Part 14

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oof, Aaron^ nosebleed

So uh, yeah i've been gone again I KNOW!! I've been so lazy, i sincerely apologize you guys. I have no excuse but i made this part suuperrr long for you so please enjoy! <3

Riley's POV:
It all felt so surreal. I couldn't believe I was out right now with Aaron and his little sister. April was a total sweetheart, and she was very friendly when she introduced herself to me. Unlike her brother who was about to kill me and burry me somewhere the first time he saw me. The whole time Aaron rode his car, I was thinking about it. Wondering what changed so much and why he was a completely different person right now. I wasn't complaining at all though. I liked this Aaron.
We had arrived to the restaurant they were speaking of which looked like a fairly small one. They did say hot dogs so I wasn't expecting any more, and it was cute.
"I'm so hungry" April exclaims in the back, not wasting any time before she got out of the car.
Aaron looked at me for a second before he also got out of the car. The look in his eyes changed a lot. It changed from anger and furiousness to soft and calm.
I stopped my thinking and did the same as them, following them into the little restaurant. Jazz music was the first thing I heard once I was inside.
We walked to a random table in the corner and I sat next to April, across from Aaron.
I didn't want to make things awkward.
He handed me the menu, which I took from his hand.
"You're going to love their food!" April tells me in all enthusiasm in her voice. She points at specific food on the menu and suggests them for me, which I do consider.
The waitress arrives to our table, and I couldn't help but admire her for a second.
She was pretty, with long blonde hair that was tied in a pony tail and super slim long legs which were revealed.
"Hey Aaron, long time no see" suddenly, my view on her completely changes when I hear her flirty tone.
She leans her body a little closer to his, completely ignoring me and April's presence.
I look at him, wondering if there was a girl in this city that he hadn't fucked.
He looks at me too, furrowing his brows a little once he sees my disgusted face.
"We're ready to order" April speaks, grabbing the waitress's attention with that.
I tried not to laugh. She was a savage.
The girl takes out her note pad and a pen, looking at us so we can say our orders to her.
She was so rude, i'm surprised she's not fired yet.
"I'm gonna get the hot dog special with curly fries" April tells her. "I'll have the three way tacos and a coke" Aaron tells her. They then all look at me so i can say my order.
I gulp a little and look at the first thing I see on the menu, "tossed salad" I mutter.
Suddenly I hear Aaron's muffled laugh, which he was trying to suppress.
"I'll go put that in" the waitress tells us before walking away.
"What?" I ask Aaron and April confusedly once they burst into laughter.
The sight of Aaron laughing was just something I wasn't used to seeing. He had a nice laugh that he kept hidden.
"A salad? At a place like this?" he asks me while ridiculing me in a way.
He was right about that. I had no clue what to order and I felt trapped in that moment.
"I mean you do look vegetarian. We would've went somewhere more suitable" April says.
I sigh in annoyance. "I'm not vegetarian" I tell them as a matter of fact.
"Can you guys just shut up?" I ask through a little chuckle, knowing i'm going to regret getting a salad.
We sat there for a while, just talking and chatting about anything random until the food came.
The waitress came to our table with plates stacked in her hands and she placed everything down.
"Enjoy, and don't hesitate to call if you need me" she tells us, directing her words more towards Aaron than us. It was obvious especially after the wink she sent his way.
I scoffed a little. She was honestly ridiculous and acted completely unprofessional.
I grabbed my plate and shoved the fork in there, not realizing how vigorous i was being with the food. She just pissed me off.
Both Aaron and April were sending me concerning looks, wondering why was acting the way I was yet I didn't even know why.
I felt like gagging once I tasted the salad. It was lettuce and tomatoes, plain and simple. I would've figured they're not famous for their salad, but did it have to be this bad? I tried not to make it obvious from my face how disgusted I was, but it was hard.
"How's your salad tasting?" Aaron asked me with ridicule in his voice and I rolled my eyes a little.
"It's-" I was going to lie and say good, but I couldn't lie to him like that. "not too good" I answer truthfully.
He sighs a little and moves the salad away from me, before bringing his plate a little more to the middle as a way for us to share.
I look up at him a little confusedly, wondering if I was seeing things right. He really just did that. "Try one of these tacos" he offers. I nod a little, and pick one up before taking a bite from it.
They were right. It tasted good.
"Do you like it?" he asks me, and I nod again. For some reason, I was just at a loss of words.
"It's good" I answer him truthfully. I watch with furrowed brows as he raises his hand up to grab the waitress's attention.
