The New Girl (Demi Lovato fanfiction)

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Hi. My name is Dani Mason. Well my full name is Danielle Bea Mason but everyone calls me Dani. I'm 17 and live with my dad and my sister Jess in England. Most people ask about my mum but she she left us after Jess was born which was 14 years ago, we haven't been in contact with her since. Everyone always apologises when I tell them about mum but I don't care. She betrayed us and I will never forgive her so its just been me, Dad and Jess all these years. About 4 years go dad met this girl called Emily and they got together and one day out of the blue she had to leave. Turns out she was from LA in the US and had to leave for reasons I am NOT going into now...

My dad decided to pack up here in England and move to LA with Emily. It was kind of fun to begin with but when I realised I would never see my friends again.. It broke my heart. In England I had two best friends first one called Chloe and the second called Madison. I first met Chloe when my mum and her mum were friends and we used to go round each others houses to play and since then we become best friends. The when we went to junior/middle school we met Madison, all three of us became really close friends and we've been inseparable ever since. When I said goodbye to them I couldn't stop crying I loved them so much they were such a big part of me. They both helped get through everything in the past. I sometimes wish I was back in England with them but I guess its too late now...

After we said our goodbyes we headed over to the US to live our new lives with Emily. Great. It's not that I don't like her I do it's just the fact it's been just me, dad and Jess for so long we've kind of gotten used to the idea of not having a woman/mum around the house but I guess that's something we'll have to deal with.

When we moved in properly and settled down in our enormous home (which feels like a mansion it's that big) dad started searching for schools for us both. Because I was thirteen nearly fourteen at the time I was just starting high school so it was easy for dad to get a school for me where as Jess was only ten so she was half way through middle school when we moved which made it harder for dad. After about 6 months of searching dad found us both schools. Jess loved her school but I hated mine. Within the first 4 months I had already developed bullies. They would call me names, hit me, send hate on the Internet everything you can possible think of they did. That was when it all started, one day the main girl who bullies me (there's a group of girls but this girl is like the 'leader') called Molly, she said to me, "nobody here in LA likes you, no wonder you have no friends, why don't you just do us all a favour and go kill yourself". That night I came home from school went straight to my room I cried for hours and hours, for the next couple of days I faked being ill and stayed home, but even being home alone doesn't stop the bullies from hurting you. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I had a Facebook message from Molly which said "What's up Dani? Didn't bother showing up for school these past few days, don't worry we'll get you, we'll make sure that the next time you set foot in school you'll regret ever moving to LA."

The next day my dad made me go to school and as per usual it was hell. Molly and her gang of girls, Alisha, Britney and Courtney- the four nastiest girls in our school were all bullying me. Molly and Britney kept pushing and shoving me into the lockers in the hallway and Alisha tripped me up in the middle of lunch and again in our English class.. God I hated life. When I got home I my phone buzzed once again and I unlocked my phone to find yet any other Facebook message from Molly

"Hey English girl, nobody likes you. Please just kill yourself. Or at least just slit your wrists like everyone at school wants you to. You'll be doing us and your family a favour"

that was it, I couldn't take anymore I went into my en suite bathroom with tears streaming down my cheeks, I quickly found my razor and without hesitation I threw it as hard as I can again the cold, hard floor which covered my bathroom. Within seconds the razor split in individual blades, I picked up the biggest one and pressed it again my wrist, I remember thinking 'well here you are Molly, I hope your happy' and with that thought I dragged the cold razor across my delicate skin causing the blood to rush down my arm. I repeated this several times all up my forearm getting deeper and deeper every time.

This isnt the first time you've cut yourself is it Dani? ...Welcome back...

the voices spoke inside my head. Snapping me out of my thoughts a rush of intense pain ran through my body and all off a sudden I felt very faint, I looked down at my wrist to find that one of my cuts were bleeding quite a lot, more than the rest and that was when my entire head went funny, I started seeing stars in my eyes and then everything just went black....

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