Part 12

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Here is a much longer chapter for u guys as a way to apologize for the delay. Thanks for your patience:)
That's Aaron and what he is wearing in the beginning of this chapter! ^

Riley's POV:

I despised Mondays, but I also despised waking up so early after receiving no hours of sleep what so ever.
After everything that had happened yesterday and the kiss I shared with Brandon, all the events were being repeated in my head all night.
I was literally half asleep in class, and I had absolutely no idea what the teacher was talking about.
My eyes were fixated on Aaron.
He looked so different today, so comfortable and care free.
This was the first time I find him dressed so casually.
He was wearing a navy blue and orange sweater, with a pair of round glasses on, and his hair wasn't all perfectly styled as usual.
I had no idea he wore glasses in the first place, but that's probably because he never has them on.
My face became red just remembering the fact that he had probably seen me naked in my bathroom last night.
I had the window and curtains fully open like the idiot I was.
Besides, who the hell gives him the right to look in anyway? That's an invasion of privacy.
"The Holocaust did not end until 1945 when the Allies defeated the Nazis", I finally managed to catch something the teacher was saying.
How many times do I have to learn about the holocaust?
"Riley, how many Jews were able to escape from Europe before the holocaust?" I heard her directing the question at me.
Shit, she must have noticed me dozing off.
"Uhh" I literally had no idea how to answer. I didn't hear a word she was saying during the whole lecture.
What made it even worse was the fact that everybody was looking at me and waiting for an answer.
I saw her raising a brow, then a sigh escaped her lips before she chose someone else to answer.
I bit on my lip, and noticed Aaron looking at me with an evil grin on his lips.
I couldn't understand what he was thinking.
Ever since he opened up to me and let me in that one time, I have been finding myself wanting to know more about him.
I have been so curious, and he has been getting more and more confusing by the day. It was bad because it was fucking up with school and everything i came here to start over.
I was counting down the minutes until class finally ended.
I made sure I was first out of class as well, just so i can avoid the teacher and any questions or lectures she may direct at me.
I hadn't realized how fast I was running until I bumped into someone and knocked all her books down.
God I needed to stop doing that.
"I'm so sorry" I apologized right away, kneeling down and helping her pick up the books.
It was the same blonde girl I had seen looking at me a few times in class before.
Her face was red all over, "It's okay!" she said in a nervous voice.
I chuckled at the way she was acting. I had no idea why she was so flustered.
She smiled at me in a way, and we both got off the floor after picking everything up.
"I'm Riley" I introduced myself politely.
"Everyone knows who you are" she replied through a giggle. "I'm Ellie" she introduced herself as well with a friendly smile.
I was the school's new topic, but I do find it creepy that people I don't know know who I am.
"What the hell are you doing talk to him Ellie?"
That voice.
I fucking hated her high pitched voice.
Couldn't she let me have ONE peaceful conversation with someone without butting in?
"I can talk to whoever I want to, Rose" she answered her sassily.
Now that I think about it, this girl was a cheerleader as well.
She was wearing the same cheering uniform Rose has on, except, she wasn't a bitch like a certain someone.
Rose glared at me, narrowing her eyes furiously
Looking at her, all I remember is what I heard in the bathroom and how disgusting and shameful she is.
She grabbed Ellie by her arm, "We have practice, come on", she said while dragging her away from me.
She was such a controlling bitch, thinking she can take over people's actions.
Ellie waved her hand goodbye for me with a helpless look on her face, which I thought was a cute gesture.
I chuckled, and made my way to next class, the one I had with Brandon.
I have not spoken to him in any way at all after the kiss we shared in the car, and I certainly didn't want to look at him at all.
The whole time during class, I avoided looking at him. I saw him looking at me a few times from the corner of my eye though, but I managed not to make eye contact at all.
I can't face him after that kiss.
I lead him on, I kissed him back. The shitty part is, I knew I did it because of the emotional wreck I was at that moment.
I didn't think I had feelings for him.
I prepared myself for the awkwardness I was about to face and entered the class quietly.
He was already seated down, looking up at me once he noticed me walking in.
He averted his gaze right away and looked down at his desk, totally ignoring me.
