke in a raspy voice, "are you okay?" she asked with worried eyes.
This is my second time seeing this girl. She was one of the girls that approached me earlier.
I smiled at her. "I'm fine, thanks for asking". I didn't know her, yet she took some time to ask.
We heard a door slamming shut behind us. That could only be Aaron.
I felt like rolling my eyes at no one in particular, but something caught my attention.
The girl in front of me's eyes were now much bigger and filled with excitement.
I looked back at Aaron. Did she like him or something? His eyes briefly glanced our way, sending a snarky look my way, but he continued walking and said nothing.
He didn't even acknowledge her, and that only seemed to disappoint the girl.
She looked back at me, her eyes now sending daggers my way.
She was such an angel to me a minute she suddenly turned into a monster. It sure felt like i poked the bear.
"Uh, what?" I asked awkwardly, not knowing what was happening. Was she bipolar or something?
"I was trying to be nice to you, but I can't even do that anymore" she spoke in disgust.
I was beyond confused right now. She took a step towards me, and pressed on my foot with her long high heel.
The heel was piercing into my skin, sending the worst pained feeling all over my body
I did the worst thing I could possibly do. I pushed her, causing her to fall back and straight on the floor.
She cried out in a scream, "you fucking asshole!"
Oh so you can step on my foot and hurt me all you want, but I can't push you and fight back?
What is this sorcery?
"You started it" I said, "what's your problem?" I asked, feeling the need to punch her.
This is why I hated girls.
They were so confusing and had all these mood swings that made me want to punch a wall.
"Aaron is mine!" she yelled, getting off the floor and stepping near me again.
I scoffed.
"You can have him" I assured, giving her a light pat on her shoulder.
"But if he ever dates a girl like you, he's one unlucky man" I added through exclamation.
I gave her one last glare, before i shoved past her and walked away.
I didn't want to have to deal with this whole Aaron drama bullshit.
I swear I thought i could somehow befriend the psycho for a second.
I just couldn't understand why everyone assumed that I was gay now?
I needed to prove them wrong somehow, even if deep inside, I knew I was into guys and only guys.
I can't live with that though.
I don't want to deal with the same drama again. The bullying. The humiliation.
I don't want it.
I tried to remain calm as I made my way to class.
Once I was there, I stood outside the door for a minute, contemplating on whether I should go in or not.
I gathered all the courage I can, and opened the door.
The moment I stepped foot into the class, all eyes were on me.
I heard whispers everywhere, some words sounding too clear.
I hated attention. So much.
I breathed in, walking over to my seat silently.
"Riley, we need to talk after class" I heard my teacher saying.
Great. I was gonna get lectured now.
I sat down, playing with my binder shakily.
This was supposed to be a new change for me, new school, new people.
How did I get involved with the school's biggest jock?
I couldn't wait to go home and tell my mom about all this.
About 15 minutes later, the never ending class was finally over.
I got up and slowly headed towards the door, desperately praying my teacher doesn't notice.
"Riley" i heard her calling my name so seriously, making me stop in my tracks.
I stood up immediately, putting on a fake smile as I faced my teacher.
"Come here" she said softly, me following her words which sounded more like commands.
"You're still new here" she began, "I know you're a good student" she went on.
Prepare yourself for the ultimate lecture Riley.
"But hanging out with these people is a bad influence", she was speaking the obvious.
"They will ruin you, and I don't want to see such a handsome and intelligent young man change so easily".
Ugh, It's not like I wanted to hang out with them!
"Promise me you'll stay away from them?" she said questionably.
I nodded my head almost immediately.
"I won't speak to them anymore" I assured, and that was exactly what was gonna happen.

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