Part 11

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The gorgeous Riley in the picture above ^
I have been super busy with college and work, that I barely have time to write and update anymore. However, I still tried my best with this chapter and I will continue this story. Thank you for your continuous support :)

Riley's POV:

I didn't understand why every time I looked at him, he'd look away instantly.
It was like he was avoiding me, which he probably was after our little conversation in the hallway yesterday.
It really was no big deal. If anything, I feel kind of honored knowing I'm one of the few people he opened up to.
Apparently that wasn't the case with him.
He left the little group of people we were in and walked away from us, not saying a single word.
His eyes alone, were enough to kill both me and Brandon.
I really didn't understand him...
"Want some punch Riley?" I didn't realize I had zoned off until I heard Brandon's voice.
"Sure" I replied with a smile on my lips.
Maybe I should talk to him.
I just wanted to make it clear to him that I don't see him any differently after knowing a thing about his personal life, and that he doesn't have to hide from me every time he sees me.
He was a totally different person yesterday, in a good way of coarse.
For a moment, I felt like I could connect with him.
I just didn't understand why he was hiding behind this mask.
"I'm gonna use the restrooms" I told Brandon after he had handed me the punch.
"Sure" he nodded in response.
I had to make sure I came back fast since I did accompany Brandon here.
Last thing I'd do is ditch him, but I did need a simple excuse to look for Aaron.
My mind was telling me to sit back down and not go talk to him, but my heart was telling me the opposite.
Unfortunately, when I did look around for Aaron, I couldn't find him anywhere.
It was like he disappeared all of a sudden.
I literally walked all around the park in the hopes of finding him somewhere, but he was nowhere to be found.
I sighed, and made my way to the bathroom anyway.
All that juice was making my stomach upset.
The bathroom was empty, which gave me the creeps because it certainly did not feel like I was alone in here.
Did someone secretly drug those drinks, because I'm starting to feel like I'm hallucinating.
I suddenly heard low, muffled moans and heavy breathing coming from one of the stalls.
I knew it.
It became dead silent the moment I stepped in.
I could've swore I heard someone having sex in there, but it seemed like they had heard me walk in and they stopped.
"Shit, someone's here" I heard a girl's whispering voice cursing.
I knew who it was immediately. Eventhough she was whispering, her annoying voice was literally stuck in my head.
It was the one reason behind the migraines and headaches I've been getting for days now.
Who else could it be besides Rose?
I could only assume the person she was in there with was Aaron.
He did suddenly disappear out there so it made sense.
I couldn't stay in here much longer. It was beyond disgusting, and it pissed me off.
It pissed me off because they think they can do this shit anywhere without even considering the consequences.
I hated them both.
"You do know this is a public bathroom, right?" I spoke aloud so the both of them could hear me clearly.
I didn't give either one of them a chance to talk, before I left the bathroom and shut the door behind me.
I dreaded going in there. No, I dreaded coming here in the first place.
What the hell was I thinking looking for him like a fucking idiot?
All just to try and have another decent conversation with him?
I knew damn well that that was never going to happen again.
He and Rose will continue to toy with me like an object, planning shit to try and mess with me.
I really am stupid.
I bit on my bottom lip harshly, and fought back the anxiety that was threatening to take over me.
I knew I failed as soon as I felt my eyes watering and my vision getting blurrier.
I was so taken aback by my sudden emotional breakdown, I couldn't believe myself once I had wiped the tears that were streaming down my cheeks.
I couldn't understand why the hell I was crying.
Over what?
I didn't realize I was still standing outside the bathroom, until I heard the door being open.
My eyes widened. I couldn't let them see me crying.
"Riley" I heard his voice calling out my name, but in a calm and collected tone.
Not his usual harsh one.
I did not dare turn around.
Why was I not shocked it was him in there?
I like how he has the audacity to show me his face after I had just heard them having sex.
I wiped the dried tears off my face with the back of my hand, and walked away from him. As fast as I could.
He should be ashamed of himself here not me, yet here I am running away from him.
But then again, I really don't think he cares at all seeing as he chose to do such a thing in a public bathroom.
I inhaled the fresh air and took a few seconds to calm myself down.
I really wasn't as strong as people think I am.
I have been through so much shit in my life and nobody knows about it besides me and my parents.
Even they don't know half the shit that has happened with me.
That is why it's so easy for anything out there, even something as meaningless as this, to break me.
I made sure I had regained control over myself, before heading back to Brandon and the rest of the people circled around.
I couldn't show him any signs of me being upset.
He was laughing with the rest of the people and looking like he was having a good time.
I poked his arm to gain his attention, causing him to turn around and face me.
I was praying he doesn't notice anything.
"I hate to be a buzzkill, but I'm not feeling the best right now. Can you drive me back home?" I asked hesitantly.
I didn't want to ruin his fun by my depressing mood, but my anxiety was starting to kick in and that is the worst.
I didn't have a ride home besides him and I couldn't stand being here another second.
He was silent for a second, probably trying to figure out what is going on with me.
"Yeah, yeah sure" he replied in a concerned tone, his eyes roaming my face worriedly.
"We can talk about it while we're driving" he half smiled, while taking out his car keys.
I appreciated his concern and patience with me, but I literally had no idea what I was supposed to tell him.
Even I was confused with myself at the moment.
