Part 13

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The hottie Rileyyy^

Aaron's POV:
I closed the door behind me, breathing in and out heavily. I couldn't believe I almost did that.
I was about to tell him everything.
I don't know what's gotten into me, but being with him, it just felt so weirdly comforting.
I ruffle my hair anxiously, wondering what's going on inside.
I was kind of thankful for this Brandon bitch, for once in my life.
Me being the curious fuck I was, I placed my ear against the door and tried to listen hoping it'd be clearer.
"I can't stand this awkwardness between us" I finally manage to hear something, and it did not sound like Riley.
My blood boils just hearing his voice.
I don't understand.
Why would it be awkward? They were literally sucking each other's faces off last night.
"Me either, Brandon" I hear Riley's voice.
I needed to remain calm.
I wouldn't mind leaving the bathroom and exposing myself right now, just so i can rub it in his face.
"Listen, I should be the one apologizing" I hear Brandon's voice once again.
Now I was just beyond curious, what the hell is he apologizing for?
"I took advantage of you, even though I knew you were miserable at the time", he continues speaking.
I clench my fist in anger. Took advantage of him?
He better not have forced himself on Riley, but it certainly didn't look that way when I saw them.
Curiosity was eating me up inside.
"So i guess we were both in the wrong" Riley's voice speaks up once again.
What the fuck?
It goes quiet for a quick second. Either they were speaking in lower voices or I have suddenly gone deaf.
It drives me crazy not knowing what's happening.
"Will you give me a chance?", I finally manage to hear something else and it was Brandon.
I didn't know why, I just hoped Riley would say no.
"Brandon, l need time" Riley answers in a whisper.
I don't know why i found myself smiling. Why did that answer make me kind of happy?
It got me thinking. If he really liked him back, he wouldn't have said no.
That fucker, brandon.
He pisses me off.
I didn't know what had gotten into me, but with all confidence and no hesitation, I opened the door and left the bathroom.
I mean who the fuck was I hiding from and why? If there's one thing people knew about me, it's that I don't give a fuck.
At first I didn't want him to see me in here with Riley alone, since everyone knows that him and I can not stand being around one another.
I don't care at this point though.
I saw the look of shock on both of their faces, but Brandon's reaction was priceless.
"What the hell are you doing here?" he asks me, looking at Riley for an answer.
"He uh-" Riley opens his mouth and tries to utter a sentence, but he obviously doesn't know what to say.
"what the hell are you doing here?" I cut in and repeat the same question he asked, awaiting an answer.
His face becomes red, filling up with anger.
"Since when were you two friends?" he completely dismisses my presence and directs his question towards Riley.
"I wouldn't call him a friend" I interrupt and answer instead, just to piss him off.
We were far from friends so there was no lie there.
"Brandon this isn't the best time right now, I'll text you?" Riley tells him, his words sounding more like a question.
Yeah bitch. Take that.
It still looked like he was shocked by this whole thing. He only nods his head and sends Riley a furious look before heading for the door.
He gives me one last glare as he does so.
Riley follows him, and I take my seat back on the couch again.
He acted like his knight in shining armor.
I hear distant mumbling, then soon enough, I hear the door close after.
Riley comes back into the room and rolls his eyes at me, "was that really necessary?" he asks me.
I only roll my eyes back at him.
Of coarse it was, I wanted to answer. "I never would've thought you'd leave that bathroom" he adds with a little giggle, making fun of me in a way.
Even his laugh was cute.
I see why people at school are going crazy for him.
He was just unreal. I couldn't help but admire the way his big green eyes light up whenever he's happy and especially the way his red full lips curve up into a smile.
It took me a full minute to realize what I was doing and I wanted to bang my head against a fucking wall.
I couldn't help but admire his features.
It was weird as hell, and made me feel extremely uncomfortable, then I realized he'd said something and I was sitting here quiet like an idiot.
"I'm not a pussy" I tell him, trying not to cringe at my own words.
I was kind of hiding in the beginning but i wasn't about to admit that.
Riley laughs and goes silent for a few minutes and surprisingly, it wasn't an uncomfortable kind of silence.
His company wasn't bad.
"Aaron, I have a question" I hear him speak and that causes me to look up at him.
"What?" I ask while wondering what he possibly had to ask about me. I was beginning to think we weren't gonna talk at all.
He was quiet for a second and he looked somewhat hesitant. "Why aren't you close with your dad?" he asks me all of a sudden.
