Mayu Suzumoto, I Guess.

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Another A/N: If you're like me and like listening to music while you read stuff, a really good song for this story (and even Mayushige in general, hehe~) is "DNA Rhapsody" by TeddyLoid. Check it out! I also found an English translation of the lyrics on Tumblr. I don't remember who posted them, though. Just Google it and you'll find it.



| Morishige |

I was never athletic to begin with, but at least in my own body, I had long enough legs to run pretty fast when I needed to. No offense to Mayu or anything, but she's tiny... And her legs are much shorter than mine. I guess I'll just have to learn how to adjust.

I had gone a far distance just to make it to her house, and when I went inside, I could hardly breathe and was really sweaty.

How unpleasant.

"...Ew... Sweat."

Normally, such a thing wouldn't bother me that much, but now it did. I mean, what do people do when they're sweaty? They shower. Pretty standard, right? Well, it is... But I'm stuck inside a girl's body now.

I absolutely did not want to shower. Ever. Not until I was in my own body again.

Sakutaro, you idiot. Why didn't you just walk?

Hey, it was getting late. I don't want to deal with anything...

You're still being an idiot. You're smarter than that. Next time, use your brain.

After arguing with myself for a few minutes, I decided I had to find some other way to freshen up. No one likes the smell of sweat, after all.

I went outside and found their garden hose.

Ah, I'll just spray myself down with this... And use a hair dryer or something to dry off. Girls use those, right? Yeah, I think so.

I adjusted the hose's head to "shower" (which is what I see people use to water their flowers and such) and extended my other arm out. I sprayed it, then did my other arm.

I then positioned it above my head and pressed hard, and it got the rest of me wet.

"Great. That worked."

I wrung out Mayu's uniform the best I could, and hurried inside to one of their bathrooms.
I was soaked, and I didn't want to get everything wet.

I found some towels and used those to absorb everything they could before tossing them into the dirty laundry pile. I then located a dryer and moved it up and down, trying to get every spot.

Hair dryers are small. It took forever, but it worked.


I was preparing to leave the bathroom, but before I could even reach for the door, I heard a knock.

"Mayu, what are you doing in there? Why is the floor so wet? Are you alright?!"

I knew that voice.

It was Mayu's mother. She was a really sweet woman, and I always liked her. I'd say we got along well, too.

Much better than my parents and I do, for sure.

But at that moment, I panicked. I don't know why, either. I just felt like I couldn't face her.

I didn't answer right away. Instead, I regained my composure and reminded myself to act like Mayu.

"...Ahhh, sorry! I just... Got wet on my way home! I couldn't escape the endless sprinklers, hehe~"

Outside the door, I heard a sigh of relief.

"Oh, alright! Are you dried off now?"

"Yep! As best as I can be!"

"That's good! Why don't you come join me and your father for some snacks?"

I wasn't very hungry, honestly... But I knew Mayu wouldn't say no to her mother.


"Mm, okay! One moment, please~"

I took it as a good sign when I heard footsteps going in a different direction.

Thank goodness I was alone. I examined myself in the mirror, and felt this weird sensation in my stomach.

Butterflies, they're called.

...Ahhhh... I...

I never told her this, but I always thought she was a really cute person. Then again, everyone does.

I couldn't let myself get distracted by the face or anything else, though.

I'm an actor. This is just an act...

I am playing Mayu.

I opened the door and made my way to the family room, and saw both of her parents sitting there. They appeared to be eating sweets.

It made sense. Mayu loves sweets.

I smiled as I walked over and sat next to them.

"How was school today?"

"It was great, Dad! How was your day?"

"Busy, as usual. But I'm glad to hear that! Here, we made crepes."

Oh, no. Those were her favorite. If I didn't eat any, they'd be onto me.

I took a crepe and stuffed it into my mouth.

"Thanks! They're so yummy~"

We just kept talking and eating, and I actually felt like I had a family.

I didn't know how Mayu would do with my parents, on the other hand.

They don't pay attention to me, and they definitely won't change anytime soon.

I prayed she would be fine on her own...

Because that's what I always had to do.

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