The Vampire Couple CH 9 & CH 10

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Chapter 9

The next morning Anton picked me up and walked me to class.

"I'm the envy of the school having the honour of walking you to class" Anton smiled charmingly at me.

"I'm sure that's the other way around" Anton linked his fingers with mine, i looked down at my fingers then back at him.

"just trying some thing" Anton told me, i smiled at him and nodded.

"it feels nice holding some ones hand even thought I'm not a fan of public shows of affection, some times people take it over board" i crinkled my nose.

"I know how you feel, i understand love and romance but there is a time and a place for that sort of thing and pressing someone up against a wall in front of every body, trading saliva and just honestly showing off is taking things too far" Anton nodded in agreement.

"thank you, every time i say that to some one they look at me like I'm crazy and say but there in love, no they are not in love they are just showing off" i shook my head.

"it can be made in to a disgusting show" Anton let go of my hand the linked his pinky finger with mine.

After our classes were over i went back in to my normal routine, lessons and then work.

Anton walked me back to my Dorm room.

"Sawyer" Anton breathed, i turned to see his fangs were out, fangs came out when in a fight, blood thirst or when Vampires are feeling a strong emotion.

"i like you" Anton held my hands.

"i know your fangs are out" i smiled lightly, his whole body stiffened as he tried to hide his fangs by turning his face away.

I cupped his face and turned him to face me, i could feel my fangs come out.

I leaned up and kissed both of his fangs, Anton's eyes slid closed.

"Sawyer" Anton breathed.

Once i pulled away Anton kissed my hand and said good night.

I went to bed early that night for a decent nights sleep, the next morning i woke up bright and early.

I had a wash and got changed i to my uniform, i missed not wearing it while i was in that hotel.

Anya woke up at the same time as me and made breakfast, Renee was up a hour before us. Julian walked me to class, he seemed different than normal like some thing was on his mind.

"are you okay?" i asked.

"I'm fine, have you seen Anton lately?" Julian asked me.

"i saw him yesterday" i replied.

"Anton looks worried about some thing, do you think he is okay?" Julian brushed a lock of hair from his face.

Class started as normal but with one twist Julian was right, Anton was not okay he looked upset with some thing, at break i asked him if anything was wrong.

"I'm afraid that you may be in danger" Anton told me reluctantly.

"why is the Dome broken again?" i asked him.

"no the Dome is fine but an old enemy of mine has arrived and because this is strictly a personal matter the Academy will not help us, it is my responsibility to protect you" Anton explained.

"i may look little but i can fight so don't worry about that" i smiled up at him, Anton shook his head in worry.

"who is this person after us?" i asked Anton.

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