The Vampire Couple CH 5 & CH 6

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Chapter 5

Girls all over the Academy waited by their door's, impatiently waiting and hoping for a gift from a admirer and Renee and Anya was just the same, Anya fiddled with a pen while Renee tried to make her self look as if she didn't care while she sipped a cup of tea.

But as soon as there was a knock at the door they both jumped, at the door was a post boy and he gave us four gifts.

"Four? But there is only three of us" i frowned.

"Sawyer you have two gifts" Anya gave me two boxes, one was rectangle box that stood up right and the other was in a long box that i could hold in one hand. I took mine to my room, first i opened the biggest one and inside was a vase of light pink carnations the petals seemed to sparkle.

The flower's were beautiful i thought to my self.

I then turned my attention to the other box, i noticed the box had a ribbon attached to it, i took great care in removing it.

I opened the box to see a flower, a single flower but this one took my breath away, it was dark blue, it was fake but it looked and felt so real, the stem was made out of wire, i wrapped it around the strap of my bag.

I then got dressed into my uniform and brushed my hair, i tied my hair up with a dark blue hair band with blue bobbles attached to it.

Renee got a silver bracelet and Anya got a ring for a baby finger it had a Topaz gem on it that shined.

I got to class surprisingly all the girls wasn't chattering about their gifts, Anton sat beside me and smiled warmly at me in greeting.

"good morning" Anton greeted.

"good morning to you too" i smiled back, we got on with our History lesson then we went to our Maths, Maths was easy today, not too challenging.

After class Anton walked me to my locker.

"so what did you get?" Anton asked me.

"i got two gifts" i told him, Anton's eyes flashed with emotion at that information.

"two gifts my my aren't we popular" Anton noticed the flower attached to my bag.

"was this one of your gifts?" Anton asked me, he touched the flower then smiled at the colour of it.

"yes i like it the most" i told him truthfully, Anton smiled widely, his eyes had a wicked glint in them.

"is it now?" Anton draped a arm over my shoulder after classes was over and walked me to a bench to sit and talk.

"so how many gifts did you get?" i asked curiously, Anton smirked at that then leaned in to me.

"forty" Anton whispered to me.

"forty gift!" i gasped.

"flower's, chocolates, jewellery, gems oh and a very unique gift as well" Anton's eyes landed on me, i turned my head away.

"this" Anton said and dangled the gift i send him on a silver chain in front of my face.

"do you know who would send me such a gift?" Anton asked teasingly.

"no" i shook my head.

"it's my favourite gift" he put the chain around his neck and tucked in under his uniform, my heart started to melt right there and then.

"Anton why is it other people can't be as kind as you?" i asked him in a sigh.

"i guess i am just lucky" Anton smiled at me.

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