Chapter 7 ~ First Day of School

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Chapter 7

Jessica's POV

We drove into the parking lot of the school next to Stefan and Elena who were already snogging each others faces off if they are like this all the time I am going to try and rip me eyes out I'm just saing can't they keep it to a minimum? Suddenly I noticed all eyes on me, Tatia, Anna and Henrik who were walking over to me "We better go and get our time tables before your first class starts," I say whilst grabbing my black designer hand bag from the passenger seat and we began heading into the school and Elena ran quickly up to so "Should I say to everyone me and Tatia are twins," she asked "Yup um can you take us to the office?" I asked which she just nodded in reply.

Once we got there the lady was quite suprised to see a second Elena but explained they were long lost twins as Elena was adopted. Then with a bit of compolsion me, Alex, Anna, Tatia and 'Henry' I decided It would be safer using a newer version of his name don't want this secret council of vampy hunters on our tail, well we could just eat them... hmm. "So me and Tatia have the same time tables as Elena exept I have a different history & english class. have you got the same as Jeremy? and don't forget we are the Hendersons" I asked which my answer was a ton of nods "Well we better head to class see you guys later," I told them as I walked off to chuck stuff in my locker which was easy as I just read folks minds to find it and headed to english with Mrs. what ever.

Once I got there the second bell had rang as didn't both trying to find my class as I lived through most of it so its really boring for me. "Who are you?" Mrs teacher demanded rather rude if you ask me I would have been beaten if I said that to any one before I became imortal "I am a new student here and I got lost thus the reason I am late," I announced sickly sweet like what Rebekah probably do if she was here. "Whats your name?" she snapped annoyed as I never said my name god I am going to love pissing her off... "Henderson, Jessica Henderson," I said trying to imatate James Bond which made the class laugh as I put a pair of shades on gotta love me.

I walked to a desk near the back of the class "Well anyways before I was interrupted we are going to be reading 'Moby-dick'," she said Ugh I read that book like 50 times going on about whilst glaring at me so obviously I gave her a innocently sweet smile pissing her off more "You so new girl you seem to like pissing Mrs Chalk off. I'm Matt Donavan," the boy sitting on my right said putting his hand out to shake "Jessica Henderson," I said shaking his hand then he went back to listening to the teacher so I pulled out my iphone 5c and began to try and beat my score of 55 on flappy birds and tuning out Mrs whats her face.

"Miss Henderson what is the answer," Mrs teacher asked Damn I've been spotted "Please may you repeat the question I was playing flappy birds and got 99 then died as of this stupid question as I don't care a bit about this book it's crap so I was tuning you completely out as I was absolutely board of hearing you drown on about the book which I would happily burn," I replied innocently and smiled innocently making the whole class burst out laughing my work here is done 3... 2... 1... "To the Principles office now," she commanded/shouted at me "My pleasure Mrs. What ever," I told her casually picking up my hand bag then strutted outta class "Ta ta for now my fellow Delinquents," I announced bowing to my lovely audience/classmates "Peace out suckers I'm Getting outta here," I screamed turning around doing the peace sign and walked out the room backwards as clapping and laughter filled the room.

I wondered around till I found a door saying principle Samule's office must be here so I kindly knocked on the door and heard a come in so I walked in and sat down on a chair "You must be Miss Henderson," he asked not looking up from his papers "The one and only," I replied smirking "I heard you were giving Mrs. Chalk a hard time now your guardian will be here soon so just be quiet," He grumpily said what is it with people's manners Ha bet Elijah is gonna be pissed off god I hope I'm suspended I couldn't even do first period.

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