Part 10

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This is a special chapter, because it is from Aaron's pov!
I realized I'm taking a while to update and that's because I'm so busy atm, so I decided to make this chapter a little longer to make up for it.
Let me know if you want me writing from both POV's, or just Riley's please.
In the picture above, is the daddy Aaron.

Aaron's pov:

"Aaron, I told you. You need to stop messing with the teachers here, they're only trying to do their job!" my dad yelled at me and scolded me inside his closeted office, where nobody could hear.
I scoffed. "No, you just don't want me messing with her because you're fucking her behind our backs" these words slipped out of my mouth and honestly, I did not regret saying them.
But the furious look on his face told me that maybe I should've toned it down a notch.
Not like I'm lying anyway, or even scared the least bit.
"Lower your voice before you regret it" he growled in a quiet tone.
Coward. That's what he is.
"Scared I'll expose you to all your students?" I asked pitifully, trying so hard not to put my hands on him.
"Don't act all tough now, boy" he scoffed in my face.
I glared into his eyes, and headed for the door ever so silently.  I didn't want to speak any further and bother my tongue.
Talking to this animal was pointless anyway.
I got out of his office and slammed the door shut behind me, and that caused me to receive a few confused looks from people.
I practically live in his office because of all the trouble I get myself into.
I headed for my locker, and opened my combination lock.
"Why so grumpy?" I heard a female's voice asking.
I knew that damn irritating voice.
"Not in a mood, Rose" I warned, making sure she doesn't try any flirty games with me right now.
I'm aware that this is my make out spot, next to my locker.
But I did not feel like kissing or even talking to anyone today.
Weird, now that I think about it.
I saw that sly look in her eye.
She twirled a piece of her hair around her finger, and bit on her bottom lip seductively.
She roamed her eyes around to make sure nobody was watching.
Once she realized she was safe, she brought her hand down to my crotch and playfully started touching me.
I grabbed her hand, trying so hard not to hurt her in the process and yanked it away.
"I said I'm not in the fucking mood" I spat out the words slowly and clearly for her to comprehend.
She opened her mouth in an offended matter and scoffed, looking shameful.
"Screw you, Aaron" she cursed, after she had flicked me off and walked away.
Not even her touch got me hard no more.
Trying not to think about that, I grabbed the same old notebook I've probably had with me for five years now and took it out.
I honestly did not give a fuck about school at this point, or at any point in my life.
I figured I had some time before next period, so I headed where my group of friends usually hang.
Not that I gave a fuck about my attendance or how much time is left.
"Aaron!" one of my boys hyped me up and yelled my name in his oh so manly voice.
He brought his hand up for a fist bump, which I shared with him.
Out of these five boys, I'm quite happy to say that I'm the leader.
I've been friends with them throughout my four years of high school and without me, none of them would be on the football team.
"Ya'll going to the barbecue today?" my other boy, Trey, asked.
"Fuck that, it's for losers" I exclaimed, not understanding why everyone's going to that dumb thing.
"Chill man, it'll be fun" Kian nudged me, hoping he'll convince me.
I rolled my eyes at them. "Fine" I gave in.
There was no point in missing out on the fun if they're all agreeing to it.
Besides, anything was better than home.
"Yeah" Kian smiled proudly, praising himself for convincing me.
Eventhough he didn't do shit, I just felt like going with it.
We all got into chatting and messing around until I saw him pass by.
After talking to him yesterday,I got this weird feeling just looking at him.
I fucking poured my heart out to the boy, and that's mainly because I felt this strange feeling of assuredness around him.
Like I can trust him.
I didn't realize I'd been staring at him till Miles had pointed it out.
"Planning on kicking some ass?" he asked, guessing it'd be that way since that's the way it is with me all the time.
"Soon, I think we may have to" I answered, after noticing that annoying snob Brandon walking behind him trying to catch up.
I hated his god damn guts.
If he wasn't gay then I'm announcing Neil Harris straight.
Riley noticed me and the boys staring and he seemed a bit tense after that.
I know he probably thinks I'll beat him up with a heartbeat, but I don't think I even have the heart to do that to someone like him anymore.
He acts all big around me and talks to me like a mother, but I knew that he was still as clueless and deeply fragile.
"Hey Aaron" he greeted me, waving his hand in the air.
I was shocked.
Did he really just say hi to me?
It seemed like he wasn't expecting me to say hi back, but I did.
"What's up", I mean I figured there was no need to pretend like he doesn't exist anymore.
I felt like a completely different person, and it was all because of the talk we had yesterday.
It's like I don't recognize this person anymore.
Although, that did not mean that I was now suddenly friends with him.
Fuck no.
Brandon next to him widened his eyes, not believing what was happening.
They both continued walking and did not acknowledge our presence no more.
"Since when Sears?" Trey asked me with raised brows.
I shrugged and said nothing.
Even I was surprised with what happened, and prayed it never happened again.
I didn't want him thinking we were suddenly best buds, just cause I opened up to him about that one thing.
Eventually, we all left to our separate classes.
I was dreading life until lunch time.
Don't get me wrong, I hate being here especially in the circle of attention.
But I was very hype for chicken nuggets. I'm naturally a fatass like this, a secret hidden.
I grabbed my tray and headed to my regular table where all the jocks were sitting.
I would've been so mad if someone was in my seat, but thankfully no one was.
Rose however, just had to sit next to me.
I sighed and took my reserved seat, minding my own business as I ate the food.
I wasn't paying attention to anything they were saying.
Rose brought her hand up to my hair and began caressing it slowly, playing with it.
I looked at her so confusedly, not understanding why she feels the need to do this.
I don't know how many times I rejected this girl and showed her that I was not interested.
That's besides me using her body and sleeping with her.
She practically throws herself at me no matter how mean I am to her.
She insists on calling me her boyfriend despite that.
Now I know any guy would die to be in my place because hello, she's hot as fuck.
I just didn't like her myself, I found her annoying and pushy.
It was useless trying to tell her to stop though.
"Rose, is it true that those rumors were fake?" Chelsea, one of her little cheerleaders asked form across the table.
I furrowed my brows.
What is she talking about?
Rose next to me scoffed in an offended matter.
"Of coarse not, people say all kinds of things" she innocently bat her lashes.
"Nah, I heard you made them up" Miles confronted.
Well, no shit sherlock.
"The fact that you guys even believed that lie in the first place, is fucking ridiculous" I spoke, chuckling at the sanity.
They all went quiet and nobody dared to say anything.
Rose angrily stomped her foot against the floor and moved her hand away from me and not saying anything further, she left the table.
She obviously couldn't handle how everyone was right and she wasn't.
That boy was something else.
He came into this school and swept everybody off their feet, as well as turn it upside down.
As much as he pisses me off sometimes, i always find myself pushing him to his limits to catch his reaction.
It's hilarious the way he lashes out and talks back.
I dismissed those thoughts away from my head and focused on my friends who were all chatting.
I needed to stop thinking about him.
The day carried on, and I was getting more and more fed up by the hour.
People felt the need to piss me off here, to get on my nerves for some reason.
Eventually, the school day was over and I couldn't be any more glad.
Well actually, I wasn't all that excited to go home either.
There was only one reason that kept me here in this house to put up with my father's crap.
"April" I called her name, once I made it home and went inside.
My sister.
"Aaron!" she yelled my name excitedly, hurrying over to me and giving me the biggest hug.
It was heartwarming.
I smiled, and wrapped my arms around her tightly.
She'd been on a camping trip with her school for a week, so this is my first time seeing her since then.
"I'm so happy you're here before dad" she confessed, a sigh of relief leaving her.
I didn't know what to say.
Eventually, he was going to come in here and depress us per usual.
"Do you want to go with me to a school barbecue?" I asked, trying to find any reason not to keep her here.
Truth is, I'm scared for her when she's alone with him.
Even if I know he won't hurt her at all.
She looked up at me with charismatic eyes, "Actually, I was hoping you would take me to Nolan's house" she asked kind of hesitantly.
I raised my brows. "You know how I feel about this Nolan kid" I told her with a firm tone.
"I know, he's just having a birthday party and everyone's going to be there" she tried convincing me with pleading in her voice.
I rolled my eyes. "Fine", I could never say no to her.
That made her so happy thatshe went jumping up to her room so excitedly.
I knew she liked the kid and he liked her back, but she was too young for this stuff and I worry for her.
She was only 14 for god's sake.
I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the smoothie she left on the counter.
She was a very good cook at such a young age.
My mom used to teach her, and she just has the good cooking skills from her.
I went up to my room and changed my shirt, putting on a red tank top I found trashed in my closet.
It was very messy now that I look at it.
I then got out of my room, and called my sister to gain her attention "April, hurry up" I yelled out.
I was a very impatient person, I hated waiting.
It didn't take her long to finish, and she walked over wearing the shortest pair of shorts ever.
I raised my brow in a way that asked why she was wearing something so exposing.
She gave me an innocent smile. I sighed defeatedly, but said nothing.
She was stubborn, and I was not in a mood to argue with her.
I'm a guy myself, I know what other males look at when they see a girl wearing that.
I start to get all worried thinking about it, but I can't control her or the actions she does.
Soon enough, I drove her to Nolan's house then straight to the park where the barbecue took place.
Looking over from my car, I noticed a lot of familiar faces starting from the top of my hate list to the bottom.
I didn't waste time before leaving the car, and walked to the crowd where I joined them.
The smell of barbecue was filling the air, getting me all hungry.
Water balloons were being tossed and thrown around, splashing everyone in the process.
I pray no water gets on me, only for that person's sake.
My eyes were roaming the area until I noticed Riley leaving a Range Rover, as well as that fag Brandon.
I will never understand the way Riley dresses.
Plaid pants? Who still wears those?

