Chapter 10 ~ The curse isn't real?

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Chapter 10

Jessica's POV

We all get out my car and walk up the steps Elijah then knocks on the door which is opened by a hurried Carol Lockwood "Elijah, Elena, Jessica what are you doing here? What happened?" She asked refering Elijah's burned clothes they must have used that fire touch thingy on him ha ha. "We had a little incident and Carol I was hoping you could help," He states smiling "Well I was just on my way to a meeting so..." he cuts her off "It won't take a minute of your time," He compelles her "Okay then come in." She says smiling now compelled "Well first things first I need a change of clothes," He says walking in to the house followed by me and Elena. "Well you could try one of my husbands suits that aren't boxed up she says walking to where I presume they are kept "Wonderful," He replies "How did you know she wasn't on vervain?" Elena asked suprised as well as me as my mind reading power was still a bit off being dead 3 days "Because I was the one who got her off it," He replies well that makes sense "Right before you and your friend killed me twice, now if you excuse me a moment" It took all it had in me not to burst out laughing he got beaten by not one but 2 humans in a weeks span I am never going to let him live that down I thought to myself as he walked off to where Carol had headed.

After a few minuites of standing waiting in complete and utter silence Elijah returns and motions us to sit in what I believe to be the living room. "I presume the martin witches are no longer with us," Elijah asks breaking the growing silence "No I'm sorry," Elena replies sincerly "Wait the who witches?" I ask I think I maybe heard of them "They were my witches," Elijah says thats where I heard about them from they were working with an original so I just nod my head "So where's Katerina now?" Elijah asks me "Beats me I have been dead 3 days," I mutter then glare at Elena "Klaus took her we think she's dead," Elena announces making me giggle believes she believes he would kill her straight away thats not Klaus like at all. "I doubt that. Its not Klaus's style death is to easy for her after what she had done," Elijah announces "I don't understand you say you want Klaus dead but you still make Katherine pay?" Elena asks him puzzled "I have my own reasons for Katerina to pay There was a time I would have done anything for Klaus," He says

~ Flashback (500 years, England) ~

I was sat outside window on a tree branch watching as the dance goes on but I watch a group of 3 people 2 being my brothers and the girl Katerina I presume "she's definitly my doppleganger," Tatia half laughs as she sat next to me "A spitting image," I laugh as you can not tell them a part but I look into Tatia's eyes and as well as she may try to mask it I see sadness in her eyes watching the 2 men she loved but I quickly turn back around as I try and listen into their conversation "Where have you come from Katerina?" Klaus asked her giving here a fake smile but his eyes show a glint of evil he does not see "I am new to town my lord," Katerina replies politly to him returning the smile"Katerina is new to town she's from Bulgaria," Elijah says happily to him Klaus then says something in Bulgarian but I do not understand I never have or will be able to speak it always confused me. Then turn my attention back to them Katerina then laughed "Very good," She smiles at both the vampires "Do you mind brother. I would like to have a moment alone with her," Klaus states with an evil smirk "Not at all, Happy birthday brother," Elijah says before Klaus leads Katerina away.

~ Flashback over ~

"Yes Klaus is our brother," Elijah states to Elena bringing me out of my thoughts "I heard that I'm still prosesing," She stuttered in shock "I'm a bit behind on the terms but I believe the one your serching for is OMG," he says then takes a sip of his tea which makes me burst out loud laughing "Wow I toats did not see that coming LOL," I say shaking my head making Elena giggle and Elijah shake his head.

"So there is a whole family of originals?" Elena asked shocked as Elijah sorted out his suit at the hanging mirror "Our father was a welthy land owner in eastern europe," Elijah says "She had 8 kids, me being the coolest," I say smiling then sipping my coffee "So your family were all human?" Elena asks standing up from her chair "Our whole family was human," Elijah says turning around to face us "Well tecnically mummykins and me were witches," I corrected him earning a glare from him "Our origin of vampires is a very long story. just know we are the oldest in the world. we are the original family and from us all vampires were created," Elijah continued "Well tecnically me and Henrik are not vampires cuz we are rebels," I say in a 'matter-o-fact' tone which Elijah rolls his eyes and glared at me "So Klaus is your brother and you want him dead?" she asks him "I need some air... still feeling a tad dead," he says completly avoiding her question then heading to the back garden making me roll my eyes so we both get up and follow him.

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