Chapter 3

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After an afternoon filled with seemingly pointless quirk exercises, we were gathered before the score board only to discover that Aizawa had been lying about the expulsion since the beginning, something about getting us to use our quirks to the best of our ability so he can fully apprehend our abilities.

Happy with getting through the day with minimal incidences, I began my long walk home in wait of telling my father all about how well the first day went.

With quickly paced steps I walked through the emptying courtyard, my school bag hanging loosely around my left arm, as a hand came down swiftly on my shoulder; whipping me around to face it's owner.

I met a pair of crimson eyes and scowled. Bakugou stood before me, his hand still held firmly on my shoulder as he looked me up and down, a look I can't quite place resting on his face.

"The hell was that, frosty bitch? Or should I even call you that?" He demanded, his tone low and threatening.

"What was what?" I responded with a question, smacking his hand away.

He let it fall to his side before sliding it into his pocket, his strange look thickening into a subtle glare. "During the ball throw, I didn't see any ice when you threw it; so what the hell?"

Of course he of all people would notice. I roll my eyes, preferably trying to act as casual and non suspicious as possible.

"I used a frost boost," I lied, leaning to one side and setting a hand on my hip. "You might not have seen it, but it was there. Why does it matter to you, anyway?"

"There's no way an ice boost like that would give you over 800 meters," Bakugou growled, taking a step forward and minimizing the already small space separating us. "What are you hiding, you worthless side character?"

I let out a nervous breath as I took a step back, letting my hand fall to my side as I inched toward the schools entrance. "Nothing, and if you insist on addressing me, my name is Yuki Osoroshi, not 'Frosty Bitch' or 'Side Character.'"

Bakugou clicked his tongue as he attempted to snatch at my wrist. I pulled away and nearly ran into whoever it was coming up behind us. Both of their hands caught me by the shoulders, prompting me to look up at Iida's stern face.

"Yuki," he started, finally looking down, he shot me a warm smile. "I've been looking for you everywhere."

Thankful for the chance of escape, I returned his smile with a sigh of relief. "Have you?"

Nodding, Iida moves to my side, crossing his arm over my shoulders with his hand still resting on my arm as he turns to Bakugou.

"I hope you don't mind, Bakugou, but I'll be walking Miss Yuki home now." He shot a noticeably warning smile as he turned around, leading me toward the school entrance.

"Hey!" He yelled after us, only leading to Iida quickening his pace. "I'm not done talking to you yet, frosty bitch!"

Iida winced at the name, but urged me to keep walking and ignore him. Once around the corner of the street before U.A., he finally let his arm drop down to his side.

"What was that all about?" He inquired, sneaking a glance at me as I crossed my arms over my chest.

Shrugging, I sigh. "He was suspicious of my quirk."

"That's strange," he replied. "What for?"

"He claimed that when I threw the ball at the ball throw, that an ice related quirk couldn't have gotten me the distance I earned, so he questioned me about it." I summarized, internally wincing at the fact of lying to my only friend.

Behind Blue Eyes ((TENYA IIDA X OC))Where stories live. Discover now