The Vampire Couple CH 17 & CH 18

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Chapter 17

Anton showered me with attention and flowers, my bed room had two vases of flowers, one was pink and yellow carnations and the other was white roses.

"you spoil me you really do" i shook my head with a smile.

"this is what you deserve" Anton informed me.

"you don't think your good enough do you?" Anton sighed.

"i can't help it" i looked down sadly, Anton gripped my chin and turned my face to look at him.

"i dreamed of finding you, the one and only love of my life, we're not like humans you and i we are Immortals our emotions are heightened" Anton stroked my cheek.

"a Immortal gets one mate, one person they can share every thing with and you are my mate" Anton told me.

"your shining raven hair that matches mine, your stunning eyes that piece my soul with wonder every time i see them, your loving personality that is so passionate it should be a crime to insult you and of course your soul your very being is a honour to this Immortal world" Anton declared to me.

"i love Sawyer Gallows, i will protect you to my dying breath" Anton vowed.

"i love you to Anton Beloved, your both my mate and my idol" i told him.

"i just can't believe i found you after so long" Anton kissed my cheek softly.

"neither can i" i breathed.

For the rest of the day we stayed by each others side, i laid on my side on Anton's bed while he held me close.

"I'm so lucky" i mumbled.

"no I'm the lucky one to be given you" Anton confessed.

The next day i had a long talk with my Dad on the phone.

I said good bye and hung up, wow i can't believe what he just offered me.

"how was your Dad?" Renee asked, she looked over her big text book to see me.

"Dad just asked me to move in with him, he said that he got a call from Mum saying that she has washed her hands of me so now, on the holidays and that i have no where to live" i told Renee.

"this is a big thing right?" Renee put her book down.

"right" i nodded.

"lets think of this logically, Mum has kicked me out and my only other relative that cares is my Dad, every one on my Mum's side will all back her up so i have no option but i do like my Dad and he is being very kind in letting me do this, i told him i would think about it but it seems logical" i mulled it over.

"it seems like the smart option" Renee agreed.

"i guess it's settled" i took a shower then went off to work.

I wonder what my Dad's house looks like? I wondered.

I cleaned up all the tables and waited on everyone, there was only one other person working along beside me and that was one of the lazier waitresses. Julian was off sick.

I juggled a few plates on my hands and arms and placed them neatly on a table with their bill, i can't remember ever working this hard.

Once every one had left i cleaned up again, i mopped the floor as i thought about moving in with my Dad.

The Café was closing early today due to a fighting tournament, i was a substitute for a girl called Ginger, just in case i had to change in to my fighting uniform and be by the side lines.

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