Chapter 8 - Old Ways

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*Dani's POV*

Oh shit.

Standing right infront of me was the girl who made my life hell. SHE was the one who caused me to break my clean streak. SHE is the one who made me attempt suicide.

''H-hi Molly..'' I said sheepishly spinning on my heels and going to walk away when she grabbed my shoulder.

''Where do you think you're going Dani? I searched all over school for you!''

''What do you want Molly?'' I said trying to keep my cool which obviously wasnt working because she she could practically smell the fear coming off of me.

''Well since you asked I think I'll tell you, so after you left school I got into a lot of trouble because you attempted suicide but failed which is a shame if I'm honest, so I decided to get you back. A week after the incident happened I dropped out of school and searched everwhere for you. When I finally found you hear at Ashton High I applied to get in and I did so guess what...''

I could tell she was being 100% serious. Fuck.


''I'm going to-'' she stepped closer to me so I could feel her breath on my face.

''I'm going to make your sad little life a living hell, so you better watch out English girl because I'm coming for you''

In one swift move I punched her in the stomach making her bend over, then kneeing her in the nose causing her to fall to the ground in shock and pain. I stood there for a second trying to take in what I had just done, whilst Molly was lying  there groaning in pain. I hesitated before I sprinted down the dark corridoor out the back door into the parking lot where Emily was waiting for me.

''Hey kiddo whats up'' she asked because I litteraly jumped into the car and now trying to catch my breath.

''Nothing I just wanna go home'' I said hiding any sign of what just happened on my face.

The journey home was completely silent apart from the random outburts of 'YOU FUCKING WANKER' from Emily at careless drivers on the road. As soon as the car pulled onto the drive I got out kicked the door shut, sprinted into the house and up into my room slamming the door closed behind me. Thats when everything in the last 12 hours hit me. Abby asking out my 'past', my 'counsilling' session with Miss Lovato and of course Molly finding me. I collapsed against my door letting the tears fall freely down my cheeks onto my chest. At that moment my phone buzzed in my pocket shaking me from my crying state, I unlocked my phone staring at the text I had just recieved which made me sob even harder.

From: Molly Wilcox

You better watch your back English girl, cus I'm coming for you and I'm gonna make you pay for what you did... Do me a favour, before I get to you, rather than wasting my energy on a piece of worthless shit like youself why dont you just slit open your wrists and let them bleed out??? It'll save me a lot of trouble.

By this time I was hysterically crying on my floor struggling to breathe.

..Come and play Dani..

..We'll make everything go away, Molly, Miss Lovato even that Abby girl they'll all go away..

Shut up!!

..Come on Dani just one cut they'll never know..

..Do it for us...

I imediately stood up off the floor and walked into my en suit bathroom, thats when all of the memories from my last cuts came flooding back to me.. but that still didnt stop me. I walked into the bathroom and reached up onto the top of my mirror/cabinet and felt around amoungst the dust for my spare blade. Once I found it I ripped it from the tape it was under and started dragging it across my skin. Gently at first but with each cut it got deeper and deeper.

I snapped out of my 'trance' when I heard Jess calling me, I looked down to find my sink drenched in blood. I ran some water to try and clean the sink but it wasnt working there was just so much blood... Jess shouted up asking if everything was alright.

''YEAH EVERYTHING'S FINE'' I practically yelled downstairs.

The truth is I dont know if everything is going to be fine...

*Demi's POV*

''...I'm going to make your life a living hell...''

Now that doesn't sound good. I got up out of my chair, shut my laptop down and slowly walked over to the door to see what was going on, I couldn't quite hear exactly what was being said but I could see everything and what I saw got me really confused, I saw Dani backed up against the wall next to the door and the other new student Molly Wilcox in front of her intimidating her. Then all of a sudden I see Dani punch Molly in the stomach and knee her in the nose.


Before I got chance to go out and speak to her Dani sprinted down the corridoor towards the parking lot.

Then it hit me.

Molly Wilcox is the girl who bullied Dani..


Sorry this is a short and shit chapter I wrote it on my tablet with my dad's tiny wireless keyboard rather than on my computer..

SO! Molly has come back.... DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNN

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