Just that topic itself was enough to make me angry.
I try to keep my cool and not burst at him or scare him any more than I already probably do.
"There are some things i rather keep to myself" I tell him plain and simple. I didn't trust him much enough to tell him the real reason behind it all.
He could easily go and tell people about it and that won't be nice for anyone's sake.
He sighs in disappointment and nods his head a little before looking down and away from me.
"but maybe it's nice to talk to someone about it" i hear him saying under his breath.
I roll my eyes, trying as much as I can not to give in to him.
It would be so nice to tell him all of what's happening with me, to open up and let it all out to someone but I couldn't do that.
Even if being around him alone like this brought me odd comfort.
I look around their living room for a second and admire all of the family pictures put up on the stands. I could tell how close they were just by looking at them.
It was really heartwarming.
I hate to compare, but a part of me wished I had that. A sane family.
He nudges me and it seems like he was saying something but my lost self wasn't paying attention.
"Are you an only child?" I ask him all of a sudden while trying to change the subject about me.
He sighs as a sign that he gave up to try and get me to talk.
"Yeah" he answers with a little nod.
I did kind of expect it. His parents were obsessed with him.
"What about you?" he asks me.
I look away from him and down on the ground. "I have a sister" I tell him, finally informing him about a part of my life. "Her name is April" i add.
A wide smile suddenly appears on his face.
"How old is she?" he asks me curiously.
I was gonna call him out for asking so many questions but I stayed quiet.
He was only trying to find out more about me, just like everyone else.
I just didn't understand why he bothered with me. I'm nothing but an asshole to him.
"Fourteen" I answer.
"She has a really pretty name" he compliments her.
I tried not to crack a smile but I couldn't help it.
Why did he have to be so sweet at times like these?
"Thanks, I guess" I tell him.
I'm such an awkward mess and I hate it. Talking to people just wasn't my thing, communicating in general was just hard since losing my temper seemed to be the only way with me.
I was used to it all.
"Is she home?" he asks me and before I could think or even answer, Riley reminded me of my sister and the fact that she was coming home right now.
"Shit" I cursed under my breath before getting off the couch immediately.
"What's wrong?" Riley exclaims with worry in his eyes, like he'd done something wrong.
"I gotta go" that was all I told him before hurrying for the door.
I hated to admit but I didn't even want to leave. Being with him gave me a feeling of odd comfort. I had to leave though, before my dad arrives home before me.
"Hey, wait" I hear Riley's voice calling behind me which causes me to stop.
I groan in frustration and turn around to see what he wants from me still.
He looked so confused and lost in that moment.
He then hands me a piece of folded paper, "This is my number. Don't hesitate to text me if you need anything" he says, and I tried so hard not to look shocked even though I was.
My mouth was probably hanging wide open.
"Uhm, sure" I try and utter a word before leaving his house and closing the door behind me.
Did he really just give me his number?
For what?
This is something i never would've expected, not from Riley.
I shook my head to rid it from these thoughts and stuck the paper in my pocket, before getting into my car and driving home in a hurry.
Thank god it was right across from Riley's because all it took was a few minutes.
I walk to our house and unlock the door, "April, you here?" I yell out to get her attention.
"I'm here" her voice was barely heard from our living room and it looked like she was watching television.
I furrow my brows a little and go into the room where I find her seated. She looks up at me with a little smile.
"Where's mom?" she asks me curiously.
I shrug.
"She went out with a friend. She'll be here soon" I explain a little briefly.
She nods her head and lays down on the couch.
"Hey, you okay?" I ask while taking a seat on the couch across from her.
She did not look okay and it worried me.
"I don't want dad to come" she tells me, and just hearing that alone broke my heart.
I sigh a bit, before I get off the couch and join her on the one she's on.
"April, I'm here now. Don't let dad bother you" I try and comfort her as I bring my hand up to caress her hair.
I despised my dad. I hated how he broke our family.
How he makes my sister feel so scared of being in her own house. I hated him for raising me to be this way, and I especially hated how he has my mom hooked around his disgusting finger.
The sound of the door being unlocked was heard, and that was our cue.
Speak of the devil.
"Dad's home" she tells me with a little disappointed sigh.
I pat her head a little, before I leave the room and walk to where my dad is.
"Did your mom make any food?" he asks while taking off his shoes.
