Chapter 13

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After my father and I exchanged farewells, I couldn't find it within myself to go back into the classroom.

I roamed the halls of U.A. with my eyes glued to my feet, the only sound distracting me from everything else being the shuffles emanating from my shoes. I climbed the seemingly endless supply of staircases until I opened the door to the roof.

I didn't know why, but I seemed to be finding myself retreating here quite frequently.

I slumped toward the bench and sat down, my gaze finally rising to stare out at Musutafu. The air was cold and the sky was dulled with thin, grey clouds. I wouldn't be surprised if it rained by the end of the day.

I must've been sitting by myself for a while, because the lunch bell rang throughout the courtyard, knocking me out of my trance as the sounds of bustling students echoed from inside the school.

So many things had been happening in such a short span of time, that it was hard to keep up with it all. My fingers clutched to the edge of my seat as I squeezed my eyes shut, though nothing stopped the tears that shed onto my bare thighs. It was cold, as to be expected. I bit down hard on my cheeks to prevent ugly sobs from being heard by passerby's in the courtyard, feeling the familiar metallic liquid seep onto my tongue. The taste only make me cry harder.

Suddenly, the door to the roof had opened and I hastily began to wipe my face. I turned in the direction of the open door, seeing Iida standing with his hand held onto the doorknob.

"Osoroshi," he sighed sadly, shutting the metal door before making his way over to me. "What's wrong?"

I kicked my legs over the top of the bench to face him with my hands still uselessly attempting to wipe the tears away. Taking me gently by the wrists, he pulled them away to look me in the eyes.

"Talk to me." He urged quietly, planting a kiss on my forehead.

A sudden wave of emotion went through me, and no matter how hard I tried to contain it, a sob managed to squeeze its way from in between my teeth. I stiffly slumped into the crook of Iida's neck, clutching onto his sleeve as I tried to recompose myself. He said nothing and let me do it all while running his hand in steady, soothing circles on my back.

"S-she-" I chocked on my words and Iida shushed me quietly.

"Let it out," he cooed, breathing deeply. "Give yourself a minute."

Giving into his request, I closed my eyes tightly again, and falling to my knees, I clung to him. I gripped to his uniform as if I feared that he'd slip away if I ever let go again. I could feel the tension in my knuckles, but that pain was nothing compared to what thoughts swarmed around in my head.

After a solid five minutes of a prolonged mental breakdown, I finally calmed down enough to stop my sobbing. I still sat with my cheek pressed against Iida's chest and his hand brushing through my hair, being too tired to move from that position.

"So?" Iida whispered, hopeful for an explanation.

Sighing, I pulled away just enough to look at him. "I saw her."

"When?" He queried, brushing his thumb across my cheek.

"Last night at Aizawa's," I clarified, closing my eyes as the recollection of her shadow clone found its way back into my head. "I don't know what she plans on doing, but Dad and I are sure that it'll be soon."

"Did she say anything specific?" He pulled me back into his chest and I sighed at the feeling of security.

I nodded against him. "She'll hurt everyone I care about if I don't do what she wants."

Behind Blue Eyes ((TENYA IIDA X OC))Where stories live. Discover now