Home Alone... Which is Normal!

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A/N: I can't be the only one who has noticed that Mayu and Morishige have reversed initials.

Sakutaro Morishige = SM
Mayu Suzumoto = MS

Yep. Now you won't unsee it.



| Mayu |

It's a good thing I knew where Shige-nii lives, or I would've had to sleep on a park bench or something. Unlike him, I didn't take off running. I did what he would do: I took my time and walked.

Walking so far felt strange, though. He's pretty tall, being almost six foot. Because of that, every time I took a step, I felt like I was going to trip and fall.

Or hit my head on something.

How does he do it? Being tall is scary...

I made it without hurting myself, though, and I thanked the Lord for that.

Maybe being in his body won't be so bad!

But... Acting like him will be kind of hard.

Everyone sees me as a happy and friendly person, and I'm friends with everyone.

Shige-nii is my opposite. Unless we're together, he spends his time alone. He doesn't talk to many people unless I'm around. I seem to be the person who gets him out of his shell.

And for some reason... I never knew what made him so reserved. And cold.

Since I was living in his shoes, however... maybe I would finally find out.

I entered his house, and was welcomed by complete silence.

"Hello? Anyone home? I... Skipped drama today."

I didn't get a single response, and I was worried. I wasn't used to this. Whenever I came home from school, at least my mother was usually there.

Weird... Does Shige-nii have no one to greet him whenever he comes home?

I figured his parents were out, doing something important, and headed towards his bedroom.

It was really neat and organized... and kind of plain looking.

Totally the opposite of my room.

He had a desk with a computer and shelves, and his bed was on the other side of the room. It was made, and it almost reminded me of a hotel room.

His closet looked pretty barren, too. He had one side for his casual clothes, one for formal attire, and the other sections were for other things. He even had a little section for his school uniform.

Why am I not surprised? Hehe.

I was pretty tired, so I laid down on the bed and sighed.

I wanted to wash up, but the very thought made me uncomfortable.

That's okay. I don't need to shower right now... No one's even home but me.

As I just laid around, I began to think about some things.

Shige-nii doesn't really talk about his parents... I wonder why...

And... He's honestly the best-looking guy at school. Every time I look at myself in the mirror, I see his face... And it just reminds me of that. Do other girls notice it, too? It can't just be me. He's so adorable. Nerdy looking. Tall. Hehe...

Ahhh, no, Mayu. There isn't time to think about this stuff!

I had a lucky break when my thoughts were disrupted by a vibrating feeling in my pocket.

Oh, yeah. Shige-nii always had his phone with him.

I took it out and opened it. I had a message from... Me.

That meant he used my phone.

Well, duh. What else would he do?

I decided to read it now rather than wait until later, in case it was important.

Message from: Mayu
I forgot how great your parents are. I had to eat crepes even though I wasn't hungry. Got to keep the act going. How are you holding up?

I knew exactly what I wanted to say.

Send Message to: Mayu
I'm great! But... No one but me is home.

Message from: Mayu
That's normal. My parents are never home. When they are... Well, they ignore me.

It all made sense now. Shige-nii didn't get along with his parents because they never paid attention to him. The realization made me really sad, and I just wanted to hug him and tell him that he deserves better.

Because someone like him does.

Send Message to: Mayu
Oh... I'm really sorry to hear that. How come you never told me?? You deserve better than that.

Message From: Mayu
...I don't like talking about it. Well, I better go. Both of us need to delete these messages, in case someone sees. Goodnight.

Send Message to: Mayu
Okay, makes sense. Night!

After I sent the message, I deleted all of them. I had a feeling my parents would check and ask him what the deal was. He was smart though, and saw that possibility coming.

I still had a heavy heart, and I found it hard to relax and fall asleep.

I was restless.

...Shige-nii... I'm so sorry... I wish your parents cared more about you... No wonder why you're so distant. You need... You deserve to know that you're appreciated. You mean the world to me...

After that last thought, the exhaustion his body had experienced earlier took over, and I crashed.

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