Peter Parker; Because I love you

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I suck in as much air as possible as my eyes shoot open. I gasp as the clinical smell of a hospital fills my nose. The bright lights above me beaming down. The several beeping noises that surround me. The plastic tubes connected to my pale, fragile body. What happened?, I think to myself. I then see a person slumped in the chair next to me. It was my best friend, Peter. "Peter?" I whisper, using all my strength. He looks up at me, awakening from his slumber. "Oh my god, you... you're awake" he gasps, jumping up to hold my small hands. "Wha-what happened? Why am I here?" I asked, tears threatening my eyes. "You... you were in an accident" he answered, his eyes look everywhere but at me. "Peter... what happened?" I ask sternly. "It was that vulture guy, while you were driving, him and m- Spiderman, were fighting and you got caught in the middle of it" he rambles on about how worried he was and how he thought he was going to lose me. I didn't listen though, all I could think about was what I had said to him before I had driven off. I fucking hate this Peter, I can't believe this you are always blowing me off, if you don't want to be my friend just god damn tell me so I don't have to suffer anymore!!. The words ring through my head like bullets. "I'm so sorry" I whisper. "Wha-what?" he asks shocked. "I shouldn't of said that, I'm so sorry Peter" I blubber, tears rolling down my cheeks. "No no no, don't be sorry! You have nothing to be sorry for, it was me" he frowned "it was me, I should of payed more attention to you" he comforted "look y/n, I need to tell you something" he stammered "okay" I questioned. "I am... Spiderman" he gulped. "What?" I yelped, pain shooting down my sides. "No! No you can't be!" I cry "what... what if you get hurt?!" I gasp. "What if I get hurt? Y/n! You're in hospital because of that guy I need to stop him!" he defends "but no! Just... how?" I question, my chest hurting with worry. He explained everything to me, I slowly calm down and eventually, began to understand. "But why were you so... unsupportive?" he frowns, looking down at his feet. "Because Peter you could get hurt, and I don't want you to get hurt Peter, because if you get hurt, if you die I will literally go out of my freaking mind!" I argue. (Lol Teenwolf reference). "But I won't!" he huffs "you don't know that" I mumbled. "Why are you like this?! Why are you so cruel?!" He shouts "because I love you Peter! Because I love you!" I bawl. Suddenly his face softens and he walks closer pulling me into a hug. "I love you too y/n, god I love you so much"
Hey there random person! Thank you for reading this, Since this is my first imagine I wanted to try and make it good (also send in requests!)
*Please no hate in the comments*
Another update:

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