Chapter 12 ~ Dead Werewolf = No Sacrifice

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Chapter 12

Damon's POV

as I stood outside the boarding house drinking the bourbon I asked myself why is she so willing to give her life up? we could kill Klaus now with bonnie but no bonnie isn't allowed to die. well guess what I don't give a damn if bonnie dies as long as Elena is safe. "hows life in the champions zone?" my annoying little brother asks me "Well I'm surounded by idiots I need all the help I can get," I tell him then taking a sip of my bourbon "You know your not helping," Stefan sighs all judging me well my way will keep her alive.

"Elijah is an original vampire Stefan. one we tried to kill twice you really going to believe this guy?" I ask him because I certainly don't "Well what do you want me to do damon? Elena made her choice to trust Elijah. she made her choice and I am going to put my faith in her," Stefan said to me "Why she's going to end up dead," I mutter to him knowing it's true "Because she put her faith in me. in dispite of what I am and if I am going to trust anyone it's her," he tries to reason with me "Well that makes you the biggest idiot of them all," I snapped at him "She chose to trust you to," He says "Maybe you shouldn't be so sure on her instints," I tell him then finish my drink off and walk back inside.

Elena's POV

"I can't understand why I am so willing to do this," I sigh as I fiddle with the elixir bottle "why are you?" Elijah asks me which makes me think "I am the key to braking the curse. Klaus is here because of me and if I don't do it he's going to hurt the people I love," I say to him knowing it is the truth. "You know there is a possiblity this elixir won't work. I don't want to miss lead you," Elijah tells me which even knowing it may cost my life I must do it "I'll take my chances," I tell him

Suddenly there is a slaming of a door and jenna saying "Get out," "Jenna, Jenna calm down put the crossbow down," Alaric's? voice says cautiously "Get out," Jenna repeats to him "It's me. Klaus he let me go, he let me go," Alaric says to us but I can't tell if it's him or not "Prove it," Damon says interupting their conversation "The first night I spent with jenna Jeremy walked in..." Alaric start before Jenna cuts in "It's him," which I am glad she did I didn't want to hear the end of that story... Jenna then lowered the crossbow down "Why did he let you go?" Stefan questioned him "He wanted me to deliver message. The sacrifice happens tonight," He tells us which just makes me nervous.

we were now back in the parlour "So you don't remember anything," Stefan questioned Ric "No it's like I blacked out and woke up 3 days later," He told us "Katherine was there," He also added "She's under compolltion damon snuck her some vervain but she can't leave till he tells her she can," Stefan says to him "Where's Damon," I asked feeling Damon wasn't handling this well at all. "Up stairs," Stefan says to me so I got up and decided to try and talk to him I hope he will understand my choice if I do this everyone I love will be safe I have to do this.

"You disappeared," I told him as I walked into his room "I don't want to here any more," Damon snapped at me whilst gazing through the window "You need to understand why I am doing this," I told him calmly why can't he understand "Why? Clearly doesn't matter what I think," He snapped again at me and started walking towards me "I will be fine Damon I will drink the elixir Bonnie will kill Klaus and this will all finaly be over," I try to reason with him but I don't see why he doesn't get it that if we don't do this the people I love will get hurt "What if it doesn't work," he questions me "It will work" I reasure him "You think it will work. You want it to work so why am I the only one convinced it won't work there has to be another way," he said coming closer "There is no other way," I tell him "You are going to die Elena." he says a few feet away from me "Then I will come back to life," I say to him I wish he would just listen "Thats a risk I am not willing to take," He says pointing his finger at me "Yes but I am," I explain to him holding his hand to try and reasure him.

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