"Mom's not home" I put it simply and try my hardest not to spit in his face.
He doesn't even acknowledge his own kids but we were used to it by now.
He clicks his tongue in annoyance. "Tell your sister to make something. I'm hungry" he exclaims in a snarky tone.
"Why don't you make something? April's not a fucking maid" I keep my voice low and calm as I talk back at him.
He takes a little step towards me and grabs a fistful of my shirt, "don't talk to me this way" he warns me and I couldn't help but scoff in his face.
He thinks i'm scared of him.
"Maybe mrs. Parker can cook you some food" I spit out without thinking.
She was one of the teachers I caught him banging once, and as much as I hate even thinking about it, it was true.
My dad's eyes fill with anger before he pushes me away from him and causes a loud thud to be heard.
I didn't want April to hear any of it.
It wasn't his fault both my sister and I's lives were so fucked up.
It was my mother's. She was the one who's holding onto him and won't leave him despite him cheating and putting her through hell. Despite everything he did behind her back.
It was so obvious he hated us and gave no shits about either one of us, yet she was making us put up with his crap. Worst part is she knew all about it and kept quiet.
I get off the floor which he had shoved me on to and look up at him.
"Hope you choke on fucking poison" I curse at him but he says nothing back.
He completely ignores it and acts as if he hadn't heard anything while walking away from me.
I go back into the living room where my sister was. She looks up at me with concern in her eyes, almost like she was relieved that i'm fine.
"Wanna go to the park?" I ask her, wanting nothing more than for the both of us to get away from this house for a while.
I can't leave my little sister in here any longer.
She nods her head a little and leaves the couch, before we both walk to the door and put our shoes on.
We leave the house and drive on the sidewalk in unison.
I could see her staring at me like she was waiting for me to say something.
"I'm fine, April" I assure her and nudge her a little so she could loosen up.
Something, or someone, catches my eye as we were walking and that causes me to slow down a bit.
"That's our new neighbor, right?" April asks me a little enthusiastically.
Her eyes were lighting up.
I nod. "Yeah, his name is Riley" I tell her.
He was sitting on the stairs with his head buried in a book he was reading.
"He's so hot" April exclaims and I could practically see drool coming out of her mouth.
"April!" I mutter her name in all seriousness. It's like she completely forget that I was right here, or that she was only fourteen years old.
"Let's go say hi" she says and before I could even answer her, she walks away and towards their house.
I was literally just with him. I sigh a little as I follow my sister.
"This is my little sister" I tell him and it seemed like she had already introduced herself to him.
He smiles a little. "She looks just like you" he tells me, "pretty" he adds and that word catches my attention.
It sounded like he had called me pretty just now, or was I overthinking?
I cough a little awkwardly, "Thank you!" April thanks him in all oblivion.
"We were going to the park. Do you want to join us?" April asks him without even taking my opinion about it.
God damn it April.
He looks at me a little questionably, in a way where he was asking if I was okay with him joining.
"Yeah, why not?" I couldn't say no. Not when April offered already.
"Sure, let me go grab my phone" he tells us before he gets off the stairs and goes into his house.
"Really April?" I ask her, wondering why she felt the need to invite him.
Not that I minded it. I just didn't think he'd want to hang with us, but I guess he does.
"He's so sweet" she exclaims a little and before we know it, Riley comes back out with a little oversized jacket he put over his shoulder.
I couldn't understand how he always managed to look so stylish and....good.
God, what the fuck am I thinking?
We all walk together while making our way to the park.
It was our local one and it was huge, filled with families and kids everywhere.
"Oh my god, Marissa's here!" April's hyped voice interrupts my thoughts.
"I'll be right back. I'm going to go say hi" she tells us before running away to who I was guessing was her friend.
Riley laughs a little. "Your sister's adorable" he compliments her, and I smile a little.
"Thanks" I tell him as I watch her talk to her friend.
That girl was all I cared about.
"Hey, are you okay?" Riley asks me in his soft voice.
I turn to look at him, wondering how he manages to read my mind all the time.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask him. I hope i didn't sound like an asshole.
Somehow it just felt like I was incapable of being nice and normal for once.
"I don't know. You sort of just ran off and you seemed scared for your sister" he explains and I wasn't even focused on what he was saying.
I was focused on his big curious eyes. I couldn't help but stare at his face, admiring it for a little.
It was honestly just so...perfect.
