Chapter 9

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Walking down the streets of Musutafu, Iida and I made our way to the bakery he had mentioned before, hand in hand.

Little was said between us, though I knew he had many things he wished he could ask me. Despite that, he and I both knew that he wouldn't get a straight answer, no matter how hard he tried.

Despite my trust in him, I just couldn't find it within myself to tell him the truth. To ruin his interpretation of me and who he thought I was, whatever that is.

He hadn't let go of my hand since we left U.A.'s courtyard, and squeezed it every so often as he'd glance at me. I didn't understand his constant peeks, but I didn't find myself bothered by them, either. It was strange being with him like this, ditching school for a 'break,' or a date, as we had come to phrase it. It was strange to feel content with Iida's hand in mine, and the feelings I had suddenly felt toward him were equally weird.

I didn't know what this feeling was or where it came from, but it was the first good thing I've felt in days, and I was grateful to have him with me; even silently walking down a busy street.

About an hour of walking, Iida leads me into a small shop at the end of the street corner with tall glass windows and doors. The walls were light blue with white bases lining the floor. There were booths and small tables scattered around the small bakery, in the center of the shop was a display counter with different sweets, and above that was a chalk menu board fastened to the back wall above the kitchen entrance.

Smiling down at me, Iida tugged me along to a window booth before letting go of my hand and gesturing that I sit down.

"Is there anything in particular that you'd want?" He asked me, bending down gently to meet my eyes.

I shook my head. "Surprise me."

Iida smiled again, nodded, and turned to walk toward the display counter. I waited patiently, fiddling with the rim of my skirt as my gaze was captured by the business of the afternoon rush hour. People with different physical quirks roamed down the streets, and some grade school children who had just begun their walks home trekked the sidewalk.

Another short moment passes before Iida comes back, and when he does, he sets a mug of what looked like coffee and a cutely decorated desert in front of me. As he sat across from me, I smiled.

"Thank you, how much was this? I'll pay you back." I told him, turning toward my school bag.

"That won't be necessary, Yuki," He shook his head. "This is a date, remember? You don't have to pay me back."

"Are you sure?" I asked as the familiar warm feeling spread across my cheeks.

He nodded with a smile.

"So," he began as I picked up the mug. "How are you lately, really?"

That always seemed to be the first question he went with. I didn't know the answer. I haven't since the first time he inquired it. So, smiling meekly, I shrug.

Iida rose an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure," I say, looking down toward the warm drink in my hands. "I feel a lot of things, I suppose."

"Like what?" He urged.

Finally looking up, I smile at him. "Well, before I felt unsure and scared, but now... I don't know how to explain it. I'm happy to be here with you, Iida."

His eyes widened as a blush consumed his cheeks. "I-I feel the same way."

"But," I laughed at his reaction. "I'm also worried about how Aizawa is going to react to my absence... or my dad."

Behind Blue Eyes ((TENYA IIDA X OC))Where stories live. Discover now