Chapter 15

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As Aizawa sprung into action and my classmates began their evacuation, I found myself unable to move as the burning sensation subsided.

Even with my father's hand held tightly around my upper arm, I couldn't rip my eyes away from the red hues that stared right back at me. Her grin was like a snakes, posture slack and sadistic. She leaned against the man with the hands covering portions of his body with one arm slung across his shoulders.

She didn't move, but merely watched as my mind collapsed in on itself.

"Osoroshi, we have to get you out of here." Dad kept saying, eyes flicking from Mother and back to me. He was panicking.

His voice still sounded painfully distant, like I was meters away and he was yelling to be heard from such a distance. I could barely keep up with the pace of my heart or how erratic my breathing had become.

The terrified feeling sunk in deeply like talons, and I found myself unable to break free from its grip. The longer I stared, the more frightened I became.

"Freezer," I heard Thirteen shout from behind us. "What's the hold up?"

"Go on without us," Father yelled back. He sounded closer this time. "I'll take care of Osoroshi, get the other students out of here!"

As I continued the agonizing face off with Nightmare, my father stepped in between my line of vision. The pressure that I had felt against my temples dissipated, and it wasn't as difficult to breath as we locked eyes.

"Osoroshi," he began, taking me by the shoulders. "When I turn you around, don't you dare look back, understand?"


Without giving me the opportunity to respond, my father turned and pushed me in the direction of my classmates. I stumbled forward, but was caught midair as my father fell in step with me. As we ran behind the group of class 1-A, the same void appeared on the ground and stretched up toward the ceiling. Who leapt out of it was the same girl who stood beside Nightmare.

Her hair was black and her skin was sickly pale. Her neck and lower portion of her face was covered with a thin, ripped red scarf that resembled Aizawa's. Her chest, lower arms, and hips were covered in nothing but dingy bandages, and her legs were adorned in black, baggy pants that were tied off with dark rope at her mid calve. Around her waist hung a sheathe, and the look on her face was maniacal.

"You aren't going anywhere, junior heroes!" The girl cackled and I cringed. Dad's grip on my arm tightened.

"Nice to meet you," the void villain spoke formally. "We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us, but we invited ourselves in to the home of the heroes, U.A. High School, in order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his final breath."

As the void paused, his piercing, yellow hues turned to me and I froze. "And as a consolation prize, we have come to collect Miss Yuki as well."

"What the hell do you want with Yuki!" Bakugou barked.

"I won't let you touch her!" Iida followed.

As Iida lunged himself toward the void, the pale girl intervened, nearly slicing Iida with her katana.

"Ah, ah, ah, pretty boy!" She giggled profusely, clutching to the handle of her blade. "Sissy's coming with us whether you sorry sacks of shit like it or not!"

"Sissy?" I breathed the word and the girl in question flicked her red gaze to me.

Before she could speak, however, Bakugou and Kirishima jumped into the fray with the full intent of destroying the shadow villain set up behind her.

Behind Blue Eyes ((TENYA IIDA X OC))Where stories live. Discover now