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| Morishige |

I woke up with a killer headache. I was on the ground, and I didn't want to try sitting up. The pain was excruciating.

"Ow... My head..."

I had no clue how long I was unconscious, either. I was curious as to what happened, and what the thing I picked up even is.

I raised my hands to my face to check, but they were empty...

And smaller than I remember.

The heck?

After waiting a minute, I mustered enough strength to stand up. I saw two people nearby, and decided to approach them.

They both looked familiar, as well...

But they also seemed... Taller.

I began walking over towards them, and offered an awkward smile.

"Hello. Have you seen--"

I was cut off by a girl I knew, who turned around and looked at me. She had a giant smile on her face.

"Ah, Suzumoto! You're awake! Morishige was panicking."

I what.

You did not just say that.

Are you crazy?! Do I look like Mayu to you?!

"...What are you saying?! I wasn't panicking. Shinozaki, are you high or something?"

She laughed and shook her head.

"Of course not! But I could ask you the same thing, Suzumoto-san!"

"STOP CALLING ME THAT! I'm not Mayu..."

"...Um... Yes you are."

Suddenly, the other figure walked over towards us and shrugged at me.

I was looking at myself.

Man... I look tall. Good God...

"...Um... Here."

Uh... I guess I handed myself a small pocket mirror. I had nothing better to do than open it and look...


Oh no. I was not in my own body...

It was just like on TV and movies.

A classic body swap.

No wonder why my hands were smaller, and my voice was higher...

And why I was almost a foot shorter.

"I can't take this! Where's Mayu?!"

The image of myself slowly raised their hand and sheepishly smiled.




All That Glitters... Causes Body Swaps (Corpse Party)Where stories live. Discover now