It's not like I didn't expect this to happen at all, but I couldn't help but feel like shit.
He probably hates me by now.
We usually sit next to each other as there weren't any assigned seats in this class, but this time I had to sit somewhere else.
I knew if I sat next to him, I was gonna regret it.
It was obviously the last thing he wanted.
I sat in a chair at a desk all the way in the back, one that I didn't think anybody sat in before.
The whole time during the period, i noticed Brandon turning around to look at me.
He thought I didn't see him, but I did from the corner of my eye and it was making me so fucking uncomfortable.
Eventually the period had ended, and I noticed Brandon leaving class way before anyone else being the first one out.
I packed up all my stuff and ran after him, praying to god my slow feet would catch up.
"Brandon!" I yell out his name to grab his attention so he'd stop walking away so fast.
He stopped in his tracks, and slowly turned around to face me with a condensed look on his face.
"What, Riley?" he asked me with a little sigh.
"Brandon I'm sorry-" I tell him apologetically.
I can't continue to act the way I did just now, freaking out around him and trying to hide just to avoid him.
"I just wanna let you know that I didn't want to ruin our friendship, I could never do that and I just-"
"It's fine Riley, I knew you didn't see me as nothing more than a friend anyway" he cut me off before I could finish what I was saying.
I gulp.
"Does that mean you..." I was gonna ask if he saw me as something more than a friend himself, but it seemed like he caught up to what I was saying.
"Like you?" he asked and finished my sentence, causing me to widen my eyes.
I only thought he got carried away the same way I did yesterday, I didn't think he-
Is that why he constantly called me cute and beautiful like yesterday during that kiss?
I should've figured this out way earlier but knowing the dumbass I am, of coarse I didn't.
I went and I fucked things up between us.
"I like you, and I need to keep my distance from you so I can get over this stupid crush" he confessed with hopeless eyes.
It broke my heart.
I wanted to apologize for not feeling the same way towards him, for not realizing this earlier and confronting him about it.
I wanted to especially apologize for leading him on the way I did.
"But...why did you kiss me back?" he asked me, looking straight at me for an answer he was probably craving to hear.
"I-", I paused and stopped myself from saying anything i'll regret.
I didn't want to hurt him and say it was a mistake, a run from reality, because that would make him feel even shittier.
I couldn't, and I wouldn't.
The bell rang before I could say anything, and I saw Brandon sighing before he walked away from me silently.
I ruffled my hair anxiously.
God damn it Riley. Pull yourself together.
The rest of the school day was a boring disaster, but it was finally time for me to head home and get some real food in my system.
I was walking down the street, listening to some old Avril Lavigne songs on my phone with my ear phones popped in.
I was such a geek sometimes.
I heard the sound of a loud engine approaching. The sound of it was becoming all too familiar by now.
Of coarse Aaron being the one driving, he slowed down next to me and awaited for me to acknowledge him.
Although I clearly noticed him, I continued to walk and mind my own business, pretending I didn't see him.
He seemed pissed by my treatment towards him.
He honked the horn to try and get me to look at him, and it worked.
I didn't want him annoying the people around.
God he is unbelievable.
He would do anything to get the attention he wants.
I took off one of my ear phones and stared at him in a way that asked what he wanted from me.
"Get in" he said in a commanding tone, causing me to scoff.
Something's wrong.
Either he wants to kidnap me and feed me to the dogs, or he forgot that we hated each other and couldn't stand being around one another.
His eyes were piercing into mine, and that look sent chills down my spine.
"I'm not going in with you, Aaron" I answer quiet obviously.
"Apparently your mother invited us for lunch and she insisted on me giving you a ride, so get the hell in right now" he commanded once again.
Okay, who the hell does he think he is speaking to me like this?! And why the hell did my mom invite HIM over?
God I felt a migraine coming.
"Fucking make me" I don't give in, crossing my arms and waiting for him to give up and leave me alone.
He did something I never would've expected.
He stopped the car and opened his door, leaving the vehicle before approaching me.
"Stop being so fucking stubborn and accept the damn offer" he spat, grabbing my arm to try and take me to the car.
I yanked my arm away from his grip.
