Chapter 2

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I awoke with a start, shooting up from my pristine pillow in a panting mess, clutching the covers that hung off of the edge of the mattress. Skimming around the room, I let out a weary sigh.

It was just a dream.

Slapping my cheeks and kicking my legs over the side of the bed, I turned toward the partially open window resting on the wall behind my headboard. The sun had only just begun rising over the horizon, and with a peek at the alarm clock, I realized it was barely 5:30 am.

"The third time this week.." I groaned to myself as I pushed up from the bed, my eyes immediately flicking toward the torn open letter and the holograph tablet resting on the desk across the room.

After months of grueling training instructed by none other than my father, I had finally passed the entrance exam and was allowed to attend U.A. Though not easy, Father managed to convince the board to give me chance.

I should be grateful, but as I stood in the middle of my room staring at the brand new U.A. uniform that hung on the hook attached to the door, I felt everything but gratitude.

With another exhale of air, I plucked the uniform from its hook and pulled the bedroom door open, trailing through the still dim hallway toward the bathroom. Clipping my bangs to the side, I began to get ready for my first day as an official high school student.

I stole a glance at my reflection as I proceeded to fix my hair, calming down slightly at the sight of me in uniform.

This is really happening. I smile sheepishly, being sure to tug my bangs over my disfigured eye before departing from the bathroom.

I wandered into the kitchen, gazing at the refrigerator that leaned against the wall with a cocked eyebrow. Not exactly feeling up for a meal, I turned on my heel back toward my bedroom.

I sat on the bed and pulled on my burgundy leg warmers, thus beginning to stare at the signature scarf hanging off the edge of the desk chair in front me. I frowned as I reached over, pulling it into my lap as I ran my thumb against the soft fabric. Memories of meeting Iida flooded into my head, and I only then remembered that he was the reason why I was attending U.A. in the first place.

I should probably thank him. I smiled as a knock sounded at my door, prompting me to glance up as it slowly pushed open.

Smiling, Father peeked his head in sleepily. "Good, you're awake."

I returned the smile before glancing at the clock. 6:15 am.

"Come on into the dining room, I'll make breakfast." He offered, waving his hand as he traveled down the hall.

I followed him, leaving the scarf on the bed as I took a seat at the table. Father was already kneeling into the fridge, pulling out a carton of eggs and the milk.

"How did you sleep?" Father inquired, glancing in my direction before pulling out a pan.

"Well, and yours?" I lied, smiling for emphasis.

"Slept like a rock." He replied, chuckling gently as he set the pan on a burner, turning it on.

It was silent between us for a short while, the sizzle of the eggs on the pan being the only thing to aid the quiet.

Behind Blue Eyes ((TENYA IIDA X OC))Where stories live. Discover now