The Vampire Couple CH 15 & CH 16

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Chapter 15

My Dad came to visit me a lot over the last couple of days and Mum has stopped calling me.

But my school work and work at the Café has been great and Anton has been more than perfect, i swear he is straight from one of my dreams.

I some times wonder if he really is real, that i might be dreaming and i will wake up any second to realise that he was just my imagination.

"what are you thinking about?" Anton asked me, snapping me back out of my thoughts.

We were sat under a tree enjoying each other's company.

"just how lucky i am to have found you" i smiled up at him.

"ah lovely Sawyer it was i who found you, i noticed you before those fan girls as you call it was bothering you, i find you so fascinating the way you move, the way you talk and breath, it's like you are straight out of my dreams" Anton murmured.

My lips parted in shock, it was like he read my mind.

"Sawyer are you okay?" Anton asked me, i cupped his face and kissed him passionately.

"I'm so lucky" i murmured back to him and began to kiss him again.

Anton's lips were so soft and gentle that it made the kiss even sweeter, Anton held my nape as he kissed my lips.

"now continue telling me about this Witches Plane you want to visit" Anton leaned his back against a tree while holding me in his arms.

"I've all ways wanted to go but never had the opportunity" i told him.

Anton suddenly went all tense.

"what's wrong?" i asked him.

"can't you feel that?" Anton asked me, i frowned then i did feel it, the unsteady feeling i got when the dome broke, when i tried to save Anton and when Russal tried to kill me.

Some thing bad was going to happen.

"well, well, well I'm so glad to see you looking so happy especially since you made my brother run away with his tail in between his legs, but Russal always has been spineless" a female voice spoke out of the shadows.

"Katie come out where i can see you" Anton demanded.

Out of the shadows stepped a girl who looked a lot like Russal, she could very well be his twin.

"what happened between me and Russal is none of your business, he saw that he was wrong and you should to" Anton spoke firmly.

"you never change always thinking your right, no matter i will soon pound that out of you" Katie's fangs came out, a rush of protectiveness arose inside me.

I bared my fangs at her, Katie pounced at Anton but i lunged at her and tackled her to the ground.

We push each other away and stood on our feet opposite each other.

"you better watch your back Academy girl" Katie growled and disappeared.

"Sawyer you could have been hurt" Anton told we once he reached me.

"you protected me you deserve protection to" i kissed his cheek.

"you are wonderful" Anton chuckled.

"thank you" i smiled.

Anton walked me back to my room.

I guess the peace and quite would not of lasted, first Russal, then my Mum and now this Katie.

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