"Whatever" I give up and walk to his car, hating myself for agreeing
I just knew he wasn't gonna give up or leave me alone. "I'm only going with you because your mom cared to offer" I clarify to try and show him that he didn't win.
He ignored what I said and took his seat again next to me.
I looked out the window, trying so hard not to pay attention to the fact that I was in Aaron's car.
With him. Alone.
I don't know why that thought had me flustered all over.
I just hated him is all.
"Listen, about yesterday..." I hear him speaking.
I hesitantly turn around to look at him but he kept his eyes fixated on the road.
"I didn't see or hear anything" I assure him before he tries to convince me to play pretend.
I am so not in a mood to even talk about that.
"It's none of my business anyway" I add truthfully.
It wasn't my business yes, but it pissed me off so much for some reason.
"Why would you care?" he asks me through a scoff, not looking at me still,
"What?" I ask a bit confused.
I didn't understand.
"You're too busy keeping business with your boyfriend" he says. "You know I saw your make-out session last night" he adds.
My eyes opened wide.
No. This can't be happening.
I prayed to god no one witnessed that, especially not Aaron for god's sake.
This is exactly the kind of thing he wanted to use against me.
I knew it.
I had no idea what I was supposed to say, but it seemed like Aaron was waiting for me to speak.
All the horrible memories from my past suddenly started playing flashbacks in my head.
I did not want them repeating again.
"W-why do you care?" I ask a bit hesitantly.
I felt fear in this moment.
"Thought you weren't gay" he muttered through a smirk.
We were so close the house.
Come closer, please come closer.
I can't be here much longer.
"What does it matter to you if I'm gay or not!" I snap at him, not understanding the interrogation.
He stopped the car once we had made it home, and I didn't waste a second before opening the door then slamming it shut.
I hurried for the door and unlocked it, closing it right behind me once I was in.
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
This is the worst, just the fucking worst.
"Riley honey, is that you?" I hear my mom's voice yelling.
The house smelled really good.
"Yeah" I yell back.
"Is Aaron with you? Tell him to come in" she yells back once again.
I stomped my foot against the floor.
While sighing, i opened the door once again and saw Aaron who was standing outside the door waiting.
I only rolled my eyes at him and headed for the kitchen, leaving him behind.
"Hello", i greet both my mom and Aaron's mom who were both seated around our table.
Aaron joined us soon after, and just staying in the same room as him was making my heart beat.
I didn't know why.
I mean i wasn't scared of him, or was I?
I just couldn't get over how good and different he looked today.
"We're going to go shopping in a few minutes, you can stay here if you'd like Aaron" my mom tells him, causing me to widen my eyes.
He better say no. He has to say no.
He gives me a look, followed by a certain smirk.
"I'd love to. Thank you for the kind offer" he speaks in his annoying and fake gentleman voice, causing me to frown.
Why the hell did he agree?
And why would my mom invite him to stay over without even asking me?
"I'm sure Riley won't have a problem with it" my mom says, giving me a smile.
He has a home for god's sake.
"Thank you Linda. I wouldn't want him to be home alone again" Aaron's mom tells mine.
She made it sound like he spent time alone all the time.
Did he?
I looked over at him, noticing the way he avoided eye contact.
Something was wrong. I feel it.
We finished eating soon enough, after listening to both our mothers talk all throughout of our feast.
They were definitely close already.
Perfect. That's the last thing i needed.
"I'm gonna go change", i excuse myself and go up to my room.
I take off the annoying tight outfit I had on, and put on a pajama covered with The Grinch.
My favorite.
I hear a knock on the door, "Can i come in honey?" I hear my mom asking.
"Yeah", i tell her.
She comes in with half a smile on her lips, walking over to me.
"I won't be gone for long. Do you think you can handle being alone with Aaron for a while?" she asks me.
It sounded like she knew that him and I hated each other.
"Why would he wanna stay? He despises me" I tell her honestly.
She sighs.
"No honey, he's just going through a lot right now" my mom tells me.
I furrow my brows. She knew something I didn't.
"Don't worry mom, go have fun" I dismiss the subject.
She gives me a wide smile, "your dad will be home in a few" she informs me while squeezing my arm warmly a little.