She walks to our table with a snarky smile on her lips, "can we get another one of these?" he asks, pointing at his plate so she'd know.
She glances at me for a second, "sure" she tells him before walking away.
"You didn't have to do that" I remind him, even though I appreciated it. It was a small thing, but it felt different coming from Aaron. He was actually being generous.
"That's not food Riley" he motions at the salad which we had now placed on the side. I felt bad buying it now, but i seriously can't stand it.
April was quite as she ate her food, completely minding her own business and not paying much attention to us.
I glanced back at him and noticed he was doing the same, just staring at me. I gulp a little and try looking around for something, anyone else but him.
I felt this weird tension between us. The plate was still in the middle and i felt bad not picking something up, so i took a fry and ate it. I noticed he looked away from me and for some reason, that got me feeling a little disappointed and I had no clue why.
The waitress came back to our table and set the plate down for me, "thank you" I tell her as I bring it to the middle in between us. "April you should have some" I nudge her to grab her attention. There was three in the plate so I figured we could all have one. I wasn't all that hungry to eat more anyway. "Hey Aaron, Marissa's having a sleepover party tonight. Do you think I can go?" I hear April asking her brother who was a little too engraved in his food.
It was an interesting sight. He looked up at her with a raised brow, "are there gonna be any boys?" he asks her a little strictly. "Just girls" she assures him and he nods his head in approval.
I wasn't expecting him to be like this, very caring towards someone but she was his sister after all. I could tell how close they were and how much she meant to him just from the way they treat one another.
April gets all excited and begins jumping in her seat which causes me to chuckle. I lean in a little bit closer to her and whisper, "is it really only girls?"
I make sure my voice was low so only she could hear me. She smirks a little, "there might be just one boy" she tells me a little reluctantly and i shake my head a little. I thought it was cute how she was honest with me. I was glad she trusted me already, even if she had known me for this short amount of time.
"Once you're done being a pervert and flirting with my little sister, finish eating so we can leave" Aaron interrupts us with an irritated look on his face.
I click my tongue and pout a little, going back to eating my food. I swear he was so bipolar sometimes.
Eventually we all get done eating and Aaron would not give in to me paying. He insisted on taking care of the bill since it was 'our treat' as he phrased it.
I was thankful for it though. I haven't had this much fun in a while since i've been here.
Aaron drives his sister to her friends' house and drops her off after we had left the restaurant. Then it was just me and him left in the car, sitting there all awkwardly as he drove us back home.
"You know, this doesn't make us friends" the sound of his voice snaps me out of my thoughts.
I huff a little. It really must be hard for him to continue being nice. "Anyone who's my friend should be honored" I tell him like an idiot.
Is that really all I could come up with?
He turns to look at me while shaking his head in a way.
"Hey uh, th-thank you for the food" I let out the words a bit hesitantly.
I wasn't used to thanking him for anything, but boy has that changed. "You're welcome. Next time it's your treat" he tells me with a little eye roll, shocking me a little.
Is he meaning to tell me there will be a next time? That made me feel happy for some reason, knowing he enjoyed my company. He did say he didn't hate me after all.
I grin a little widely like an idiot at the thought of that.
We arrive home a little later but it felt so fast. I didn't want this night to end. "Are your parents not home?" he asks me with a confused look on his face, probably from noticing our cars wasn't here. "They're on a business trip. They'll be back tomorrow night" I let him know.
It felt weird not having them home as the atmosphere was very lonely, but I was trying to get used to it.
He hums a little, "Do you want to come in?" I offer, not wanting to be rude.
He shakes his head a bit, "I'd rather go home" he tells me and that gets me feeling a little disappointed.
I didn't know why I liked his company.
"Good night then" I last tell him before getting out of his car and walking towards my house.
He was still parked in our driveway just watching me. I turn around, watching him as he leaves.
I didn't know what was wrong with me, why I was so disappointed that he didn't come down.
Once I'm in the house, the first thing I do is I hop in the shower. It took about thirty minutes of me just standing under the warm water.
Seeing as my dad wasn't home, I then take the opportunity and put on one of his sweaters which was way too big on me, but he never minded it anyway.
I stayed in my boxers since the sweater was enough to cover and laid down in my bed, just rolling around in.
It wasn going to be a long night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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