The Vampire Couple CH 13 & CH 14

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Chapter 13

Anton has been on edge all morning, he thinks its a bad thing Russal has not been setting traps for us all over school.

"If memory serves me correctly Russal always takes a day or two to set his final attack in motion, what he is planning is much worse than that poison or cutting ropes so lights fall on you" Anton's eyes turned dark with worry of my safety.

"don't worry what ever it is we can handle it" i kissed his cheek then went to class, after today i get two days off.

Classes was good and work was even better, i got more tips today as well as my wage slip.

I went back to my Dorm room and into my room to count up the money i have saved up.

I rolled up my notes and wrapped a elastic band around then and put then in my money box.

My phone ringed the second time today and yet again it was my Mum.

"hello Mum" i sighed.

"hey honey anything new happen today?" Mum asked with her voice in that nervous tone, what was she so worried about.

"Mum, what's wrong seriously?" i asked her.

"nothings wrong i just worry about you that's all" Mum told me.

After our call i took a bath and got under my covers.

I just laid there and thought about how my stay at Seven Moons Academy has been going and i must say it's been good ,apart from Russal it's been good.

Anton has turned my life upside down but in a good way, i heard Anton climb through my window. He sat next to me and stroked my hair soothingly.

How he cares for me makes my heart soften.

The next morning Anton was gone but there was a red rose in his place.

I put the rose in a little vase then had breakfast and got my self ready for the day ahead.

Anton sent a box of chocolates to my room with a little card with it, i opened the little card and read it.

Good morning Sawyer

I hope you have a good day, i wish i could be there with you but i am going to track down Russal but do not fear for me.

I will soon be with you.

Love Anton

"that smooth talking Vampire is going to make my heart burst on of these days" i mumbled to my self with a big smile plastered on to my face.

I lounged on my bed and ate my chocolates, these were different from the last ones, these were more creamy.

I did little jobs for our Dorm room most of the day by the time i got back i was a little tired.

I looked at the time and frowned, wasn't Anton supposed to be back by now? I wondered to my self.

I found a letter on my pillow with black ink written on it.

Come to Gallows road at midnight tonight i have Anton and if you do what i say he shall be unharmed.


My heart wrenched in pain for Anton, i got changed then looked at the time i had a hour until i had to leave, that hour was the longest.

I left and went to Gallows road, Gallows road was a mess it was a part of the town they haven't gotten around to fixing up yet. I bet most places had their very own Gallows road.

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