I smile at her and watch her walk away.
What might Aaron be going through? I really want to ask her what she knew.
I probably will when she comes back anyway.
After a few minutes had passed, I prepare myself to go back down where Aaron was.
I notice him sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone.
Wow, he actually stayed.
"Uhm, wanna watch TV?" I ask a bit awkwardly.
I never would've ever expected Aaron to be here in my house, alone with me.
I mean it's not like he's forced to sit here with me, he is willingly staying.
It seemed surreal.
"I don't care" he spoke with no certain expression.
I sat on the same couch as him, but a bit further away.
A few minutes passed by, as I scrolled through netflix and tried to find something good to watch.
"You don't have to sit so far away you know" I hear Aaron breaking the once silent room.
I got confused.
"I'm not" I try and defend myself. Was it that obvious I was keeping a distance?
"You're something else" he tells me, inching a little closer to me.
I gulp.
What is he trying to do?
"How are you such a big and tough talker at school, but whenever we're alone you're like this?" he asks, catching my attention and causing me to look up at him.
"Like what?" I ask, a little offended.
I knew what he was getting at.
"Nervous" he responds with a smirk on his lips.
"Must be hard to resist me when you're all for guys" he adds in the same annoying egoistic tone of his.
I scoff and look him dead in the eye.
"Why are you assuming that I'm gay?" I ask while trying so hard not to rage.
"I saw you Riley" he tells me, "last night, making out with princess in the car".
I feel my palms getting sweaty.
It's happening again. All over again.
I can't believe he saw us. There is no way i can prove myself or even deny it anymore.
"Well I caught you and Rose having sex in the bathroom, we're even now" I try and utter in the most confident voice.
I can see how mad my words made him, as his furious eyes turned red.
"Besides, just because you saw me kissing a guy doesn't mean I would go for you Aaron" I continue.
"Not everyone's gonna be swept off their feet by your looks, and especially not me", I don't stop.
Someone stop me.
"I won't be another one of your bitches", I finish.
Boy did he look angry. I made him speechless.
"What does he have that I don't?" he asks all of a sudden, shocking me to an extent.
Was he comparing himself to Brandon right now?
He almost sounded...jealous.
Was he jealous?
"I-" i didn't know how to answer him or what to say.
He brings his hand close to mine and takes a hold of my wrist.
I must be imagining.
Is this a dream?
"Riley I've never felt this way" he tells me in the most vulnerable voice.
My heart started beating faster than it was before.
"What way Aaron?" I ask, wishing he'd be more specific.
I hesitantly and slowly bring my hand up to his face. He wasn't looking at me, trying so hard to keep his eyes away.
I hope i don't regret this.
His attitude earlier was all an act. This is the Aaron I was hoping I'd see again.
A side no one has ever seen before.
He didn't pull away from me or try and avoid my touch.
His skin was so soft and smooth. I honestly needed a pinch, i needed to know this was real.
"I'm so fucking confused" he speaks again, breaking the small silence.
"You can tell me" I try and get him to ease up a little. I needed to know what he means.
"You've told me something before and I never told anyone, did I?" I remind him as a way to get him to open up more.
He finally looks at me, his bright blue eyes piercing into mine.
Now that I was somewhat close to him, I couldn't lie to myself and say he wasn't attractive.
God, he looked like a fucking model.
Just as he opened his mouth and was about to speak, a knock was heard on the door.
God damn it. Was mom back already?
Aaron backed away immediately, as the annoying knock interrupted whatever he was about to tell me.
They knock again, causing me to growl.
"Who is it?" I leave the couch and walk over to the door.
"Brandon" I hear the sound from outside, and it shocks me.
What the hell is Brandon doing here right now?
I turn around, watching Aaron freak out.
He jumps off the couch and dashes to the nearest room, which was the bathroom.
I sigh, not understanding why HE was so scared.
It's freaking Aaron. I never knew I'd see this and it'd be so entertaining to watch.
I unlock the door, seeing Brandon standing outside once I open it.
He cracks a little smile.
"Can i come in?" he asks me.
I nod, and as mean as it sounds, I hope to god this won't take long.

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