The Vampire Couple CH 3 & CH 4

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Chapter 3

I went back to my bed room to change my clothes and get ready for work, i went to work in a good mood, it wasn't very busy today.

Boss was in a happy mood and so was his wife.

To my delight Anton was sitting at a table with his quite friend.

"what can i get you both?" i asked them.

"two smooth pure orange juices" Anton ordered, i went back to my station and took the caps off of two bottles of juice then gave them their order, i got back to work and i was surprised that Julian was here at one of the tables by himself with a book.

"is there anything i can get you?" i asked him, Julian smiled brightly up at me.

"yes there is, can you get me a bottle of water and a slice of blueberry pie?" Julian asked me politely.

"of course" i smiled back at him and went to get his order, once i gave him his order i went back to work, Anton looked strange as if he was annoyed with some one, i hope he wasn't angry with his quite friend they seemed to really get on.

The other waitresses got to work while i cleaned up a spill out back, once i came back i took care of Anton's bill.

"Sawyer let me take you out again" Anton offered.

"really? Okay" i smiled lightly.

"i was thinking we could go to the fire works display" i smiled at the great idea.

"i haven't seen fireworks in years" i murmured, Anton smiled even wider.

"well then we just have to go then" Anton granted me with a charming smile.

"how about seven" i handed him his change.

"sounds great" i replied.

"good i will pick you up, dress warmly it might get cold, i would hate to see your skin go all blue and purple" Anton murmured in my ear then left with his friend, i blushed lightly at his soft words.

I went back to my Dorm room to see i had a package waiting for me, i smiled brightly because i knew what it was, it was the latest book by my favourite author, his author name is Mr A. B Loved every book he has written has sent a chill of excitement up my spine, his books are full of romance and irresistible charm, i gazed at the cover of the book lovingly, it was a picture of a handsome Vampire holding a fairy girl in his arms, he was tilting her chin up to look at him.

I red the blurb and sighed helplessly, i had to read it as soon as i got back from my date tonight, i took a shower then i got changed in to jeans and a warm top.

By the time my hair was dry Anton was here to pick me up.

"your going to love the fire works" Anton promised me then brought me to a bench on top of a hill off of campus.

"it will start soon, here drink this" Anton gave me a cardboard cup with hot chocolate in it, he wrapped a napkin around it so i wouldn't burn my finger's.

"i wouldn't want your finger's getting burned" Anton smiled charmingly at me.

"thank you" i blushed lightly, i didn't know if it was from his tone or the drink. The fire works began to start, i watched in amazement.

"you have a certain sparkle in your eyes tonight, what has made you so happy?" Anton asked me.

"it's just i got a new book today, it's by my favourite author" i told him.

"oh what's this name?" Anton sipped his drink and relaxed back on the bench.

"Mr A. B Loved, he is a amazing" i groaned in the pleasure of saying his name, Anton smirked then smiled widely at me.

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