Crepes, Calls, and... Crying

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| Morishige |

Message From: Shige-nii
Okay, makes sense. Night!

I didn't want to just leave Mayu without saying anything else, but... I didn't know what to say. The only thoughts I had didn't relate to what we had been talking about. And besides, we had to delete those text messages... Before someone caught us.

She didn't do it directly, but she reminded me of my parents... And they're two people I try to forget about. I mean, they always forget about me. Why should I bother to worry about them?

It was always like that. Even when I was little... They hardly paid me any mind. The only time they noticed me is when I was sick, but even then... My father acted like my doctor, and my mother treated me like the plague.

Mayu was the first person to genuinely care about me...

After my grandfather died...

These kind of thoughts kept racing through my mind, and I found myself with my face buried in my hands.


Then, tears started flowing. I'm not really one to cry... But this was one of the few exceptions.

I needed things to be back to normal again. I wanted my own body. I wanted to hold her close... Her small body... Her adorable face...

Please... How do I fix this...?

Lord... Please... I'll do anything...

It's not even about me... But Mayu... She doesn't deserve to live my life. Help me help her...

I continued crying for a while until I heard a phone ringing.

It was Mayu's cell phone.

I looked at the caller ID, and the name was not what I expected.

Kishinuma Yoshiki Calling...

It couldn't hurt to answer the phone, so I did. I held her pink phone to my ear, and prayed that what he had to say was useful.

Act the part...

"Hiiii Kishinuma-kun!"

"Hey, Suzumoto. Is Morishige with you? It's weird. He isn't answering his phone."

"Oh, no. Shige-nii isn't with me~ he's at home. He's likely sleeping. He was exhausted earlier. Why do you ask?"

"Shinozaki told me about earlier, and... She picked up that shiny thing you two found? I don't know. But of course she did research on it, and she found some pretty interesting stuff. She told me that you aren't allowed to know for a week, though... She's experimenting or something."

"Oh, that's okay~ Weird, but okay!"


"Well, thanks for telling me! I have to go now! Night, Kishinuma!"


He hung up and I nearly tossed the phone away.

I couldn't believe this.

I had to find out what the class rep was hiding.

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