Chapter 17

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My eyes felt heavy as I regained consciousness, and when I did, I couldn't recall where I was.

"Oh, good," Karafuru's voice rang in my ears. "You're awake."

Peeking open my eyes, I was met with the floor moving underneath us while Karafuru carried me on her back. I glanced up to the side of her head.


A blast from the front entrance of USJ prompted the both of us to turn our attention forward. Dust had been kicked up, and from where we stood nearest the fountain at the center of the building; the tall, muscular frame of All Might could be made out against the cloud surrounding him.

"Thank God," Karafuru mumbled gratefully as she continued running. "Let's get you out of here."

As she ran passed the dozens of villains that were left, All Might zipped down in a flash of light to take them all out at once. I watched in amazement as I gently pushed myself up on Karafuru's back. My eyes flicked around the area, and I mentally panicked at the sight of Aizawa unconscious as All Might lifted him up into his arms.

"Karafuru," I whispered as she ran, turning to look at her. "Where's my dad? Is he okay?"

Slowing down suddenly, she turned over her shoulder to look at me. The expression she wore didn't make sense to me. She looked confused, almost frightened; which only added to my anxiety.

"Yuki," she began questioningly, but before she could finish her sentence, All Might caught her attention.

"Karafuru," he said, not looking at us. She stopped her pace to look at him. "Is Young Yuki alright?"

"Yes, she should be," Karafuru confirmed, hoisting me up on her back. "Good. The rest of you, take Aizawa and head to the entrance. Hurry!"

Karafuru did as she was told, as did Tsuyu, Midoriya, and Mineta. I watched over my shoulder as the man with the hands covering his body adjusted the one covering his face. The longer I stared, the sicker I felt.

"I don't have a good feeling about this." I confessed, squeezing Karafuru's shoulders.

"This's All Might we're talking about," she replied curtly. "If anyone can beat those guys, it's him. Right now, you have to worry about yourself and your condition."

"Oh, yeah," I mumbled, shifting my gaze to the injuries littering my arms and legs. "Um, what happened, exactly?"

"You're kidding, right?" She asked exasperatedly.

"No," I frowned. "What happened?"

Karafuru shook her head. "I'll explain later."

"Let me down." I glared, leaning back and forcing her to halt.

"What? No! We have to leave, if you over exert yourself any more than you already have, you'll die!" She tried to use reason, but I shook my head defiantly.

"I have this feeling-"

"No," Karafuru snapped, dropping me onto my ass so she could turn to face me. "Being a hero isn't throwing your life away on a whim. All Might can handle himself, you, on the other hand, look like a cat scratching post."

Before I could reply, a gust of wind blew across the battle field. I turned over my shoulder as I got to my feet. The uneasy feeling deepened in my gut.

"You still let me down." I said, not turning to look at Niji as I began my sprint in All Might's direction.

"Wa- goddamnit, Yuki!" Karafuru screamed after me. I refused to turn around.

Behind Blue Eyes ((TENYA IIDA X OC))Where stories live. Discover now