( Riley's outfit^)Why did I care anyway?I looked away right before my eyes met with Brandon's

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( Riley's outfit^)
Why did I care anyway?
I looked away right before my eyes met with Brandon's.
That kid will and is going to get a serious ass beating soon.
They were walking here laughing and giggling like a love crazy couple.
Not that I cared what they were, just hated how they had to be so obvious about it.
Trey gave me a plate full of food. I took it from his hands and thanked him, not feeling like eating anymore after seeing a certain face.
"Hey guys" I heard his irritating voice speaking.
He has the audacity to even come here.
I looked up with the worst glare on my face, seeing the little smile Riley gave me when he saw me.
I couldn't smile back. I just looked back down.
Being nice just wasn't my thing. I hated people thinking I was soft, but even that was hard to believe after I opened up the way I did to him yesterday.
Every time I looked at him, I'd see him looking back.
It was weird as heck, and I wasn't taking any more of it.
I walked away after making up a random excuse.
I couldn't be around him much longer.
"Aaron, wait up" It sounded like Rose calling after me.
She will never give up.
I stopped for her to catch up to me.
"We ended our last conversation on a bad note" she said, looking at me with innocent eyes.
"Maybe you should really consider having some fun this time".
I knew what she was suggesting.
"You look like you need it" she added in a low tone, bringing her hand up to caress my face.
I sighed. "Fine" I gave in, causing a pleased grin to appear on her face.
"Let's go" I removed her hand off my face and dragged her with me to the restrooms.
She was right. I do need it, I needed to forget everything that was going on around me.

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