Chapter 4 - You're Doing What?!

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*Dani POV*

Its been 4 days since I woke up from my coma. I really need to leave this horrible hospital. Jess, Dad and Emily have visited every single day and each time we go through the same 'routine'. They come in and talk to me for a little bit. Emily brings me some of her homemade lasagne (which is to die for), I then have to take my medication which for some reason Jess gets emotional about, don’t ask me why she just does. For some reason over these last 4 days I've been in hospital Jess keeps being nice to me, don’t get me wrong we're always nice to each other because we have such a close relationship (after mum left) but when I say she's being nice I mean she's bringing me flowers, chocolates, teddies and stuff from home... It's nice and all but I just don’t see why...

Ever since my 'attempted suicide' Jess has been a wreck. She keeps blaming herself for my attempt. She keeps saying that if she had come up sooner or something then I wouldn't be in this hospital or in this mess and if I'm honest, when she tells me it’s all her fault it literally breaks my heart into a millions of pieces.

Today however is different. Today is the day I get out of this hell hole. If I'm honest I cannot fucking wait.


The familiar sound of my irritating alarm clock started ringing through my ears, I hate that fucking thing. I slowly open my eyes to see a nurse standing over me with a slightly scary grin on her face...

"Wakey wakey Danielle!" she said excitedly as she skipped across the room, I have my eyes on her the whole time... she's starting to scare me.

"I keep telling you to call me Dani, you know how I don’t like being called Danielle! Anyway why are you so happy then Jennifer?"

Jenny's smile all of a sudden turned into a death glare giving me the evil eyes..

"How do you know my full name Dani?"

"Let's just say I have my ways Jennifer..."

"What have you done Danielle Bea Mason? You bin' interrogating those poor interns with your dirty ways again?" at this point we were both practically crying with laughter"

“Don’t worry Jen I’m not that mean…” I managed to say after calming down from my laughing fit.

“Okay. Do you wanna know why I’m so happy?” I nodded whilst my eyes were still focused on her.

“Well you know what today is right? You’re leaving that’s why I’m happy!” She gave me a slight push on my shoulder. I laugh at her stupid joke and roll out of bed on to the freezing cold floor. “Jesus fuck its cold.” I said starting to shiver.

*3 Hours Later*

“So you all packed?” Dad asks me as I gather up my clothes.

“Yep, not that I had much here anyway, just teddys and stuff.” I said to him as he slowly walks out of the room. I walk over to the window ignoring the squeaky sound that my trainers are making as they catch on the shiny floor. I look out the window at the view of LA, it’s so beautiful.

“Come on Dani its time to goooo” Jess says as she walks into my room interrupting my moment with LA. I pick up my two bags full of teddies and clothes and walk out of this prison cell. This past week has been just horrible. After signing lots of documents saying I’m fit to be discharged me and Jess walk out of the hospital hand in hand. As we get closer to the car Jess tightens her grip which starts to concern me. We walk upto dad and he turns around and weakly smiles at me. He quickly glances at my arms which still have bandages on them then looks at me directly in my eyes and then says “Dani, we have to have a serious chat.” I feel Jess squeeze my hand even tighter than before, I look down at her to see she has tears streaming down her face. Without saying a word to Dad or Jess I let go of Jess’s hand and get into the car leaving Dad and Jess looking slightly confused at what just happened.

On the car journey home I start to wonder what this ‘serious chat’ is all about, it could be about my attempted suicide, my sexuality, (by the way I’m gay) or it could be about my bullying…

After 20 minutes of awkward silence Jess spoke up, “So dad whats for tea?” Gosh I love her, always thinking of her stomach and always knows how to kill awkwardness. Finally arriving back home I get out the car dragging all my stuff behind me and walk straight up to my room without saying hi to Emily or anything, it’s a sign to my family that I’m pissed off.

Walking towards my room I see that dad has removed the lock from my bedroom door and that the wood around the handle is all smashed up, I guess that’s from Jess’s attempt to get in my room. I push the door open with force causing it to hit the wall behind leaving a massive crash echoing around my room. I put my stuff down on the floor next to my desk and walk over to my bed, I kick my shoes off and jump onto my bed making myself bounce up and down and that’s when I hear a knock at the door.

“Dani, can I talk to you please?” It’s only Emily, I nod at her and she walks in my room closing the door behind her. She walks over to my bed and sits uncomfortably on the edge, she starts to fidget which tells me she has something bad to tell me.

“So me and your father have been talking about what happened the other week and we have come to a decision. We have decided to pull you out of Bridgewater High and send you to a new school called Ashton High”

Before I even have chance to interrupt she continues talking.

“We have also decided to send you to a therapist/councillor four days a week including weekends to try and help you with your self-harming issues. We are also going to give you a curfew of 9:30 pm to avoid any trouble and we’re cutting off all contact with your friends from England.”

My jaw drops, I am in total shock. They can’t do this. It isn’t fair.

“Why are you doing this Emily? I thought you were on my side?” I ask her practically in tears.

“We’re doing it for your safety hunny, your father doesn’t want anything else happening to you.”

“The only reason that happened was because off bullying!! It has nothing to do with Chloe and Madison so why are you cutting off my contact with them?!”

I’m starting to get angry now. They have no right to stop me from talking to Chloe and Madison it’s not fair, they didn’t even do anything!

“We think that cutting off contact with Chloe and Maddie will help you get better because of everything that happened in your past and with your ex Claire.”


I stand up off of my bed and walk into my bathroom and slam the door behind me, dad also took the lock off of the door so instead I sit on the floor leaning against the door to stop Emily coming in.

They can’t do this, Chloe and Maddie have been there for me since the beginning, even when Mum left they were there. They have helped me through thick and thin, they’re like my sisters.

I let the tears fall down my face creating a pool on the floor next to me. All sorts of different thoughts race around in my head making my scared of the future but all I can think about is Ashton high, what if I get bullied again, I don’t want this to be a nasty cycle that will end up with tears and blood. What if I don’t get any friends? What if I end up like my old self back in England. I don’t want it to happen again. I don’t want to be broken anymore.

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