Chapter 5

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I groan as I force my eyes open, immediately being greeted with the bright light hanging from the ceiling.

I immediately push myself up into a sitting position to avoid being blinded and notice that Karafuru was sitting on a chair with her head resting on her arms, sleeping soundly in the free space on the bed next to me. I blink a few times before gazing around the recovery room and rubbing my temples as a burning sensation assaulted my eyes.

I squeezed them shut, another groan vibrating my ribcage, making Karafuru stir.

The weight she had on the thin mattress disappeared and I opened my eyes again to see her staring with tried eyes.

"Oh, good," she yawned while stretching her arms over her head. "You're awake."

"What happened?" I inquired.

Shrugging, she leans her elbows on the bed. "I didn't see what happened, but you've been out for three hours. I was only allowed in here because I was your partner."

I hum unsurely in response as I attempt to stand up. Karafuru eases me back down by the shoulders and shakes her head in objection.

"Recovery Girl said that you shouldn't try moving extensively," she told me sternly and sits back down. "Something about strained muscles, you could've over did yourself when you were up against Kirishima."

I shrugged as I leaned back on the pillow. "Where is Recovery Girl, anyway?"

"She left a little while ago to ask All Might what happened since I hadn't been there," Karafuru replied, shining a half smile. "She tried kissing you to heal you and wake you up, and when that didn't work after a few hours, she got worried and scurried outta here."

I raised an eyebrow but nodded nonetheless.

"How are you feeling, anyway?" She asks, her bright grin faltering. "Or are you always this quiet?"

Before I could reply, the recovery room doors open to reveal the short frame of Recovery Girl with All Might standing behind her. Looking grim, Recovery Girl walks in.

"Karafuru," she chirps, smiling at her. "I'm going to have to ask you to wait outside for right now while All Might and Miss Yuki have a word."

"Why?" She asks, looking from me to her in a rush as she stood up. "Is she okay?"

"She'll be just fine, don't you worry." Recovery Girl smiled again and ushered Karafuru out of the door, not giving her another chance to speak as she shut it swiftly behind her.

I turn to All Might as he sits in the chair Karafuru had been sitting in before, his seemingly permanent grin faltering as he met my gaze.

"All of your classmates, but Karafuru and the other member of the team you went up against, saw your shadow quirk."

"What?" I ask in disbelief.

"Before collapsing, when your body stiffened, a dark aura pulsed from underneath you and spread across the whole room, casting over the light and causing the cameras to malfunction."

I let an uneasy breath escape my lips as I look down at my legs, hands trembling at my sides.

"There were some questions," he began again and I squeezed my eyes shut. "From some of your classmates, though most were regarding your condition after you collapsed."

I look up at him again, allowing a surprised frown to cross my face.

"Surprisingly, however, young Bakugou seemed the most worried of your condition and tried multiple times to enter the recovery room." All Might says, intertwining his fingers together and resting his chin on his knuckles.

Behind Blue Eyes ((TENYA IIDA X OC))Where stories live. Discover now