Once again I was thrown in Dominic's room. Well thrown is a harsh word but I'm so bored in here. This boy doesn't have any video games, I'm pretty sure he has some sort of laptop.
Anyways, I've been sitting in his room all night watching various TV shows on my laptop. Who knew he'd go out of his way just to get me wifi? Him and his father told me that I can't have my phone back and Dominic promised to buy me a new one.
As promised they drove me to my house and got me the things I thought I wanted and needed. I took usual things like my laptop, clothes, make up, books, shoes, NOT my phone because they took it.
I understand though, Edward told me someone was threatening me so my phone would be replaced in the morning.
As I watch the sun rise my body feels like a thousand pounds. My eyelids flutter close just to shoot open again. I've set up Dominic's window by putting pillows in the bottom, sitting on them, then covering myself in a blanket. The window is just wide enough for me to sit in.
The array of colors of the sunrise lull me into a light, but good sleep.
I wake up to the soft humming of a man. The song, I don't recognize, but the voice I do. I stir over, shifting the blanket around my waist. In my view I see Dominic in only a towel, that's wrapped around his hips, washing his face. I hum and smile at the view.
Dominic's arms are completely covered in tattoos. His back has a couple here and there, but they're large ones. I wonder if each tattoo has it's own story, a story of why he got it. I wonder which tattoos mean the most to him and why they mean the most.
"So sorry, I didn't mean for you to catch me half naked." I suddenly hear Dominic rush out. He pulls another towel over his top half, grabbing his clothes and beginning to close the door.
"It's okay, Dom." I murmur and roll back over. I push my face down in the pillows as deep as I can. After a few minutes I hear the door open back up and the bed to my left sink down. "Did you move me back to the bed?"
I feel Dominic's hand run through my hair. "Yes, I didn't want you to fall out of the window." I roll over, my right hip is laid over his knee, and my arm is laid across his lap. For once I realized he dressed for the day in normal jeans, a T-shirt, a leather jacket, and Nike high tops. What the fuck? Did he just get hotter??
"Thank you." I mumble and push the blanket down. His hand drops to his lap. At the moment I'm wearing short shorts and a huge shirt. As I feel his eyes wonder over my body I yawn and sit up. "What time is it?" He smiles down at me almost as if he's in a trance.
"It's about six in the afternoon." He answers after a few seconds. My eyes widen and I basically jump out of his bed. I begin rummaging through my bags looking for clothes to wear. I can't hear anything behind me until I hear the door shut. Then I realize he left. That's strange.
I change into black matching underwear and bra, normal jeans, and a white tank top. Once I'm slipping my Vans on, Dominic comes back in. He's holding a smaller leather jacket that looks almost exactly like his. My heart jumps into my throat.
"I, uhm, it's kind of cold today so I got you a little leather jacket so we could match, but um, you don't have to wear it. I understand if you think it's dumb. But yeah..." He has one of his hands rubbing the back of his neck and there's a deep blush dusting over his cheeks.
"Thank you." I whisper feeling my own blush start to form. His hand drops as he quickly nods and begins placing the jacket where I can put my arms through it. I feel my heart beating like a clock that's being sped up.

Bad Boy's Babygirl✔ [Book 1]
Romance"I won't ever let anyone hurt you." He whispered against my skin sending chills down my spine. I whimpered as I nodded. "Princess?" He mumbled into my ear making my knees go weak. "I know, Dominic." It came out more as a plea than a statement, I fel...