'Just Dinner'. {5}

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The walk back to Keith's apartment was interesting, from both perspectives.

Keith seemed... distracted. So much so, Lance was worried. This all started as soon as his mom brought up family, but Lance didn't really take note until he was walking Keith home. Lance was curious as to what was wrong, but was unsure if it was appropriate to ask. He walked behind Keith, letting him lead the way, granted they were going to his apartment. As Keith walked, Lance continued to think, lost in thought. However, he quickly snapped out of it when he saw that Keith, who was also lost in thought, was walking into oncoming traffic.

"Keith!" Lance yelled.

Adrenaline beginning to surge through his veins, Lance quickly grabbed Keiths hand, yanking his arm back as fast and as hard as he could. Keith fell back directly onto Lance, who just moments earlier lost his footing which caused him to fall. Breathing heavily, Lance lifts his head to look at Keith, who was looking up at the sky wide-eyed, his breathing matching his erratic heartbeat. Realizing Lance was looking at him, Keith quickly got up and off of Lance, before muttering a quick "thank you".

"Keith...? You okay?" Keith shook his head and took a few deep breaths.

"No. Nothing's wrong. Thank you, for stopping me." Keith replied.

"You sure? Look like something is wrong."

Like the idiot Keith is, he shook his head again and suppressed his emotions, beating himself up for letting them slightly slip in the first place. Not wanting to push it any further, Lance sighed and grabbed Keith's hand, guiding him across the street as he would one of his younger siblings. Keith heard the other boy muttering things under his breath, he could also feel just how bad Lance's hands were shaking against his own. Once they reached the median, Keith stopped walking. Lance turned around to face the shorter boy.

"What is it?"

"Go home, Lance. I'm okay. I'm sorry I caused you trouble." Keith spoke, letting go of Lance's hand.

Lance shook his head. "I'm taking you home."

"No, Lance."





"Yes, pendejo. I won't fight. I take you home, then I go home."

"... No."

Lance sighed, just barely loud enough for Keith to hear over the sound of the cars passing by. "Señor dame la paciencia para no menterle un puño a este niño."

"Yes I am, Keith. You get home safe with me." Lance spoke, extending his hand to Keith.

Keith gave in and grabbed Lance's hand. They crossed the other half of the street and made it to Keith's apartment building, Lance trying his best to distract Keith along the way with crazy stories of his family. He succeeded in making Keith laugh, which in turn made Lance snort. Keith had the sort of laugh that was contagious, and the other boy loved it.

"Goodnight, Keith." Lance smiled still not letting go of his hand.

"Night, Lance." Keith replied, letting go.


When Keith entered his apartment he saw Pidge sitting on his couch, watching a movie on his TV, eating his popcorn, curled up in his blanket. Pidge looked at the door and smiled to see Keith's face.

"Kogane! You're back! Shiro let me in."

He really wanted to give Shiro a piece of mind in that exact moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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