Part 7

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The one and only Aaron^

I left the empty park and began walking home. It's only been a few days, and my name's already in everybody's mouths at school.
My life sucks.
I suddenly found myself wishing Aaron was here still. He may not know it, but that hug truly gave me an assuring and safe feeling. It was weird really.
I never would've imagined Aaron being the one to do that, or me liking it in any way.
Maybe he knew that this happened because of Rose's crazy obsession over him.
That she was doing all this to get rid of me and win him.
Ruffling my hair anxiously, i unlocked the door once I made it home.
Once I was in, I lazily threw my bag next to the door and walked to the kitchen where my mom was.
At first she seemed busy trying to fix the oven or something, but she looked up with a furious look on her face once she heard me coming in.
"Riley" she said my name in a cold tone.
This does not look or sound good.
"I got a phone call from school" she informed disappointedly, causing me to shake my head.
There's no way she believes this.
"Since when did you get yourself in such trouble? That is not the way I raised you Riley!" she raised her voice a bit at me.
God I wanted to say something and tell her that I had nothing to do with this, but she was scaring me.
I've literally never seen her this angry before.
"Mom, I swear I had nothing to do wi-" I was about to finish and defend myself, but she cut me off.
"Go to your room" she spat coldly, causing me to stop in my tracks.
"Mom" I needed to convince her. She can't believe these lies.
"Go, Riley" she repeated, more sternly this time.
I said nothing further. I hated how weak I was, how I couldn't manage to prove my innocence.
I hated everything about me.
I wiped off the tears that fell down my cheeks, and walked away silently.
She was the last person I expected would believe all this and see me as this kind of person.
She knows I won't and can never do such a thing.
What did I do to deserve this?
I went into my room and threw myself on my bed.
I started remembering all that's happened today.
I needed to talk to someone, I hated feeling so hopeless and alone.
But then again, who would even believe me?
If my own mother doesn't believe me, who will?
I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed the only number I currently have since I came here.
Brandon's number.
I knew exchanging numbers with him would come in handy some time.
It took him a while, but he answered eventually.
"Hey Riley" he said on the other line.
"I literally just heard about what happened" he explained, his voice sounding worried.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"Do you believe them?" I asked, my voice cracking without any control.
"No, of coarse not." he responded immediately, and that made me feel a bit better.
At least someone was on my side here.
"Do you need me to come over?" he asked, sounding hesitant from his voice.
I bit on my lip.
"I want you to, but there's no way my mom will let you come in" I explained honestly.
Last thing she'd allow right now was that.
She sees me as a disappointment at the moment and it sucks.
"Wait, she doesn't believe you?" he asked in a confused yet surprised tone.
"No" I restrained myself from tearing up again.
"But at least you do, and that's enough" I added, "thanks".
I heard him chuckling on the other line. "Of coarse Riley, someone so innocent and sweet like you would never do that" he said, my cheeks heating up  from his words.
I appreciated it. I knew he was right though. My mom knows someone like me cries over something as silly as an ant being stepped on.
How the hell was I supposed to touch and harm a girl that way?
"Sure you don't want me to at least try and convince her?" he asked, interrupting me from my thoughts.
I nodded to myself even-though he couldn't see me.
"No it's fine, thanks Brandon" I said, hanging up after we said our goodbyes.
That made me feel just a bit better. That someone believes me.
Someone I knew for such a short time, unlike my mother who has been my best friend since the day I was born.
I looked up at the ceiling, the events all coming back to me.
Especially what happened at the park.
Why did Aaron hug me? I thought he despised me, just like everyone else at that school.
They all think I'm some kind of a rapist.
God, my head was a mess.
I got up and off my bed, walking outside to the balcony.
It was awfully loud outside, and of coarse, the sounds were coming from Aaron's house.
It seems like he has friends over every single day yelling and dribbling balls loudly to piss me off.
As I assumed, they were all outside playing basketball.
His house was right across from me, making it easy for me to watch them.
After all, this neighborhood was as spacious as ever.
It seemed like Aaron had caught me staring, because for a second, I swear I saw him looking over here.
In a swift move, I turned around and went back into my room.
I probably looked like such a creep standing there and watching him.
I heard a knock on my door.
Furrowing my brows, I said "come in".
I assumed and hoped it was my mom, but I was shocked to see Brandon coming in.
My eyes widened, "Brand-" I was about to talk and ask why and how he got in here, but that did not happen.
I didn't have time to adjust to what was happening or even respond, before I felt him wrapping his arms around me.
I was in pure shock.
The hug caught me off guard and although it was very comforting, it was nothing like Aaron's.
I hate to compare right now, but they were completely different things.
"W-what?" I could barely even utter a word.
"I'm sorry" he said, backing away a bit. "I just can't help but get mad hearing those rumors about you", he confessed with sad like eyes.
I chuckled nervously. That nervous laugh that speaks confusion.
"Mad?" I asked, not understanding where his sudden concern was coming from.
I knew he was probably just being a good friend, but this felt like something more.
He said nothing, but only averted his gaze down to my lips.
I gulped, looking away from him. His eyes were piercing into mine, waiting for a reaction.
He tilted his head to the side, and the next thing I see is his face inching closer to mine.
Was he trying to kiss me?
I couldn't move a muscle. I couldn't believe he was going for it so easily.
Luckily, I managed to get away from him before he had actually done it.
With both my arms on his chest, I pushed him away from me. Not too roughly, but enough to get him away.
"W-what the hell Brandon?" I was speechless and confused.
He's gay?
Does he like me?
From the look on his face, I could tell that he was regretting what he'd intended to do.
"Fuck" he cursed under his breath, looking at me with guilt in his eyes.
"I don't know what's gotten into me" he admitted through a scoff. He looked away from me almost ashamedly.
"I've never felt this way towards anybody", "you're just so different" he said.
I wasn't able to say anything. I couldn't even open my mouth and form a proper sentence.
"You're so beautiful Riley" he added, causing me to scoff internally.
Beautiful? What am I, a girl?
He must've realized what I was thinking from the oh so obvious look on my face.
"I mean it", he said again.
"You're just unreal. Can't you see the reason that bitch is making up all these rumors about you?"
he asked, causing me to look down.
"She's jealous of you" he continued. I suddenly began feeling like I shouldn't have rejected that kiss.
Most times I'm so conscious of myself, that hearing this kind of stuff gets me all soft inside.
"I don't know why she's so jealous, but whatever it is, I don't blame her" he laughed as he said that.
I half smiled. "Thank you Brandon" I finally managed to talk.
There was this awkward atmosphere in the air and I hated it. I wanted to ask why he tried to kiss me, but I couldn't.
"I guess I'm just mesmerized by you", and that was a brief answer.
So in other words, he means to say he likes me.
This was the first time a boy has confessed to me, and the fact that I wasn't finding it weird at all confused me so much.
The fact that I found myself being okay with it, was so fucking messed up.
I knew I had that hidden gay side of me deep inside, hoping it'll never get out.
"I need some time alone Brandon" my chest felt heavy as I said that.
"This is all just so much" I explained.
The crisis happening at school and with my parents, Aaron, this confession I just received from a boy, and my confused heart at this moment.
How did it get to this?

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