His eyes, his nose, his lips, his jawline, his hair, his clear skin.
I don't understand how he manages to look like this.
I noticed his cheeks turn a little pink, probably because he noticed the way I was looking at him.
"Aaron?" he mutters my name.
"Huh? What?" I ask, ridding my mind from those crazy thoughts.
I had no clue what was happening to me.
I have never felt this way or even stared at a guy this way.
It was weird.
"I asked why you ran off?" he repeats his previous words.
"Does being around me make you this uncomfortable?" he asks a little, sounding hurt as he averts his gaze away from mine
I furrow my brows a bit.
He seemed really insecure with himself, but I couldn't understand why he cared so much about whether I was comfortable around him or not.
I didn't think he'd care.
"Riley, you are the last person I'm uncomfortable with" I respond without thinking.
I gulp a little, hoping I didn't make things awkward.
A little smile makes it's way onto his lips and he seemed relieved to hear that.
"Really?" he asks like he doesn't believe me.
I couldn't help but chuckle a little. "Really" I say.
"But i don't hated me" he speaks again.
I shake my head. "I never hated you. I'm just like that, you can say I have anger issues" I try and negotiate a little.
It was true. I do have anger issues that I can't control.
I had just gotten used to that behavior.
Riley was quite, just looking at me with wondering eyes.
He opens his mouth to say something, but April runs back to us before he could say it.
"Aaron, mom's back home. She says dad's gone to the bar again" she tells me with a scared expression on her face.
I sigh a little.
"Who cares? We came here to forget about it" I tell her, widening my eyes as I motion them at Riley.
That was my way of telling her to shut up.
He was probably wondering what the hell is happening.
"Let's go, I'll help you on the swing" i try and change the subject before walking away to the swings.
They follow behind me, and April takes a seat on one of swings as soon as she gets there.
I make my way behind her so I could push her forward.
Looking at Riley, I could see just how confused and lost he was.
It was only normal for him. He gets curious about everything.
We spend a few more hours at the park until it starts to get a little dark out.
I'm happy I finally managed to make my sister a little happy. She was smiling widely as she chatted with Riley about something.
"Hey Aaron, can we go grab hotdogs?" April asks me with plead in her voice.
I nod my head a little.
"I'll go grab the car" I let them know before leaving the park and walking back home where my car was parked.
I open the unlocked door and go in, grabbing my keys off the counter as soon as I was in.
"Honey, is that you?" my mom's voice was heard, and I just assumed she was calling for my dad.
I sigh a little. "No mom, it's just me grabbing my keys" I yell so she could hear me.
It was silent for a while. "Don't stay out too late" she yells back at me.
I shake my head after leaving the house and locking it.
I love my mom, but most of the time I pitied her. For so many reasons.
I go into my car and drive to the park very swiftly.
Both Riley and April walk towards my car once they see it in sight.
It was hard to believe that Riley and I were sort of cool. We weren't on each other's throats and I could stand him.
It was weird especially for me but his presence was comforting.
They hop into the car with Riley in the front of course.
I don't waste too much time before driving to my sister and I's favorite coney restaurant.
I didn't mind showing this place to Riley. I know he'd like it.
I hand him the aux cord, "you can play music if you want" I offer which was surprising coming from me.
I never offer my aux cord, but I was curious to hear his type of music to say the least.
He seemed hesitant to take the aux cord from me, but eventually he did and he plugged it to his phone.
I felt like punching the hardest wall ever once I heard Ariana Grande playing.
I turned to look at him, and he cracked up laughing.
I furrow my brows, "what's so funny?" I ask while maintaining my anger.
"Your face" he answers in between giggles.
I found myself smiling a little. His laugh was ridiculously cute, but he was evil for this.
I can't stand this music.
I turn down the volume right away, hearing my sister laughing in the back.
I shake my head at the both of them.
I now realize i have two kids in my car.
"Please play some good music" I just want to beg him as I say that.
He sighs a little and plays Kendrick Lamar instead.
I nod in satisfaction. I wasn't his biggest fan but his music wasn't all that bad.
"Of course this is what you like" he says.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask him for some clarification.
"Nothing, nothing" he brushes it off before bringing up the sound of the music.
This boy was something else.
I never would've thought this moment would happen. Me and Riley in my car, getting along like regular humans.
It surprisingly didn't feel so weird.
I felt like myself around him, and I knew that after this I could never treat him any less than how he should be treated.

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