The Vampire Couple CH 7 & CH 8

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Chapter 7

"good morning" Anton greeted me at my door.

"good morning your self" i replied with a big smile.

"what class do we have first?" i asked, Anton slowly held my hand in his, with that little gesture my heart skip a beat.

"English" Anton said.

As Anton walked me to class i could feel every bodies eyes on me, the girls were silently judging me and the boys were trying to see what Anton saw in me.

Anton sensed my unease and slung his arm over my shoulder.

"don't fret over other people, just imagine it's just you and me" Anton coolly said.

Julian walked past me and gave me a wink, Anton's hold on me tightened.

"there's nothing to be upset over with Julian" i promised him.

"i know, i trust you i just don't trust him" Anton blew a lock of hair from his eyes.

"i know you have doubts about it but try not to, i only like you and to show you i am serious" i took a deep breath and faced him, Anton looked at me waiting to see what i would do.

I held the back of his neck and pulled him to me, i rose on to my tip toes and kissed him on the mouth, Anton's eyes widened at the blatant act but then kissed me back.

"so don't worry any more okay" i said once i let go, Anton nodded.

We went in to class, we sat together and Anton helped me out with my work.

I didn't have work after class so Anton planned to take me out for dinner, nothing formal just normal food.

In P.E we was playing basket ball, sports was never my friend.

I have always lost at every sports game, accidentally hurt other students playing table tennis.

I was a walking danger zone in sports not that my teacher would believe me.

The ball was past to me and i threw it to another person on my team, i have never been good at throwing anything so it went straight pass my team mate and hit Anton's chest.

I winced and mouthed sorry, Anton chuckled and threw it back thankfully i caught it.

After class Anton caught up with me.

"i see you haven't got a talent for sports" Anton smiled at me.

"no i some how always get some one hurt" i sighed.

"I'm sure your not that bad" Anton reasoned.

"I all most killed some one in javelin, knocked someone out with a hockey stick, broke some ones wrist in tennis and of course my grand moment knocked someone out in ping pong" Anton burst out in to laughter.

"how?!" Anton asked me mid laughter.

"i don't know, I'm a walking disaster" i sighed sadly, Anton wrapped a arm around me.

"don't worry, isn't there anything your good at?" Anton asked me.

"gymnastics" i told him, Anton's eye brows rose at that.

"i thought you wasn't good at sports?" i shook his head.

"I'm not but to me it's not a sport it's just me" i struggled with my words.

"i know it sounds stupid" i shook my head.

"no Sawyer nothing you say sounds stupid" Anton kissed my cheek then walked with me outside, we both got changed in to normal clothes and went out for a walk together.

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