Don't Get Caught

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| Mayu |

I slept like a rock, even though I wasn't in my own room. Or my own body, for that matter.

I sat up and stretched my arms out, and stood up. I walked over to the closet, and looked at Shige-nii's phone for the day.

Oh. It's Saturday. That means there's no school today.

I felt happy because that meant I didn't have to act like him the whole day.

There was something else on his phone.

3 Missed Calls: Kishinuma Yoshiki

Why was Kishinuma-kun calling me so much? Hmm...

Probably because Shige-nii usually picks up.

I decided I shouldn't text Kishinuma or anything, because I knew he liked to sleep in late whenever he had the chance.

Instead, I called my own phone, hoping Shige-nii would answer.

Ring. Ring. Ring...

"...Hiiii! How are you this morning?"

My parents are probably awake, so he's still acting like me. Good grief...

"...Hey, Mayu... Did you hear from Kishinuma-kun last night?"

"As a matter of fact, I did! He told me he tried calling you. I told him you were sooo tired and likely fell asleep. Hehe~"

...The more we keep this charade up, the less I feel like myself, and the more I feel like Shige-nii... But I have to keep the facade going...

"I see. What did he want?"

"He was telling me how Shinozaki-san picked up that weird shiny thing we found! She did some research, and won't tell us anything for a week... Because she's experimenting."

He said that last word with a hiss in his voice, and I hoped my parents hadn't heard him. He's the only one out of both of us who hisses when he's irritated. I just try to be nice and brush it off.

"...Something wrong?"

"Oh. Nothing! Hey, why don't we go do something really fun today? Get some fresh air? Doesn't that sound nice, Shige-nii?"

Ahhhh, stop being so good at acting!

"Mhm, sure. Where do you want to go?"


My parents are never gonna know. God, Shige-nii... You're starting to scare me. Heh.

"Okay. See you soon."


I hung up and put his phone back in my pocket before rubbing my tired eyes.

I knew exactly why he invited me to go do something. He was going to find a desolate, quiet spot and tell me everything he knew.

And he probably already had some genius plan.

The only problem was... I would have to be the one who says stuff. I mean... What if someone sees us? We'll be caught...

I don't know if I can do this...

Come on, Mayu! You need to stay positive! He always knows what to do. Don't worry about it!

I felt reassured by that thought, and decided to change.

I couldn't just wear his school uniform all weekend long. It would get really gross. He would never let me hear the end of it.

I searched his closet and found a simple white, button down shirt and some khakis.

Works for me.

To avoid any awkwardness, I put the clothes on over his uniform. Once I got the outfit on, I pulled off his uniform from underneath.

We have all done that. You know exactly what I'm talking about.

The quick and easy switch.

It was a little weird, to be honest. I was always the type who liked wearing skirts and dresses. Obviously, Shige-nii doesn't do that, and wearing actual pants felt foreign to me.

So did the shirt.

"...Hmm... Not bad."

I found his favorite brown dress shoes (the only time he doesn't wear dress shoes is when he's at school. Uniform, yes.) and slid them on before leaving his room.

I started to walk down the stairs to their exit when I heard two distinct voices.

I can say I didn't recognize them, but my brain pieced it together.

"...Patients just keep coming... Work doesn't stop..."

"Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that, Seishiro!"

Quick Author Interjection:

Yes, you can find the names of parents on the Wiki. Bless. Seishiro is his dad. His mom is named Kumiko. The more you know.

"Don't worry about it. Why don't you stay home today? You're stressing yourself out. Maybe lay down for a while?"

"...Alright. It's Saturday, right?"

"Yes. What of it?"

"Ugh... I wanted the house to myself, but Sakutaro might still be here."

"Oh, right. Well, if he's here, you don't need to worry about him. The boy just sits around by himself, anyway."

"...Is there a reason for him always acting like that?"

"Beats me. He's strange. I don't intend on finding out. I better be on my way. See you when I get home."

The man left the house, and the woman laid down on the couch with a loud sigh.

His parents.

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