The Vampire Couple CH 11 & CH 12

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Chapter 11

I woke up the next morning and was surprised when i saw Anton was not beside me.

I pushed the disappointment away knowing he had to get ready for class as well, i had breakfast with Anya then went off to class.

Our teacher announced a surprise test that lasted about an hour, i rubbed my sore neck as i walked out of class.

I opened my locker to find a letter inside, on the envelope written in neat but some how creepy hand writing was the word Sawyer.

I opened it and pulled out a letter.

Hello Sawyer

I do hope you don't think Anton is showing you affection because he likes you oh no little girl in fact he pity's you.

So don't flatter your self little Vampire, you my dear are worthless in the grand scheme of things.

You are a minor character in a book that gets killed off.

But when?

It was from Russal that was very clear i put the letter in my bag knowing Anton would want to see it.

But when?.

Those two words were rolling through my mind all day, he was just trying to mess with my head with all this talk of hurting me but if he isn't and he means it, when will he attack? I asked myself.

I headed to work, today was peaceful and thankfully only the nice students came in to the Café.

Boss was in a great mood, he was making orders for drinks in his office while i worked.

Anton came to pick me up from work.

"hello Sawyer" Anton greeted me, he then saw my face and frowned.

"what's wrong?" Anton asked me, i handed the letter to Anton.

Anton's face turned grim.

"do not listen to his words Sawyer i will defend you with my life, my very soul" Anton vowed.

Anton held my hand in his and walked me around campus.

"when do you think he will strike?" i asked him.

"well knowing Russal i should expect a few days of messing with us then a big dramatic build up and then he will strike" Anton nodded.

"ah so he is all show" i smiled lightly.

"basically" Anton kissed my cheek quickly.

"lets not talk of him, lets talk of you" i smiled up at him.

"okay then a stray cat has been visiting me" Anton told me.

"awwww" i cooed.

"it's a kitten, black and grey, i put out water for her" Anton smiled lightly.

"does she like you?" i asked.

"of course she does, she can't seemed to leave me alone" Anton laughed.

Anton took me back to his room, i sat on his bed as he worked on a page of his work, i laid back on his bed and relaxed.

I couldn't help but notice the little silver bowl by the open window half full of water.

"have you named the kitten yet?" i asked out of the blue.

"i called her Mint she has green eyes" Anton replied.

"i didn't know cats had green eyes" i frowned.

"I'm sure they don't" i frowned even more.

"Mint does, i think she has some Immortal blood in her" Anton told me.

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