I noticed Aaron was walking towards us but before he could even reach us, I grabbed Brandon by his arm and dragged him away.
I didn't know if he was coming to talk to me or not, but I had to get away.
"Riley, what the hell is going on?" Brandon asked me with the most eager voice, after I made sure we were out of Aaron's sight completely.
I don't think he noticed him at all, and I thanked god for that.
"This one crazy girl has been following me everywhere, and I had to get away from her" I spat out the first thing that came to my mind and it was the worst lie I ever came up with.
Luckily, Brandon seemed to buy it.
He chuckled, laughing at my oh so horrible lie.
"Why are you so cute?" he asked, shaking his head in a way and walking towards the car.
I furrowed my brows, and looked down so my eyes won't connect with his.
Guys don't usually call their friends cute, do they?
I didn't even want to think about this right now.
Ignoring his comment, I went into the car and buckled my seatbelt as soon as I sat down.
During the whole ride, my head was in this cluster I couldn't escape and I had many questions going off in my brain.
"Riley, you're acting weird" Brandon pointed out, taking looks at me every now and then.
"I'm fine Brandon" I tried to convince him but he was too smart for that.
He was trying to get me to open up to him and tell him what happened the whole time, but I had to come up with all these excuses and lies along the way.
I was so happy to see my house in sight once we had arrived.
He stopped the car without saying anything, and kept his eyes on the road ahead.
I guess that was my cue.
"Thanks for the ride Brandon" I smiled at him appreciatively, but as soon as I reached for the knob to open the door, his arm reached out to mine and held onto it tightly, stopping me.
I turned to look at him and saw the most stern look on his face.
I have never seen him so serious.
"Talk to me Riley" he said, with the softest voice, "I want to know what's happening" he added.
All the horrible memories from my past started coming back to me.
I hated this. I hated this.
"Let go of me!" I yelled, yanking my arm away from him and out of his tight grip.
He seemed shocked by my raised voice and actions, moving his arm away from me.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to-" before he could finish what he was saying, I stopped him.
"I don't wanna talk about it, why won't you leave me alone?" I asked him desperately, my voice cracking in the process.
God, I was letting him see my weak side.
The one I hated the most.
He did something I never expected. He slowly wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me tightly, placing one of his hands on the back of my head.
I was beyond shocked. I couldn't believe he was still being this nice to me even after I practically screamed at him.
"I'm sorry" he apologized in a whisper, and it broke my heart.
He was only trying to be nice and considerate. Why did I have to be such an asshole?
"No, I'm sorry" I spoke, "for freaking out on you".
It wasn't his fault I was emotionally fucked up.
It's just that some of the things he did, reminded me of horrible memories of my past.
Ones I wanted to escape from so badly.
He backed away from me just a little bit, keeping barely any distance between us.
His face was so close to mine, merely inches apart. I felt his warm breath hitting my cold skin, and his eyes were piercing into mine.
I was so weak in the moment, that I wasn't even thinking straight.
His gaze shifted down to my lips, and he slowly brought his face closer to mine.
Before I could process what was happening, I felt his lips against mine, kissing me softly.
I didn't push him away. I let it happen, and I got carried away with it.
The kiss started getting more and more passionate by the second, and his hand slid down my neck where it caressed my skin softly.
He broke the kiss for a second and placed his lips against my skin, trailing kisses down my neck instead.
"You're so beautiful" he whispered under his breath.
It took a while for me to snap back to reality and realize how bad this is.
What am I doing?
Why was I doing this?
"I have to go" I pushed him off of me gently with both my arms, and opened the door clumsily.
I had to get out of here now.
"Bye Brandon" I last said before shutting the door and rushing home.
It looked like he had a lot to say, but I didn't give him a chance.
I didn't like Brandon that way, did I?
I unlocked the front door and slammed it back shut, not saying a word to my parents before I hurried up to my room.
Oh my god, what has gotten into me?
I ruffled my hair anxiously, and walked to the bathroom immediately.
I had to shower right away.
His hands were all over me. It made me feel filthy.
How could I let myself get carried away like this again?
Why can't I ever learn?
I took my clothes off in a rush, trying to get them off me desperately.
I made myself a warm bath and sat there for an hour if not more, crying and trying so hard not to make a sound.
I hated myself. I really fucking did.
It became like a habit. Sitting in the warm water in the bath and crying all my feelings out.
Fortunately for me, it helped a lot.
I left the tub and dried my body, putting on my robe.
My biggest enemy was anxiety, it made me feel all these bipolar emotions all at once.
I took out my phone and snapped a picture of my red and puffy face.
Because that's what I always do whenever I'm feeling alone and down.
I take a look at the picture and laugh at how ridiculous I look.
Sad right? When this is the only way I can cheer myself up.

 Sad right? When this is the only way I can cheer myself up

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(The pic he took^)

I heard the message tone going off on my phone, grabbing my attention.
I looked down at the screen and saw an unknown number messaging me.
It read: "You should really learn how to close your curtains".
I was confused as hell and creeped out by the message. Last thing I fucking needed was a stalker.
I walked towards the window and looked out, seeing none other than Aaron standing outside and looking up at me.
"Stop looking at me through the window you creep" I yelled and was ready to close the curtains, but before I could do that I heard him yelling,
"It was quiet a view".
That bastard...

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